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From the new Kerry

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Hi Everyone,

had lots of problems w/ email so I'm starting from scratch.

To some of you this is repeated info, but to all this is the first

email from the " new " me.

Timeline: Wednesday night after 's work party of just a few

appetizers and lots of chatting, had fallen asleep and I was

just about to settle down for the night the phone rang. Luckily my

oxygen had not been turned down as I had to find the cordless (about

11:45pm). The voice on the phone asked if this was Kerry Geron. I

said " yes " and she said " this is Clarian Methodist and we have your

new lungs. "

I smack to wake him and repeat what she said. She asked me a

series of questions and I start to hyperventilate. calls

Holly and Tammy down at their house and we all get things together

and head to Indy. We checked in about 2:30am Thursday morning and I

head to surgery (about 12 hours later) after they did all the

procedures to check me and my new lungs out. I came out of surgery

Thursday night and I can be reminded of some things that occurred,

but to be totally truthful, the next thing I can honestly remember

is telling me it was Saturday after they removed my ventilator


I was so worried about being ready for the surgery, about when was

the " right " time, about saying goodbye to my family going into

surgery, about the very grand concept of transplant, about post

transplant meds and life and, and, and… I was ill prepared for some

of the concrete details that have since filled my days. Besides

hyperventilating during the call, I was pretty calm and we were

pretty well prepared. When I did finally go back to surgery, I had

such great love and support from everyone and I just felt it.

Apparently it was the right time because I can't tell you how

difficult everything was becoming and the surgeon told post

surgery that the old lungs were basically worthless. Apparently, I

was on the tube an extra day and that was really unpleasant when it

was removed, and managing the extreme pain all over has been

overwhelming. Everyone keeps telling me how great the new lungs

look (all the docs and family the xrays have been shared w/), how

great the incisions look, how well I'm recovering and all the

strength and progress. From my perspective it's just been a LOT of

pain, a disappointment in my handling it, yet I'm realizing it must

just be me being unrealistic or too hard on myself. It is all very

overwhelming. Like w/ all hospital stays there is no rest and lots

of meds, 50 docs, specialists, therapists, did I say meds, tubes,

monitors, exercises and expectations. I have just now gotten on

email to skim a couple things. I feel all the love and support from

everyone. Right now, I'm just getting thru it. That said, I

believe the 1st question is how's it feel or how do you feel? All I

can say is it feels " different " and I'm so used to my old breathing

I have to remind myself to breathe differently. I'm scared,

exhausted, grateful and inspired. It's the best Christmas present.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm one lucky girl living

a great life.

Merry Christmas to all!


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HI Kerry I don't even know you but my prayers were with you immensley as you had

your transplant. I wish for you the best as you deserve a second chance at life!

I know you have a lot of emotions going thru you right now. One day at a time

and everything will get better. I am sure the pain is unbelievable. I wish for

you that God may give you the strength to get thru this. Someone gave me a

little saying I wanted to share. It has helped some of us get thru some tough


Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring,

The same loving God who cares for you today

Will take care of you tommorrow and every day.

God will either shield you from suffering

Or give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

You will do well, keep up the good work! May the New Year bring Health and

Happiness to you and your family!

Diane PF,PM, Raynauds,Sjorgrens 2006 PH 2008

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