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lymphocytic colitis, I hope my story helps you !

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Dear Friend(S),

I trust, my little story gives some hope and optimism to some suffereres of LC, UC and AI (Adrenal insufficiency)

I have been a terrible sufferer of LC(Lymphocyctic Colitis), and it was everywhwree, all over very my deodenum, the small intestines and large intestines, I had thorough colonoscopy, endoscopy 3 times (all within 6 months ) (in the past 40 years I had endoscopy already 12 times), 10 pieces of biopsies taken in total and also biopsies of the beginning of the small intestines, the LC was all over the sigmoid colon there was UC (Ulcerative Colitis) all over the sigmoid colon, I had both LC and UC and had a terrible 1 year in 2008, that was so terirble that I can never forget in my whole life , I was put on Mesalamine (Pentasa) which was not helping, At the same time I also had extreme fatigue ( Adrenal Insuffciency) and could not even get up from bed for almost 6 months, I was thinking I was slowly dying, I was so much depressed that I wished to be dead, I even surfed the internet to find

out about the TCA (Tricyclic antidepressants ) and the right dose to take , so that I could have a sucessful suicide. To bo honest with mysefl and to tell the truth to everybody I was trying to commit suicide, I was under great stress and at that time my husband was not being helpful towards me, I was crying and crying like hell, I was on Mesalamine 4000 mg and many pain killers and many multivitamins plus antidepressants and sleeping pills but nothing was helping. My gastro did not prescribe me steroids as I had gastric and deodenum ulcer.

I bought myself the Prednisolone an started with 20 mg, I had to do that because I was travelling back to my home country. I wished to take Entocort but it was not avaible in this country , I tried hard to get it from other countries, but all in vain (But today I feel both happy and lucky that the Entocort was not available for me and I did not have to take it), the prednislole stopped my diarrhoea, but it was not the cure for me, I just took it because I needed to have the energy at least to travel back home, I was in wheel chair even at the airport and in the flight, I was the sickest person ever.

I took prednisolone only for 20 days with tapering the does till I reached 5 mg and then stopped , It was not the miracle for me , it did not help me actually , what helped me and did miracle for me was something else..............................

I was in my country and thare were bundles of works to be done, I had no time even to breathe as the servant man quarrelled and ran away, I had to do so much in the kitchen and for my 5 year old daughter, and we had basic problems as, no water in the tap, so had to dig a well in the house for water and there was no electricity either, just 4 hours a day, there was no internet connection in the house I was there form moring tilll night working , working and working, BUt then a miracle happend in my life !!!

After going back to my country and staying in my mothers house, a miracle happened in my life, my stomach pain and trouble and body weakness started going away and one day I felt so good, and no more stomach pain and diarrhoea, I am weeping with joy typing this line, I just cannot write more about this, but this is the truth I would love to share.

I think I am in remisison now and I am so happy that I got back the life which I think I was going to lose. I am, still taking the Mesalamine (in very low dose), but I found homoepathic and naturopathic meds, which i think have helped me tremendously and I wish to continue with all there meds for quite long, Now to make the best use of the life which God has granted me, I have decided to write books so long I am alive.

I have started working on my first book , which is the biography of my mother , it is a true story. MY mother is the one who has given me back my heath and life, so the fist book I write about her , she is 75 now , and I wish to publish the book latest by April 2010. I am working hard on it daily.

I guess that a combination of many things bought a miracle in my life, the first and foremost being the stay with my mother next to my mother's house. Now my disease has gone into remission. I take no steroids and I am happy that this country has no Entocort to offer me, I and still taking Mesalamine 500 mg daily, but will taper 250 mg from tomorrow and will stop completely after 6 months. I wish to continue with homeopathy and nathuropathy for many years . I am wiring the name of the naturopathic and homeopathic meds I am taking for my UC and LC, if that woudl be helpful to you :


1) Slippery Elm Bark from Natures Way 370 mg , I take 3 capsules 2 times daily with warm awater before meals

2) Ayurvedic med (made in India) SIOTONE , it contain many ayurvedic components , I take once daily after Breakfast

3) Probiotic from Lucy,s kithcen, SCD , 1 capsule daily (earlier I was taking culturelle probiotic 4 capsules daily I did that for 6 months , now the stock is over)

4) I take the multivitanmin SCD from Lucys kitchen every alternative day but I have been advised to stop it due to risk of kidney stones. (the SCD yogurt fermented for 24 hours did not help me at all, instead I has severe throat ache and flu every time after taking that, so I stopped but but I still have the yogurt machine and all the powders form Lucy)

5) As Supplement I am taking the 100 % nat VIT E d alpha tocopherol 800 IU twice daily , it is from WONDER Lab .

6) HOMEOPATHY med , name is KALI BICH (Kalium Bichromatum, it is the salt of Potassium ), this is very good med for me , pls type Dr. Rajesh Shah in the google and the medicine will be delivered for you from India. I want to continue with this KALI BICH for many years,

I have developed stong faith in Naturopahy and Homeopathy now, I don't know what exactly did the miracle for me but I think a combination of many factors helped me go into remission.

I am dedicated to write books now so long I am alive to share some kind message to the whole world and esp to people who are suffering.

In year 2008 I got immense support and love form the SCD SG which still bring tears to my eyes, I am ashamed I cannot pay back for all the good things this grounp has done for me when I was down, I can never forget some names like TERRY RUMAS, JODAH, GAY , MARYLIN and many more friends who have been enormous support for me , all the people of this group are so kind and helpful, I have got back my life and I am sorry taht I am so late in giving my feed back, but as the saying goes "Rather late than never" , I am there , there are 6000 mails from SCD , I a just comnencted to the internet few weeks back, I have not comepleted reading all the mails becaus ethey are 6000, I think I will do them slowily bit by bit, and I pray for JODAH for the speedy recovery from the surgery and I thank of you my friends and thank you again millions ,

tons and tons for all the kindness love and support I received from you in year 2008.


Chronic LC,

Chronic AI

Chrnic Gastric ulcer

Chronic Deodenum ulcer

Chronic GERD

Chronic Asthma

(I must tell the truth that I am not sticking obeying the SCD diet, I take same white rice daily little bit 4 spoons only, some bread, some pizza and french fries(but once a month ) > hi there,>> i just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and was just diagnosed with> lymphocytic colitis. is there anyone else out there who has this> diagnosis? if so, what are you doing to help heal your colon? my GI> doctor wants to put me on the steroid, entocort. i'm very wary about> this, though. i'd rather try other holistic/natural methods first.> i've been on the SCD since feb 2009. this has already helped a lot.> but when i had to cheat on the diet a couple months ago, it threw my> system again. i have diarrhea on and off, and still have very bad> bloating. i know i need to do the intro diet again.>> but i was just wondering if anyone has any other advice.Standard advice. Try LDN.Mara

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