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Hi Cheryl;

FISH stands for "Fluorescence in situ hybridization":


"FISH is a laboratory technique used to determine how many copies of a specific segment of DNA are present in a cell. It is also used to identify structurally-abnormal chromosomes. In the lab, a segment of DNA is chemically modified and labeled so that it will look fluorescent (very brightly colored) under a special microscope. This DNA is called a "probe." Probes can find matching segments of DNA when added to cells under certain conditions."

"For example, if a baby is suspected of having trisomy 21 Down syndrome and an amniocentesis is done on the pregnancy, a FISH study can be performed on the cells found in the amniotic fluid. A probe made for chromosome #21 can determine how many copies of the #21 chromosome the baby has. Under a special microscope, the cells from a baby with trisomy 21 would contain three "signals" or three brightly colored areas, where the probe matched up with the three #21 chromosomes. A FISH study does not replace a chromosome study, but is done in addition to a standard chromosome study, depending on the birth defect in question."

"FISH can be used to detect structural chromosome abnormalities (such as submicroscopic deletions) that are beyond the resolution of extended banding chromosome studies."

At the ville conference, Dr. Gores showed examples of how FISH can be used to reveal extra chromosomes in cholangiocarcinoma cells recovered from bile duct brushings. He showed images depicting 3 copies of a chromosome per cell when there should only be 2 copies in a normal cell.

A MELD calculator is available at:


It uses the following formula:

The MELD score = 10 * [(0.957 * LN(SCR in mg/dL)) + (0.378 * LN(total bilirubin in mg/dL)) + (1.12 * LN(INR)) + 0.643)]

where LN = natural logarithm, SCR = serum creatinine (mg/dL), and INR = international normalized ratio

A "Hepascore" is a measure of fibrosis that has been mostly used in Hepatitis C patients:

Clin. Chem. 51: 1867-1873 (2005)

Hepascore: an accurate validated predictor of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C infection.

LA, Bulsara M, Rossi E, DeBoer B, Speers D, J, Kench J, Farrell G, McCaughan GW, GP


My son has not had this test.

Best regards,


(father of (22); PSC 07/03; UC 08/03)

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