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Something VERY Interesting!!!

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I have been suffering for nearly two years with Adrenal Exhaustion,

anxiety and a few panic attacks. I'm on Armour Thyroid and

bio-identical hormones, too. I have a small goiter with cysts, which

have barely grown in two years, according to the recent ultrasound.

I'm looking so forward to March when I first see a hopefully, good

doctor that not only uses Armour Thyroid but does saliva testing!!

and, I've heard, understands Adrenal Exhaustion.

In the meantime, I went to a licensed nutritionalist (which has a lot

of medical school training) and does muscle testing too for what

supplements your body needs. I believe she is on to something

interesting that no other doctor mentioned.....

She said it may be my hypothalimus-pituitary axis that is damaged or

unbalanced and to take phosphitidal serine (PS). I put the cream on

the third eye (middle of forehead where it gets absorbed and can even

avert a possible panic attack. Also, I've been taking two capsules

with breakfast.

Here's the interesting part: My husband and I just came back from

watching our 5 month old teething grandson that I had to feed every

2-3 hours around the clock. We also watched his three year old

brother that, though loving, shall we say, is THE MOST defiant,

trying, manipulative child, ever!!! You can not imagine the physical

and emotional turmoil we were in for 8 days! Before we left I thought

I'd end up in bed the whole time taking care of the baby, come home

and die. WELL------- as soon as I started watching the kids I went

into what my husband called, " Mommy Mode. " I went like the Eveready

Bunny the whole time, mostly full of energy, just doing what had to be

done. Before we left I could only function for four or five hours in

the morning. The rest of the time I was 'couch sitting.' I've been

home for six days and now I'm starting to tire, but not like before we


The day after we came home I went to my nutritionalist and she said

though I still need my hormones and thyroid balanced and have Adrenal

Fatigue, because of when I focus, I'm so much better she thought part

of my problem might be my hypothalimus-pituitary axis.

The first time I saw her I told her the only time I felt good

(emotionally and physically) was when I played darts for a few minutes

with my husband. Before I did, I could barely move because I was so

physically wiped out, not from

doing anything physical. After a minute or two of playing darts

(which I'm not particularly fond of) I felt soooooo much better. This

is what made her think there MAY be a need for PS. After the

grandchildren experience, she really believes my

hypothalimus-pituitary axis is the greater problem. Possibly from a

past sinus infection or candida got up there.

I'm still taking my PS, orally and topically and taking Lion's Mane,

Nerve Factors. I'm also now taking Caprilic Acid gelcaps and Oregamax

to knock out the candida/fungus. She also wants me to focus on a

flame a few times a

day and do to cross-stitch or some other type of needlework. Ha, and

to keep playing darts.

It is just amazing the world of difference since I went to watch my

grandchildren. Before I didn't ever think I would heal my AF, since

it was not improving and so, mentally, I was worsening. Now, I'm so

much better. Still in need of balancing my other physical problems,

hopefully, with a knowledgeable doctor next month. But, in the

meantime, and since I haven't seen this topic discussed in the group,

I wanted to share this important news with all of you. I hope this

helps someone.


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