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But what fun is that? (WAS: Re: Religion)

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But Doc what fun is it not to slight someone for something they say feel

believe think etc. ?

After all it is a tradition in EMS to drive folks away like that and to

make wedges and stove pipes it is what we do isn't it?

I call it " Us against Them Syndrome " the caps are intentional as there is

always some Us against some Them and if you change the subject or topic the

Us and the Them will change as well. I think it is likely the only constant

in EMS across the world or at least the US.

The fire service has this too as I am sure so do the guys with guns but it

seems different in those arenas. If the Us and Them's ever lined up on the

same side of the fight God help the other side but I am not holding my

breath for that to happen in EMS.

Has been this way in every place I have been seen traveled through etc

(with a few exceptions at times maybe) since 1981 for me.

I thought that was why they gave me a fire retardant cotton duck coat back


Yea I am that old, that cynical and I'm not going away.

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


Freelance Consultant/Trainer/Author/Journalist/Fire Protection Consultant


(Cell Phone)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

" Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds

discuss people " Eleanor Roosevelt - US diplomat & reformer (1884 - 1962)

In a message dated 10/1/2009 10:54:48 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

krin135@... writes:

OK, folks...lighten up! There is no reason to attack someone for their

'style' of caring, as long as they understand the need for compassionate


which I believe that Ron does.

each of us develops our own coping mechanisms to stay active and sane in

our field. I can understand Rob's point, as I have much the same

mechanism...mechanism... that doesn't mean that I don't go back and

agonize over w

have done to either improve the outcome or to ease the pain of a family.


In a message dated 10/1/2009 09:45:23 Central Standard Time,

_rob.davis@..._ (mailto:rob.davis@...)


On Thursday, October 1, 2009 10:15, " , Rick "

<__rick.moore (AT) _rick (DOT) moore@_r_ (mailto:_rick.moore@...) _

(mailto:_rick.moore@..._ (mailto:rick.moore@...) ) >


> Exactly what part of ' statement indicated that he believes older

> patients are less worthy of care than younger patients?

Well, my statement was that I felt all human beings were worthy of the

same care and compassion. He specifically took issue with that belief,


he would hate for his kids to be cared for by someone who felt that way.


logically follows that he believes I should feel more care and compassion

for children, as he himself does, does it not?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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