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Re: Cytomel Switch-Scared! Yeast?

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Hi Barb, thanks for your info. I have had every allergy test known to

science--both external and food--and some more than once, beginning

when I was about 6 years old and ending a few years ago when I threw

my hands up in fear and disgust at doctors. So it isn't any thing

obvious, and it pretty much has to be something I am getting

internally. Perhaps it is some sort of combination of things.

I was tested for mold allergy, it was negative.

I also ran the mold test on my house, also negative.

I am a health 'freak' (or so some of my friends and family think) and

don't use any thing but organic / natural cosmetics, soaps and

cleaners, etc., and I use olive oil as body lotion.

I eat organic food too. My diet is pretty bland. I do use coffee and

tea, which I am sure is not good with the caffeine. But I have given

them up for months at time and still have the symptoms. In fact, I

usually get worse when I try to clean up my diet. (I've been told this

is because of toxins being released. ? )

I'm thinking maybe systemic candida is to blame? Or partly? I took the

candida spit test and failed. I used to get a lot of vaginal yeast

infections in my teens and 20's. I have not had one for many years but

perhaps it is systemic now?

Any one have a good method for getting rid of yeast? I have heard

Nystatin works best and fastest, but have also heard it is very hard

on your body. ?


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>>I too would like a safe, mild, even SLOW approach to getting rid of

excess yeast.<<

Corect your thyroid deficiency. That is the BEST way to help rid yourself of

excess yeast.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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>>I too would like a safe, mild, even SLOW approach to getting rid of

excess yeast.<<

Corect your thyroid deficiency. That is the BEST way to help rid yourself of

excess yeast.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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>>I too would like a safe, mild, even SLOW approach to getting rid of

excess yeast.<<

Corect your thyroid deficiency. That is the BEST way to help rid yourself of

excess yeast.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Very strict low carb diet, such as Atkins induction. Actually, diet

alone should do it slowly, if the diet is ultra low carb. Plus an

antifungal such as Nystatin, is a good idea if the candida is systemic.

I actually used Caprylic Acid (derivative of coconut oil) which is said

to be as good or almost as good as the Rx antifungals. Eat coconut oil,


Getting rid of candida can be slow, and it can't really be controlled

while it is being fed sugars, fruit, fruit juices, grains, etc. ANY carb

or sugar feeds it. Even whole grains which are digested as sugar, and

feed the candida.

If I was doing it now, I'd also add some other supports, inulin, which

feeds the " good " gut bacteria, and a good probiotic containing as many

bifidus species as possible. Bifidus are the natural human gut bacteria

that we want to encourage.

But basically candida cannot be totally eradicated, it is pretty much

universal in humans, it is when it gets out of hand it becomes a

problem, and the modern high carb diet really encourages it to overgrow

and become a toxin.


scubjay wrote:

> I too would like a safe, mild, even SLOW approach to getting rid of

> excess yeast.








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