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FW: DSHS Medical Incident Support Team (M-IST) Last Call for Applications

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We are rapidly approaching the M-IST class in San June 8/9 and

then have this new confirmed date for the course in Lubbock on June

25/26 (***NEW DATES***). While there were many people that have

expressed interest in the past, only a few have actually taken the time

to send in their information for consideration.

Keep these things in mind if you are considering it:

* You can turn a mission down if you have a major conflict at the

time of the actual deployment request; however if you would usually not

be able to deploy if there is a large gulf coast evacuation then you

should probably not do this. If you are unsure, give me a call/email

and I can help you talk through it.

* It is nice to have both some EMS/field type experience and some

hospital/emergency management experience, but remember you will be

placed into teams (unlike the first FCEs). While those with a breadth

of experience will be valuable, so is the person with depth of

experience in a specific area. Both types will make up one of the

several teams that will be put together. As examples of the types of

assignments I had: working as an ESF-8 coordinator in a DDC, on a team

of three FCEs assisting a hospital evacuation, setting up a emergency

county-wide EMS response, setting up evacuee triage, managing 3

ambulance task forces (3 TFLs, 15 STLs and 75 ambulances), medical

support of task forces, POD (points of distribution) and mobile medical

facilities, etc. Others managed ambulance staging of several hundred

ambulances and dozens of busses.

* You will have a lot of support from the lead coordinating

agency; additionally, if we deploy M-ISTs or strike teams from TSA-E, it

is likely that the E-MOC will be activated at least partially and you

will always have my support from here.

* You should have experience managing things and leading people.

I think our primary responsibility was is to link the local ESF-8

commanders with the resources (things and people) they needed and while

helping them move forward. In the beginning you provide them, then you

help them recover, but all along you will be making or helping others

make decisions.

Again, for these courses they are covering your travel, hotel and food.

Your agency is only responsible for your pay and backfill if needed.

However during a deployment, once the individual MOU is assigned, those

will also be covered in the reimbursement system within 30 days.

The original email regarding the application needs and where to send it

is below. Thanks for your consideration.


Leigh Anne Bedrich

Emergency Healthcare Systems Program Manager



From: Epley

Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 3:57 PM

To: Epley; getac-disaster-task-force@...;

TX_RAC_Chairs ; ttcf

Cc: Dudley Wait; Cocke; Joe Palfini; Doug Havron; Hale, le;

Jay Hall; Jalomo, ; Koenig, Bob; Mike Widtfeldt; Hoogheem, Jeff;

Leigh Anne Bedrich; shawn.salter@...; AmyO.@...;

scott.thomas@...; vwells@...; Hawes, Jenniffier;

Guarino, Alfred; Jeff.Saunders@...; Lesia Dickson;

Hoogheem, Jeff; Bill Waechter; Bays, Rick; Colley, Jack;

david.lakey@...; Valadez, Adolfo;

Kathy.Perkins@...; bob.mckee@...; Mick Cote;

; Montgomery; Regan Fritts;

Ed.Brickley@...; nim.kidd@...; Tom Polonis;

Hannemann, Steve; Posada, ; Preston Love; Jeff Newbold; Ray

Apodaca; Dinnin; Bill ; Kari Tatro

Subject: DATE CHANGE - PLEASE READ RE: DSHS Medical Incident Support

Team (M-IST) courses announced


Due to a DSHS previously scheduled event, the M-IST Course in Lubbock

has been changed to June 25/26.

Please distribute this to all appropriate personnel.

Travel is covered for this course.


DSHS Preparedness, in conjunction with the RMOC and CMOC, will be

holding two training courses for Medical Incident Support Team members.

The 2 courses will be held in San on June 8/9, and the Lubbock

course will be held June 25/26 (THE LUBBOCK DATES ARE DIFFERENT FROM


The M-IST (formerly known as ESF-8 Forward Coordinating Elements or

ESF-8 FCE's) will be deployed for hurricane response by DSHS to coastal

communities to assist DDC's and local jurisdictions with ESF-8 issues,

specifically MSN evac and Ambulance response.

The M-IST course will be 16 hrs and will have lectures from subject

matter experts who are directly involved with their agency's role in

disaster response. This is NOT a merit badge course, this is a training

session for the personnel who have indicated they are interested in

being deployed this hurricane season to assist Texas in this critical


We are seeking candidates that are highly skilled, senior

management/command level personnel from Emergency Services agencies

(Fire/EMS/Emergency Management/etc) and hospital emergency management

personnel. The RAC should play an important role in helping to

identify these personnel if at all possible. We will strongly

consider applications where the applicant has already signed (or willing

to sign prior to the course) the DSHS Personnel MOA and has a letter

from their immediate supervisor stating that they are eligible for

deployments this season, all things being equal.


Successful completion of the course may result in candidates being

rostered directly onto M-ISTs to ensure they are rapidly deployable if

we end up having a storm threaten the Texas Coast.

A sample agenda is below, this is not final but shows the wide focus of

the M-IST teams.

* Overview of GDEM

* DDC/RLO - organizational structure

* DSHS' ESF-8 function

* RMOC/CMOC - organizational structure

* Regional Office roles in ESF-8

* Patient Tracking

* WebEOC


* Title 32/Title 10 AE missions

* ESF-9 SAR integration

* Evac plan for Texas coast (MIEP)

* Ambulance Utilization plan for Evacuation

* FEMA Ambulance Contract specifics

* DSHS Ambulance contract specifics

* Ambulance Staging Procedures


* RE-Entry Task Forces

* Repatriation

* MSN shelters

STRAC, with the approval of DSHS preparedness, will utilize HPG funding,

along with the Texas EMS, Trauma and Acute Care Foundation

(TETAF)Disaster Division funding to assist with student travel costs.

Student Salaries/Backfill is not approved at this time. However, we

realize that this is short notice, an unbudgeted expense, and many

jurisdictions or hospitals may have travel restrictions in place due to

the economy so we want to cover the travel at a minimum. We have

funding to cover up to 60 students' travel (2 courses of 30 students

each) if their home agency is unable to cover this expense.

We will provide an application, along with more specifics on the host

hotel, - but in the meantime please have personnel that are interested

email the following info to MIST@...

Candidate Name


Home Agency

Address, city state

Phone #s

Email address

Home RAC

Pertinent experience

Preferred Course (San June 8/9 or Lubbock June 25/26)

Thanks for your help in ensuring the safety of Texas.


Executive Director

Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council for Trauma

- work

- fax


www.strac.org http://www.strac.org/>

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

-- F. Kennedy

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Guest guest


We are rapidly approaching the M-IST class in San June 8/9 and

then have this new confirmed date for the course in Lubbock on June

25/26 (***NEW DATES***). While there were many people that have

expressed interest in the past, only a few have actually taken the time

to send in their information for consideration.

Keep these things in mind if you are considering it:

* You can turn a mission down if you have a major conflict at the

time of the actual deployment request; however if you would usually not

be able to deploy if there is a large gulf coast evacuation then you

should probably not do this. If you are unsure, give me a call/email

and I can help you talk through it.

* It is nice to have both some EMS/field type experience and some

hospital/emergency management experience, but remember you will be

placed into teams (unlike the first FCEs). While those with a breadth

of experience will be valuable, so is the person with depth of

experience in a specific area. Both types will make up one of the

several teams that will be put together. As examples of the types of

assignments I had: working as an ESF-8 coordinator in a DDC, on a team

of three FCEs assisting a hospital evacuation, setting up a emergency

county-wide EMS response, setting up evacuee triage, managing 3

ambulance task forces (3 TFLs, 15 STLs and 75 ambulances), medical

support of task forces, POD (points of distribution) and mobile medical

facilities, etc. Others managed ambulance staging of several hundred

ambulances and dozens of busses.

* You will have a lot of support from the lead coordinating

agency; additionally, if we deploy M-ISTs or strike teams from TSA-E, it

is likely that the E-MOC will be activated at least partially and you

will always have my support from here.

* You should have experience managing things and leading people.

I think our primary responsibility was is to link the local ESF-8

commanders with the resources (things and people) they needed and while

helping them move forward. In the beginning you provide them, then you

help them recover, but all along you will be making or helping others

make decisions.

Again, for these courses they are covering your travel, hotel and food.

Your agency is only responsible for your pay and backfill if needed.

However during a deployment, once the individual MOU is assigned, those

will also be covered in the reimbursement system within 30 days.

The original email regarding the application needs and where to send it

is below. Thanks for your consideration.


Leigh Anne Bedrich

Emergency Healthcare Systems Program Manager



From: Epley

Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 3:57 PM

To: Epley; getac-disaster-task-force@...;

TX_RAC_Chairs ; ttcf

Cc: Dudley Wait; Cocke; Joe Palfini; Doug Havron; Hale, le;

Jay Hall; Jalomo, ; Koenig, Bob; Mike Widtfeldt; Hoogheem, Jeff;

Leigh Anne Bedrich; shawn.salter@...; AmyO.@...;

scott.thomas@...; vwells@...; Hawes, Jenniffier;

Guarino, Alfred; Jeff.Saunders@...; Lesia Dickson;

Hoogheem, Jeff; Bill Waechter; Bays, Rick; Colley, Jack;

david.lakey@...; Valadez, Adolfo;

Kathy.Perkins@...; bob.mckee@...; Mick Cote;

; Montgomery; Regan Fritts;

Ed.Brickley@...; nim.kidd@...; Tom Polonis;

Hannemann, Steve; Posada, ; Preston Love; Jeff Newbold; Ray

Apodaca; Dinnin; Bill ; Kari Tatro

Subject: DATE CHANGE - PLEASE READ RE: DSHS Medical Incident Support

Team (M-IST) courses announced


Due to a DSHS previously scheduled event, the M-IST Course in Lubbock

has been changed to June 25/26.

Please distribute this to all appropriate personnel.

Travel is covered for this course.


DSHS Preparedness, in conjunction with the RMOC and CMOC, will be

holding two training courses for Medical Incident Support Team members.

The 2 courses will be held in San on June 8/9, and the Lubbock

course will be held June 25/26 (THE LUBBOCK DATES ARE DIFFERENT FROM


The M-IST (formerly known as ESF-8 Forward Coordinating Elements or

ESF-8 FCE's) will be deployed for hurricane response by DSHS to coastal

communities to assist DDC's and local jurisdictions with ESF-8 issues,

specifically MSN evac and Ambulance response.

The M-IST course will be 16 hrs and will have lectures from subject

matter experts who are directly involved with their agency's role in

disaster response. This is NOT a merit badge course, this is a training

session for the personnel who have indicated they are interested in

being deployed this hurricane season to assist Texas in this critical


We are seeking candidates that are highly skilled, senior

management/command level personnel from Emergency Services agencies

(Fire/EMS/Emergency Management/etc) and hospital emergency management

personnel. The RAC should play an important role in helping to

identify these personnel if at all possible. We will strongly

consider applications where the applicant has already signed (or willing

to sign prior to the course) the DSHS Personnel MOA and has a letter

from their immediate supervisor stating that they are eligible for

deployments this season, all things being equal.


Successful completion of the course may result in candidates being

rostered directly onto M-ISTs to ensure they are rapidly deployable if

we end up having a storm threaten the Texas Coast.

A sample agenda is below, this is not final but shows the wide focus of

the M-IST teams.

* Overview of GDEM

* DDC/RLO - organizational structure

* DSHS' ESF-8 function

* RMOC/CMOC - organizational structure

* Regional Office roles in ESF-8

* Patient Tracking

* WebEOC


* Title 32/Title 10 AE missions

* ESF-9 SAR integration

* Evac plan for Texas coast (MIEP)

* Ambulance Utilization plan for Evacuation

* FEMA Ambulance Contract specifics

* DSHS Ambulance contract specifics

* Ambulance Staging Procedures


* RE-Entry Task Forces

* Repatriation

* MSN shelters

STRAC, with the approval of DSHS preparedness, will utilize HPG funding,

along with the Texas EMS, Trauma and Acute Care Foundation

(TETAF)Disaster Division funding to assist with student travel costs.

Student Salaries/Backfill is not approved at this time. However, we

realize that this is short notice, an unbudgeted expense, and many

jurisdictions or hospitals may have travel restrictions in place due to

the economy so we want to cover the travel at a minimum. We have

funding to cover up to 60 students' travel (2 courses of 30 students

each) if their home agency is unable to cover this expense.

We will provide an application, along with more specifics on the host

hotel, - but in the meantime please have personnel that are interested

email the following info to MIST@...

Candidate Name


Home Agency

Address, city state

Phone #s

Email address

Home RAC

Pertinent experience

Preferred Course (San June 8/9 or Lubbock June 25/26)

Thanks for your help in ensuring the safety of Texas.


Executive Director

Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council for Trauma

- work

- fax


www.strac.org http://www.strac.org/>

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

-- F. Kennedy

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