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Iodine and adrena fatigue

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I have been lurking and learning a lot from all of you.

I am hypothyroid w/hashi's switched to Armour about a year ago after

30 yrs on synthyroid. I still don't think my thyroid is corrected. I

am on 4 gr of Armour. I was diagnosed AF about 6 months ago and after

trying licorice, sea salt, preg. and vits and minerals went on HC

about 2 months ago...It really helped. I am less tired, have been

getting some things done... not myself yet though.

My Dr. did a iodine patch test last spring and wanted me to start

iodine. I couldn't tolerate it and stopped after about a month. I

wondered if it was because of my adrenals that I couldn't tolerate it

so a few wks ago I tried it again. slowly. At 1 tab I felt pretty

good. Less sinus problems, more focused thinking. When I started

taking 2 1/2 tabs though my BP and pulse went up and I started

getting these fluttering feelings in my eyes.. like the iris was

fluttering (I can't really see anything though). My temps went up..

which I was excited about, because I cannot get them to raise above

about 97.4 on average(sometimes lower). but, they fluctuate and my BP

as well. I also started getting more tired and really foggy again. I

thought the iodine was raising my T3, so I lowered my Armour by 1/2

gr., which I think helped some, but the fluttering in my eye and

being tired and foggy did not improve. I stopped the iodine for 2

days and just took a low dose today. The fluttering eye has let up,

and I am not as foggy, but I am so tired and today I am dizzy.... My

question is, does anyone know what is going on with me??? Does

iodine make AF symptoms worse??? I really feel like I have taken a

big step backwards and it is very discouraging. My Dr says I need

the iodine, but I'm not sure my body can tolerate it.

Also, I just started to chelate. I have high levels of lead and

mercury among other things... maybe this has something to do with my

issues. Thanks for reading all the way through my long post.


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