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Cortisol fluctuations

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Hi all, Still chatting with doc.

My saliva tests show high midnight and am cortisol. BUT, had seriously

intense bad news two days ago. Had been sleeping well, no hot flashes etc.

Past two nights, hot flashes like clockwork, anxiety, even a panic attack,

waking every 2 hours. Many symptoms (from what I can tell) of a thyroid dump.

My T-3 is low and shrink has written low dose Cytomel. I'm attempting a very

slow weaning from klonopin as well.

Is it likely a thyroid dump??? Is there ANYTHING I can do.

I can sleep if I up the klonopin back up to 2m per day plus 700mg soma. I need

to get OFF these drugs.

I'm in a rage (yes I keep it inside) most of the time.... I am working outside

3 days a week with horses and people and I'm calm and sane.... but I get all

weird again when I drive off the property.

Other than being cranky and excessively tired by mid afternoon, untill the news

2 days ago, I was at least functioning.

I get regular accupuncture.

Am doing the ashwaganda, rhodiola and seriphos. For now, I'm attemting to eat

higher protein and stay away from sugar which I know sets me off. I'm not even

drinking any wine for the time being.

Am spending LOTS of time reading over on www.stopthestyroidmadness.

Should I fill the cytomel and take it at my first 1 or 2 am wake up??

My doc is at least researching stuff and I introduced her to the STTM site.

I'm still pushing for Armour...

I don't mind the soma, but I desperately want off the klonopin. Have weaned

down to only 1 mg per night. Was as high as 2 mg for at least 6 months. Will

not attempt to go any lower for at least 2 weeks then will drop only 1/2 tablet

for a slower weaning.

In researching klonopin, a withdrawal side effect can be rebound insomnia.....

Anythoughts opinions anyone else want to vent along with me????

I feel like crying .

Thanks for listening.


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