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SCD and autism

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Hi, I just read your post on the yahoo group and I felt that maybe I could share

my experience with my son and his autism, since you are considering putting your

son on the diet.

Elijah was diagnosed with high functioning autism (verbal but not very

conversational, very stimmy, short attention span, didn't follow directions,

academic trouble in school but well-behaved)and ADHD at six years old, in

January of this year. We started on the GFCF diet immediately and I saw many

improvements but they didn't really last and certainly didn't carry over into

all the areas of his life...mainly we saw improvements at home, where he was

comfortable and felt safe.

Our wonderful DAN! doctor encouraged us to try SCD for him (and my other two

boys, who are NT but have bowel issues) and I can't rave enough about the impact

this diet has had on all of us. It has been transformative for my sweet

son...he now WANTS to play outside, he interacts with friends and family in a

90% age appropriate way, he is able to articulate his feelings, his

disappointments, his thoughts and plans...he MAKES PLANS, for goodness sake! He

is again the personality plus kid that we knew as a baby and toddler who

vanished at the age of four, to be replaced by a child that responded to all

questions with " I don't know " or a flinch. The temper tantrums are gone..just

gone. NOT decreased...GONE. His belly is no longer distended, his bm's are

becoming more normal and are no longer urgent (often resulting in accidents

before SCD). It has been extraordinary and we have only been on the diet two

months. My other two are healthy now, with normal bm's, growing and thriving.

If I weren't so amazed and delighted I would be crying because the change is

that profound and so complete.

The diet isn't easy, by any means, but my boys know it is " good for their

bellies " and honestly, I think they are sick and tired of being sick and tired,

you know? When we go to parties, which is all the time, they scarf down their

hamburgers, peas and muffins, diluted juice with enzymes and off they run to

play! They don't care that their food is different and they even have some

treats their friends enjoy and request when they are over (mainly Stretch Island

fruit leather...it is our " junk food " !!).

I hope you try it for your son and I especially hope it is as helpful to him as

it has been for us.

Take care, I hope I am not being intrusive.


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