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2010 12th Annual MSET/ PHI STAT Air Helicopter Landing Zone Training Class - REGISTRATION OPEN - FREE to the public

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2010 12th Annual MSET / PHI STAT Air Landing Zone Training Class

* * * * * * PRE- R E G I S T R A T I O N N O W O P E N TO THE

PUBLIC * * * * * *

Click www.mset-tx.org to register

* * * FREE Classes and CEs * * * *


Pre-register On Line NOW http://www.mset-tx.org/> to be eligible for DOOR



Re: FREE - 2010 12th Annual MSET/ PHI STAT Air Helicopter

Landing Zone Safety Training Class

FREE Continuation Education Credits (CEs)

Event Date: 02/13/2010

Helicopter Landings: 7:45 am - 8:15 am

LZ Class: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Price: FREE

Location: Shoreline Christian Center

15201 Burnet Rd

Austin, TX 78728-3505

Please distribute this notice to ALL potential attendees.


DSHS Certified - 3 CE Credits (Landing


TCLEOSE Certified - 3 CE Credits (Landing


Board of Nurse Examiners - 3 Type 2 CE Credits

Class Descriptions: Landing Zone:

PHI STAT Air will conduct training on selecting and preparing an emergency

Helicopter landing zone, pilot communication, helicopter approach and

patient packaging.

Hands on patient loading and unloading demonstrations will be held at 10:30


In addition, a monitoring area will be set up at 8:00am for anybody

interested in listening in on pilot to ground crew communications while

landing the STAR Flight, TX DPS, PHI STAT Air and Air Evac Helicopters for

the LZ class.

Target Participants: All Emergency Medical Services personnel, Law

Enforcement, Fire, Search and Rescue, Nurses, First Responders, Boy & Girl

Scouts, Military Academies and Amateur Radio Operators, Disaster Recovery

Personnel and the general public.


ALL attendees,

Please PRE-REGISTER for the LZ class a prior to the event, by visiting

http://www.mset-tx.org/> www.mset-tx.org and clicking on the LZ Class

Registration link.

*** Pre-registration will make you eligible to win some great door prizes

from: ***

*** Uniform; Southern Safety; GT Distributing and more ***


* Attached is the tri-fold brochure with details of the LZ class,

pre-registration information and directions.

* The class is scheduled to begin at 8:30 am sharp. MSET members

will be on site shortly after 7:00AM.

* The class will continue rain or shine with expected attendance of

between 250-400 participants.

* Arrival of the, PHI STAT Air, Star Flight, Air Evac Critical Air,

and the TX DPS, APD helicopters are expected between 7:45 am -8:15 am and

will be on display.

* Communications with Helicopter pilots will be conducted on

Intercity frequency 154.95 between 7:45 am - 8:15 am

* Please PRE-REGISTER for the class at www.mset-tx.org

http://www.mset-tx.org/> .

* Coffee & donuts will be available for a small donation.

Please forward this e-mail and attachment to all your department's personnel

and anyone else that you deem may benefit from these safety training classes

and workshops.

If possible please print the attached tri-fold brochure and distribute it


If you have already registered, we thank you and are looking forward to

seeing you at the class.

Due to the many electronic distribution lists and e-groups to which this

email is forwarded and of which we do not maintain, we apologize in advance

if you receive this message multiple times or unsolicited.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you for your assistance.


Barry Jucha

Public Information Officer / Treasurer

Motorcycle Special Events Team

www.mset-tx.org http://www.mset-tx.org/>

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