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My shrink called me yesterday. I've agreed to stay on Cytomel 10 mcg via 2

doses (she didn't even like that much but it's MY BODY!!!!!!)

She's all concerned about the calcium and such and of course the " inability "

to accurately measure how " much " T4 T3 in Armour.

BUT, this am I'm doing research on Hashimoto's since my canary Club shows

positive antibodies. Well, um duhhhhhhhhh, shouldn't that be looked at

as part of the overall picture.

Am seeing her PCP on March 5 who is an integrative MD and will be bringing

up the Hashimoto's.

I'll self treat if necessary, but prefer not to...

A friend pointed me to some books she has correlating the occurance of

autoimmune disease (hashimoto's) and negative thought patterns (my

therapist keeps brining this up and I trust her)

Makes sense, if I feel like crap cause people keep dying, then I'm

thinkin' a ton of negative thoughts.... negative programming of the

brain.... increased toxins cause I'm always angry.... medical system

doesn't looke at symptoms, only labs, I get more angry, more toxins,

more inflammitory process.... and the cycle continues with, here take

antidepressants, and there is always a new one.

I could go on, but I'm just venting at this point. SO MANY PUZZLE pieces

are beginning to fit. And at least I have an accuate psych dx which is

PTSD.... and am working from there.

THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A lot of people give of themselves to keep things going...

If I can ever get temps above 97.4 I'll be happy.... but I don't get sick

easily so for that I'm thankful.... but pain and brain fog......

okay, I'm done venting for this round...

kc in AZ

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