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Thanks to those of you who sent well wishes to Bill and his family - I've passed them along and they appreciate the support. I saw Bill again today, and this is the latest...they took his blood this morning around 8:00, before the results were in the doc came in and told him he could try clear liquids. When Becky and I arrived around 9:30 he'd had several things to drink and remained pain free. However, before we left (around 1:30 p.m.) the doc came in and said despite the fact that he hadn't had anything by mouth in two days, his Lipase and Amylase were both higher. That certainly concerned me and I asked the doctor (outside of Bill's room) if she thought (since the pancreatitis wasn't clearing up after 10 days) the PSC may be affecting his pancreas now, as it has mine. She was uncertain, but did not believe that they had looked in his pancreas during the ERCP. In the meantime, his primary care doc had contacted endocrinologists to take a closer look at his pancreas. That is a huge relief! He showed me his labs from yesterday and several of his labs are off, but the only one that will affect his MELD score is his elevated INR. I'm going to run it tonight myself, out of curiosity, on UNOS' site. Despite all of this he's back to his sense of humor that we all love so much.

This evening I came home with Becky to meet their kids and Bill's parents, and I am so glad I did! His kids are great - his oldest, Chloe, is a female version of Bill in every sense. I can't get over it, and told her so many times (as I was laughing - amazed at how much of Bill's mannerisms and characteristics she possesses). Bill's mom and dad are wonderful, caring, loving people and I may just have to adopt them. Tomorrow Chloe is riding with me and we're following Bill's parents back into Madison to visit Bill, again. They have been amazing to me and truly grateful that I made the trip. Apparently Bill told them how excited he was and that he "lost it" when he saw me and they were so happy to hear that. And from a parent's perspective I believe they are truly happy to have PSC knowledge and advocacy ability working for Bill. I hope I made them understand that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else - I am truly glad I came. I've gained as much from this trip as they have.

One last note, of a personal nature - Becky took me down to the transplant clinic at UW, where there is two large walls covered with donors names. I stepped up to the doorway and began to cry. It was so overwhelming that when we left I had to stop in the hallway to compose myself - it took everything I had not to sob. As a transplantee it's one of the most emotional things I've experienced. So much so that I cried when I told Bill about it, and I'm crying now. I can't even begin to put it into words, I wouldn't know where to begin. Before transplant I thought I knew what I would need to know and what to expect, but now on the other side of transplant there are many things that I'd like to share with group members that are anticipating tx, the things that were not shared with me beforehand. You can't know what you need until you need it, but those of us who've been there, done that have a lot of insight to share.

Well, enough for now. I feel like I'm fighting a possible cold or worsening allergies and I want to stay ahead of it, so I'm going to turn out the lights and pray for plenty of good sleep. I've been drinking water all day trying to ensure that I stay hydrated and healthy. I'm going to take some Benadryl and pray that whatever this is doesn't get a grip on me.

Again, thanks for all of the kind words and prayers they are all well spent - Bill is a great guy and deserves good health and happiness.


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