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Disease, Hemachromatosis, Gilbert's Syndrome

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Hi everybody. My husband, Rick, and I went to Mayo Rochester last

week to meet with Dr Lindor. We were hoping to just get a better

look at his PSC but instead came home with more questions. First of

all Rick was diagnosed with Gilbert's Syndrome. So the PSC is

probably not the reason for the yellow eyes, the Gilbert's is. Dr

Lindor thinks Rick may also have Disease and Hemachromatosis.

Is there anybody here that has ever had that mentioned or has it

themselves? We are supposed to be on vacation at the lake but my

head is spinning with so many questions so we came home so I could

post on here and ask all you other PSCers. We don't have all the

results from everything that was done at Mayo yet. Dr Lindor had

Rick have an ERCP because it turns out our doctor here was not doing

them very well. So it turns out that what our doctor at home thought

was just small duct PSC was wrong and the common bile duct is

involved. It had to be cut during the ERCP to be able to get the dye

in for the x-rays. So when Rick woke up he started throwing up

blood, which has never happened before and was really scary. I am

very grateful that we were able to go to Mayo to get a better

diagnosis but I am now scared about what else might be going on.

Please help if you can.

wife to Rick-crohn's, psc, spondyloarthropathy, gilbert's, ?????


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