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which fats and carbs are good

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In talking with people all over the world about food and nutrition

and health, I've come to the realization that most people truly want to

eat in a way that gives them great health and keeps them at a normal weight.

But they just don't know what the heck to do anymore!

Everything they hear conflicts with everything else.

And what is considered healthy depends on who you're listening to and what

their motives are.

For instance, food manufacturers will say whatever they need to in order to

sell products. They would even claim that eating used cat litter is healthy

if they could box it and sell it.

But by far the biggest blunders in the healthy eating advice world are:

1) " Carbs are no good--they make you fat. "


2) " Fat is bad. Low-fat is the only way to go. "

I have news for you...

Both are false.

Because your body NEEDS both.

Depending on the source, carbohydrates can provide fiber, B-complex vitamins

and vitamins A and E, plus the minerals magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and


These nutrients are not " optional " when it comes to your body--they're

essential and you pay a dear price when you're lacking them.

For instance, being low in B vitamins can cause fatigue, muscle

degeneration, mental deficiency, depression, skin eruptions and headaches,

among other things.

A zinc deficiency can lead to learning disabilities, poor digestion, rashes,

menstrual problems, depression, prostate problems, and erratic behavior.

Funny, you don't see that on any low-carb food packages, do you?

Similar things can be said about fats.

Fats are critical to your body for cellular function, protecting your brain

and nervous system, absorbing vitamins and nutrients and maintaining


Not having enough fats causes brittle, aged-looking skin, hair and nails,

repeated infections, moodiness and--get this--weight GAIN (I'll explain why

in a moment).

The key to eating for blubber loss and great health is NOT to stay away from

carbs and fats...but to make sure the ones you are eating are GOOD ones.

Good carbs vs. bad carbs

Good carbs are natural, unprocessed and unrefined whole grains. They include

whole wheat, oat, rye, spelt, quinoa, barley, millet, buckwheat and brown

rice (not white).

These grains and products made from them provide the essential nutrients I

mentioned above, plus they taste delicious.

Other great sources are root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, turnips,

winter squashes, etc.

Bad carbs, on the other hand, include white flour, white rice and white

sugar, and all products made from them (also known as refined carbohydrates)

like cakes, cookies, donuts, chips, breads, crackers, etc.

The processing of the grains strips away all of the naturally occurring

nutrients and fiber. Some vitamins may be added back after processing, but

only a fraction of the amount that was originally in the grain.

Refined carbohydrates are quickly converted to sugar in your body and are

stored as FAT. Blubber. Adipose tissue. Flab. You-name-it.

However, whole grains and root vegetables contain balanced amounts of amino

acids (the building blocks of protein), fiber, vitamins and minerals.

They're broken down more slowly by your body and used more efficiently.

AND their fiber helps encourage regular bowel movements and can decrease

your risk of colon cancer.

So next time you find yourself blindly counting carbs, think instead about

looking for good vs. bad carbs.

Fats--the good, bad and the ugly

A moderate amount (2-3 tablespoons) of good fat each day isn't just a good

idea -- it's VITAL.

Good fats include olive oil (preferably extra-virgin, cold pressed),

avocado, butter (yes--I said butter and NEVER margarine), flaxseed oil, fish

oil, coconut oil, nuts, meats, fish and dairy products.

These fats help you lose flab by turning off your body's hormone messengers

that direct fat storage, especially around your midsection. Plus, they make

you feel fuller. (So bye-bye spare tire or muffin top.)

Healthy fats also help lower LDL cholesterol levels WITHOUT lowering HDL

levels--so your HDL/LDL ratio can dramatically improve. Regular consumption

of them can help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancers.

Bad fats are processed fats--also known as hydrogenated or partially

hydrogenated fats and oils.

They contain trans-fatty acids (trans-fats), which are fats that are not

found in nature, so your body can't metabolize them.

Instead, trans-fats just accumulate, clog your arteries, and cause

inflammation, cell damage and heart attacks.

Trans-fats are found in deep fried foods, margarine, baked goods, powdered

and artificial coffee creamers, and most processed (packaged) foods.

Look for the words " hydrogenated " or " partially hydrogenated " on package

labels. If you see them, do NOT buy the product.

And don't be fooled by products that profess to be " low fat. " All that means

is that they're lacking good, essential fat, and the fat has probably been

replaced by sugar (a bad carb).

'Lower the noise in your life and you will hear God more clearly.'


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