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Re: Pain-lower right rib cage

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It looks like I might be the only one up at 1 in the morning so I will try to answer.Yes, it could be a cholangitis attack.I looked up an old email from Arne which points out that you might try drinking lots of waterto hydrate and if there is no improvement or other symptoms then it is time to call or see the Dr.See his email below.Best of luck. I hope it is just some thick bile that can be resolved since you didn't mention any other symtoms.Let us know how you are doing.Lee with a thanks to Arne.Symptoms for cholangitis may be moderate to severe. The following are the most common symptoms of cholangitis. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:pain in the right upper quarter of the abdomenfeverchillsjaundice - yellowing of the skin and eyes.low blood pressurelethargydecreased level of alertnessSome people also report the URQ pain to radiate around to the back, in addition to dark (cola colored) urine, pale stools and extreme nausea.My personal experience was fever, chills, dark urine, pales stools, jaundice and URQ pain radiating around to the back.Since yours did resolve itself, another possibility is "sludge blockage". The bile is too thick to easily go through the narrowed bile ducts, so the symptoms can be similar. Increasing hydration (drink LOTS of water), URSO and sometimes hotpacks can alleviate it, allowing the bile to flow again. That being said, it can also get to the point where medical intervention is necessary (as it was inmy case).The advise from my hep is, if I get the above symptoms, go to the ER (I took that advice twice, with good results).

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Each person is different (as we all know). But I would not go the ER

for a pain of 1-2. If there is no chills, fever, jaundice etc. I have

RUQ knife like stabing pains rated 9-10 on a pain scale several times

daily(and have for nearly a year).

I did call the doc last week because they lasted for almost 24 hours

straight. My local doc was out of town so called Baylor. Had bloodwork

done at Baylor's request, did not show anything different than the labs

done 6 weeks ago. They ordered me some pain med, said go to the ER if

the pain med does not control the pain or if you develope chills, fever

or become jaundice. And follow up with your local doctor. I will see

him this week.

I won't bore you with my rant of discouragement!!!!

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I do agree with . If the pain is not accompanied by fever [myself if it

exceeds 101d], chills, jaundice etc., unless the pain cannot be controlled by

meds. I myself get that URQ stabing, very intense 9-10, pain, more than once a

week. But it is there 24hrs, with varying degrees. And most of the time it does

radiates into my right Back, under the Shoulder blade and when severe then into

my left parts, chest, center and everywhere! I do try very hard to tolerate by

meds, hydrating and rest. Again, unless with fever to a certain degree,

jaundice-----. It is correct that each one is different. But one has to weigh

the sitiuation, carefully. A couple of times i did have to run to the ER. It was

a BD infection, involving high fever, chills, intense pain, vomiting amd nuasea.

With the pain alone, the LF's does not always vary, as has mentioned.


I did have the habit of starting Cipro and taking Tylenol [325-500mg only], at a

little above 100d fever. But nowadays, i do tend to wait a little to see how far

the fever would elevate, but not above 101.

My doctors has attributed the pain not only to blockages but also to my IBD and

a long time, UC. Because a lot of times the pain is associated with too much

irritation and gas, specially after meals.

Subject: Re: Pain-lower right rib cage


Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 11:09 PM

Each person is different (as we all know). But I would not go the ER

for a pain of 1-2. If there is no chills, fever, jaundice etc. I have

RUQ knife like stabing pains rated 9-10 on a pain scale several times

daily(and have for nearly a year).

I did call the doc last week because they lasted for almost 24 hours

straight. My local doc was out of town so called Baylor. Had bloodwork

done at Baylor's request, did not show anything different than the labs

done 6 weeks ago. They ordered me some pain med, said go to the ER if

the pain med does not control the pain or if you develope chills, fever

or become jaundice. And follow up with your local doctor. I will see

him this week.

I won't bore you with my rant of discouragement! !!!

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For me the pain feels more like someone is grabbing the bottom of my

ribs and squeezing while pushing up under my ribs.

I actually just got of the hospital on 8/18 after 4 days for my first

bout of cholangitis. Now that I know what it feels like I will be more

able hopefully to stop the next attack.

It felt a lot like my pancreatitis but different. Also with my

pancreatitis I just was nauseated, didn't feel like eating and hurt,

until I had a CT scan and was diagnosised, and wound up in the hospital

waiting for an ERCP the next am.

With the cholangitis I had mild (1-2)rib pain for about 1.5 weeks

before it kicked in and I started throwing up (not fun for my husband--

we were out to lunch). The pain when it kicked in went up to an 8. I

went to my PCP who said he could do a prolonged time to make a

diagnosis or I could go directly to the ER. Well we went to the ER--I

had a temp of 100.7, had a CT scan showing inflammation of my external

hepatic duct, slightly eleveated WBC, and my liver Enzymes out of wack.

They did do an MRCP just to rule out stones since I have had 2 ERCPs

this year and had stones removed each time.

Do like the MRCP better, don't have that drugged out feeling after

words (except the dilaudid amd zofran I was on in the hospital-I end up

with these because I am allergic to most other pain meds, and allergic

to phenergan)

I do try to make sure that I drink plenty of water and fluids.

Just wondering what others do when they feel a cholangitis attack

coming on??

Beth B---Thornton,CO

PS--wondering how others that live in Colorado can distinguish between

PSC caused itching and the dry skin we have here with an average

humidity in the 30's

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