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Re: Cytomel Switch-Scared! {was Help! Thyroid vs adrenal symptoms

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" Theda " wrote:

> I definitely have a lot of

> inflammation. It has been happening for years but almost always only

> when it is cold, i.e., in the winter. Rashes, hives, weird skin

> infections, and my skin hurts, I had a very severe,

> full-body rash at the time, even on the top of my head.

I sure have no clue why this

> happens in the winter and not when it's warm? Stress? I don't vary


> diet that much between the seasons, the only thing is I eat a little

> more fruit in the summer.

Whole body hives is an allergic reaction to either something

external, or internal that your body doesn't like. External factors

to examine would be your heating system--is it spewing out mold? I

assume you don't change laundry detergent from summer to winter.

What about skin lotions because your skin gets dry over winter? Are

you rubbing a lotion with Yellow 5 all over your body? That causes

hives in some.

Internal factors to examine are obviously diet, which you said

doesn't change much. No teas or hot drinks over winter that you

don't drink the rest of the year? Check if those have Yellow 5 too.

You will have to play detective and examine every facet of your life

and how it possibly differs from winter to the rest of the year.

Look into anything that touches your body or that you ingest.

Good luck,


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Thank you, Val! I have tried air purifiers and filters; I even bought

one of those expensive ozone / air filter things, but not a

humidifier. I'll get one, and try the rest of your suggestions. The

filters may be helped a bit, but didn't prevent the problems.

My Cytomel is late, and I'm low, but I will try upping as soon as it

gets here.

I don't have a rash right now, though I'm sure, if I was not on HC,

that I would have one. I'll do some research on cortisol resistance!

Thanks again so much!



> the HC immediately. As you have been on steroids wquite a bit you

> probabyl have poor cortisol receptoors which can take months to

years to

> regain sensaitivity from what I have read and some poeple just have

> cortisol resistance, and I am betting you are one of them. Phosphatidyl

> Serine is said to open cortiosl receptors so in your case you might try

> that as well.

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