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I'm sorry but I did not understand your last post? No I do not believe Lana

is being a whiner! I am not trying to get to you or anyone else. This is not


With all respect and sincerity!An apology is in order here to Lana!


Re: Report from doctor visit - /Lana

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Ewwwww, Brat, I'm so sorry. Do they know what is causing all the tummy troubles? Do you have

pancreatitis, too? Sure sounds familiar. I'll be sending up prayers, and hoping for better things for

you real soon. Love you, MM

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Ewwwww, Brat, I'm so sorry. Do they know what is causing all the tummy troubles? Do you have

pancreatitis, too? Sure sounds familiar. I'll be sending up prayers, and hoping for better things for

you real soon. Love you, MM

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Ewwwww, Brat, I'm so sorry. Do they know what is causing all the tummy troubles? Do you have

pancreatitis, too? Sure sounds familiar. I'll be sending up prayers, and hoping for better things for

you real soon. Love you, MM

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Barb, If you ever want to see San Francisco area, I can meet you anywhere in this general area. I

am about an hour out of the city, north of it. Love to meet you in person. I have been lucky enough

to meet visit with two of our other former moderators, Christi and Normi. Christi and her family came up from Anaheim to Wasco one Thanksgiving to meet me, and Normi came out here a year

ago last October for a three day stay in my home. We sure did have fun. Y'all come on. Love, MM

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Barb, If you ever want to see San Francisco area, I can meet you anywhere in this general area. I

am about an hour out of the city, north of it. Love to meet you in person. I have been lucky enough

to meet visit with two of our other former moderators, Christi and Normi. Christi and her family came up from Anaheim to Wasco one Thanksgiving to meet me, and Normi came out here a year

ago last October for a three day stay in my home. We sure did have fun. Y'all come on. Love, MM

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Gosh ,

I sure hope your rheumy can shed some light on what's going on with you! Let us know what happens tomorrow!




Thanks Mike. I have no idea what's causing anything anymore. I see the rhuemy tomorrow to take care of that side of everything. The dr's office called today and I have to do a 24 hour urine catch. My creatinine levels are still high and have lots of protien (?). My pinched nerve is getting worse. If I don't watch how I grab stuff I drop it. Talk about feeling like a clutz!

"The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies"The LUPIES Web Page"http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html"The LUPIES online photo albums!" Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies

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Brat, Well...that 24 hour urine thing, I had to do that many times in the past. But, the container

they made me use was this big, maroon colored bag-like plastic jug that stuck out a mile. I had to

carry that sucker around with me wherever I went. Very embarrassing. Looked like a big internal

organ from one of those plastic anatomical models of a cow. Very weird. LOL

I hope things are not too bad. Let me know what you find out, 'k? Loving hugs, MM

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Brat, Well...that 24 hour urine thing, I had to do that many times in the past. But, the container

they made me use was this big, maroon colored bag-like plastic jug that stuck out a mile. I had to

carry that sucker around with me wherever I went. Very embarrassing. Looked like a big internal

organ from one of those plastic anatomical models of a cow. Very weird. LOL

I hope things are not too bad. Let me know what you find out, 'k? Loving hugs, MM

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Brat, Well...that 24 hour urine thing, I had to do that many times in the past. But, the container

they made me use was this big, maroon colored bag-like plastic jug that stuck out a mile. I had to

carry that sucker around with me wherever I went. Very embarrassing. Looked like a big internal

organ from one of those plastic anatomical models of a cow. Very weird. LOL

I hope things are not too bad. Let me know what you find out, 'k? Loving hugs, MM

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Read my msg re this topic.


Re: Mike

Brat, Well...that 24 hour urine thing, I had to do that many times in the past. But, the containerthey made me use was this big, maroon colored bag-like plastic jug that stuck out a mile. I had tocarry that sucker around with me wherever I went. Very embarrassing. Looked like a big internalorgan from one of those plastic anatomical models of a cow. Very weird. LOLI hope things are not too bad. Let me know what you find out, 'k? Loving hugs, MM "The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies"The LUPIES Web Page"http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html"The LUPIES online photo albums!" Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies

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Read my msg re this topic.


Re: Mike

Brat, Well...that 24 hour urine thing, I had to do that many times in the past. But, the containerthey made me use was this big, maroon colored bag-like plastic jug that stuck out a mile. I had tocarry that sucker around with me wherever I went. Very embarrassing. Looked like a big internalorgan from one of those plastic anatomical models of a cow. Very weird. LOLI hope things are not too bad. Let me know what you find out, 'k? Loving hugs, MM "The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies"The LUPIES Web Page"http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html"The LUPIES online photo albums!" Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies

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Read my msg re this topic.


Re: Mike

Brat, Well...that 24 hour urine thing, I had to do that many times in the past. But, the containerthey made me use was this big, maroon colored bag-like plastic jug that stuck out a mile. I had tocarry that sucker around with me wherever I went. Very embarrassing. Looked like a big internalorgan from one of those plastic anatomical models of a cow. Very weird. LOLI hope things are not too bad. Let me know what you find out, 'k? Loving hugs, MM "The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies"The LUPIES Web Page"http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html"The LUPIES online photo albums!" Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies

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In a message dated 4/30/04 10:42:29 AM, Mike writes:

> Great - we have witches coming out of the woodwork on the board and

> now you are soliciting for fairies and elves?

Mark writes:

BTW, I'm also an Irish fairy ;)

Cindy says:

You can add my little red head to that group too! I'm Irish,& ish.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Dorothy, Thanks, honey. I wish you well with the med review on Tyler. He sounds a lot like my

and he is still a handful, but he is grown and on his own, now. I keep praying for you both. Love, MM

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What about fix a flat or maybe a little caulk...it comes in nice

colors! LOL

We love you MM!!!!


> They have that stuff you put in radiators to stop leaks, do you

think that would work??


> love ya


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Hey, Brat, You mean StopLeak? I don't know, between you and the chemicals and Becky and the

tampons, maybe I could DYI? LOL I don't THINK so. Love, MM

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Hey, Brat, You mean StopLeak? I don't know, between you and the chemicals and Becky and the

tampons, maybe I could DYI? LOL I don't THINK so. Love, MM

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Hey, Brat, You mean StopLeak? I don't know, between you and the chemicals and Becky and the

tampons, maybe I could DYI? LOL I don't THINK so. Love, MM

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