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Re: Re: Introduction since I'm new

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it would take a man to come up with a more appropriate name. lol


Pink Joyce IPF 3/06 Pennsylvania

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Subject: Re: Introduction since I'm newTo: Breathe-Support Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 12:02 PM

NerfwomanSee, I changed it. Glad you found us although sorry you need us. Many ofthe symptoms you describe are common among us. A couple in specific dotend to indicate that you need supplemental oxygen and, if so, gettingyou that is of primary concern.Now, if I lived in Coastal North Carolina (I was there last May visitingmy cousin), I'd go to Duke for a thorough diagnosis and recommendation.There are many variations of Fibrosis and most doctors andpulmonologists have little experience. It's more than worth the drive togo to what may well be the best center in the country for this disease.I would also get a six minute walk and PFT's if you haven't had them assoon as possible. One last thing. An oximeter is your tool from this dayforward just as a blood pressure unit is to someone with high bloodpressure or a test kit is to a diabetic. We can direct you to someonline for as low as

$65 for an FDA approved unit.>>> I am, despite the "nerfboy69" in the from line,a 57 year old woman. I> can't figure out how to get my son's information off the darn Yahoo> profile. I live in coastal North Carolina and work for the federal> government. I was diagnosed with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis about> three weeks ago. I have been having recurring bouts of bronchitis,> sinunitis, pneumonia, asthma and allergies for about seven years now.My> doctor sent me for testing when he heard fluid on my lungs. The CTscan> showed IPF. I am going to a pulmonary specialist and a cardiologist in> early January. I have been out of work for several weeks and am not> suppose to return until mid-February.

...if then. I also have thyroid> problems controlled with medication, GERD which has been extreme andis> controlled with Zegerid 2X a day and high blood pressure controlledwith> medication. Earlier in life I had chronic fatigue immune dysfunctionfor> about 8 years...have been in remission for a long time. I have 24years> sobriety in AA. I am very grateful to find this group. I am only> beginning this journey with the doctors and have a zillion questions.>> I read some of the posts with interest. In the past few months I have> been so spacey. I forget everything and make what are frustrating, but> funny, mistakes frequently. I have fallen twice and just seems muchless> mentally acute...less able to handle stress, etc. Is this part of the> process or am I just a space cadet. I wouldn't even mention it butthis> mental "duh-huh" thing has

worsened in the past six months.>> Also, the use of lasix is mentioned in other posts. I was prescribed> lasix and took it with good results but I developed restless leg> symptioms all over my body so badly that I couldn't begin to sleep. Iam> off the lasix at present. I still have some restless leg syndrome. Is> this part of the equation?>> Enough for now....thanks for being here guys!!>

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