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OT: Fermented foods and other crackpot food theories!

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Yay! Another crunchy Mama!

I do have IBD -- Dxed with UC when I was 16. It is pancolitis. I ignored

symptoms for two

years and only got tested when I was very ill. Stupid teenager. It was hard

enough dealing

with my Dx as a teen -- I can't imagine how hard it must be to have to deal with

that in a

little one. I hope you can get back to the chickens and cow soon.

As far as the WAPF site is concerned, I switched back to olive oil after reading

that Canola

oil has inflammatory properties. Given the fact that every cell in our bodies

utilize a lipid

barrier (as opposed to an actual cellular wall like vegetation) I figure that

high quality fats

are one of the most important things I can do for overall health. Hence the cod

liver oil as

well. My other reading/research has led me to using hand crafted bar soap

shampoo and

regular soap, single ingredient, culinary grade sweet almond oil as a skin

moisturizer, I've

started making my own version of Funk Butter deodorant, and so on. This is my

way of

trying to lessen our exposure to chemicals (dioxane, sulfates, pthalates -- you

get the

picture!) Who knows -- I might be wasting my time, but it does give me the sense


exerting some control over all this insanity, and on some psychic level, that

makes me feel

good. So even if it does nothing concrete, it still helps!



> Colleen,

> I thought you might know about it but I didn't want to assume you did.

> I am on the same page with you as far as cloth diapering, etc. are

> concerned. Actually carrying all that out with our family situation

> is tough, but I do what I can. We had a dairy cow and chickens until

> last Fall but sold them when Pearl Ann got sick. :(


> Do you only have PSC or do you have IBD as well? If you have IBD,

> what in the WAPF have you found to be helpful and what isn't helpful?




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I know -- I did the same thing -- started using grapeseed oil. I must say, I

have been

feeling much better since I made the switch (added coconut oil, olive oil and

cod liver oil)

in my diet, but admittedly, the increased daylight has to be taken into

consideration, as

well as placebo effect.

My philosophy about this: anything that has been chemically altered or has not


consumed by humans for a long time (artificial sweeteners, transfats, high

fructose corn

syrup) can't be good for us. I prefer to buy ingredients and do my own cooking


baking. If the ingredient list is longer than 8 items, I don't buy it!

In general, I think that olive oil might be sort of " neutral, " not really

helping, but not

hurting either.

Here is a link to some info on fats and oils:




after reading that Canola oil has inflammatory properties.>


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I know -- I did the same thing -- started using grapeseed oil. I must say, I

have been

feeling much better since I made the switch (added coconut oil, olive oil and

cod liver oil)

in my diet, but admittedly, the increased daylight has to be taken into

consideration, as

well as placebo effect.

My philosophy about this: anything that has been chemically altered or has not


consumed by humans for a long time (artificial sweeteners, transfats, high

fructose corn

syrup) can't be good for us. I prefer to buy ingredients and do my own cooking


baking. If the ingredient list is longer than 8 items, I don't buy it!

In general, I think that olive oil might be sort of " neutral, " not really

helping, but not

hurting either.

Here is a link to some info on fats and oils:




after reading that Canola oil has inflammatory properties.>


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I have been accused of being crunchy more than once...:)

Back when Pearl was diagnosed I felt horrible that we hadn't been

following the WAPF like I knew we should have been. I felt that it

contributed to Pearl's Crohn's diagnosis. I'm still not convinced

that it didn't, but I can't spend my life feeling guilty one way or

another. I did try to pull back on all foods and start her out with

just chicken stock and go from there. She was terribly compliant and

the formula we put her on during that time didn't help things either.

What is frustrating for me is seeing people like Jordan Rubin who

supposedly have done really well eating this way and don't have to

take medications for their Crohn's Disease. I can't see this being

true for Pearl. Her disease must somehow be different. She presented

at such a young age with such severe disease it has to be. This is

discouraging but I knew since she was born that she was somehow more

fragile and I was always more protective of her than my other babies.

(even though she weighed 10 pounds, 4 ounces!)

I have been using natural soaps on her and have been buying mostly

organic foods for home. I hope it is making a difference. Have you

used the Spectrum palm oil? We use it for frying. I still soak my

grains for pancakes and use coconut oil in place of butter. I only

use olive oil for dressings, combined with vinegar. I try not to cook

with it. We still make our own butter occasionally, but we don't have

a good, convenient source of fresh farm milk to make it from. It is

also a lot of work. Have you tried high vitamin butter oil?

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I am so sorry that you have to deal with your little one's illness. It has

always been my

understanding that auto-immune diseases seem to be more nasty and aggressive the

earlier dx'ed. I don't understand why that is. I feel sorry enough for myself

some days, but

I'd die a thousand deaths if I could before seeing one of my babies suffering

with what I


I can see how you would feel that way, but " coulda, shoulda, woulda " isn't going

to change

the reality one bit, and only makes you feel worse. The fact IS that you are


everything for her NOW, which is all you can do.

As for the food and stuff, we do the same -- olive oil and vinegar only for

salad. No, I

have not tried palm oil, and I have not even heard of high vitamin butter oil. I

am using

more and more coconut oil in my diet, and I got some raw, fermented sauerkraut

to see if

I like it before I try making it this fall! LOL! I had some with dinner and

liked it. I will

definitely add caraway and dill to mine.

For the grains, do you have a mill? And if you have a sourdough recipe to share,

I'd love to

hear it. I have been thinking about setting a " trap " for some wild yeast and

start making

sourdough -- it is a family favorite.

I hope that Pearl is better and out of the hospital soon.



> I have been accused of being crunchy more than once...:)


> Back when Pearl was diagnosed I felt horrible that we hadn't been

> following the WAPF like I knew we should have been...

> What is frustrating for me is seeing people like Jordan Rubin who

> supposedly have done really well eating this way and don't have to

> take medications for their Crohn's Disease. I can't see this being

> true for Pearl. Her disease must somehow be different. She presented

> at such a young age with such severe disease it has to be...

> I have been using natural soaps on her and have been buying mostly

> organic foods for home. I hope it is making a difference. Have you

> used the Spectrum palm oil? We use it for frying. I still soak my

> grains for pancakes and use coconut oil in place of butter. I only

> use olive oil for dressings, combined with vinegar. I try not to cook

> with it. We still make our own butter occasionally, but we don't have

> a good, convenient source of fresh farm milk to make it from. It is

> also a lot of work. Have you tried high vitamin butter oil?




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