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Prevent Cholangitis Attacks????

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I just had my first attack of cholangitis (8-13) since I was

diagnosised on June 20th.I now know what an attack feels like, but it

seemed like it came on real quick for me. I have had a mild RUQ off and

on for quite a while.

And the only symptom that I had before hand was a mild RUQ pain for

about 1.5 weeks, then all of the sudden on 8/13 I ate breakfast and was

on my way to lunch with my husband when I started feeling nauseated.

After we got to the restaurant and I had ordered my food. I all of the

sudden had to run to the bathroom and threw up for almost 10 minutes

straight. After I got home I threw up once more, so we went to my PCP

and he suggested just to go to the ER--so then I spent the next 5 days

in the hospital getting it under control. Does a cholangitis attack

come on quick like that????

Also when you feel an attack coming on what do you do to try to prevent

it from getting to being a full blown attack???

I was so nauseated and had pain that I needed IV dilaudid and zofran (I

am actually allergic to a lot of pain meds and phenergan), for 3.5 days

until I blew my IV for the third time. then was on oral of both meds.

Plus when I finally finish my antibiotics I will have been on them for

12 days straight.

Beth B-Thornton,CO

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Hi Beth

Sorry you have been in hospital with quite a bit of drama, so pleased

that you are now feeling better.

Its a hard one. I have had 2 cholangitis attacks, about a year

apart...if statistics are correct are due for another one any day,

but hopefully not, (I will go and drink another glass of water when I

have finished typing this...grin)

With the first one I felt 'grotty' (I don't know if that is a New

Zealand only word for yuckky) with RUQ pain and I was in a bit

of a daze, dark urine, light coloured motions etc. I went to our GP

and got oral antibiotics and felt much better after a few days.

The next attack a year later I felt I had heartburn for about 4 days

(never had it before or since)and felt even more tired for a few

days I kept checking for the usual choolangitits symptoms but no

change in urine, bowel motions etc, but there weren't any. Then like

you wwwwhhhhhaaaaammmmm - shivering, high temp into hospital and onto

to a drip for 5 days. I asked my GP if I had turned up earlier to

the surgery with no chalongitis symptoms - just the 'heartburn and

tiredness' would he have prescribed an antibiotic and he said 'most

probabaly not as your LFTs did not show any reason to worry " !

Both times my Liver Function Test results showed only a slight

increase from the usual (reasonably high - but they did go down when

I had the antibiotic both times then have gone up again very

gradually over the next 12 months.

Sorry I hope someone else can give you more advise.

Best wishes from the bottom of the world in New Zealand

Does a cholangitis attack

> come on quick like that????

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