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Friday 15th day 24Hi everyone,things are humming along here, battling the icey winds of August. Blood tests are continuing daily, with nearly stable kidney function (creat jumping between 134 and 150 unpredictably up and down), and so eGFR (kidney function) now down to about 34. As far as I understand this is how much function you have as a percentage, which sounds bad, but my kidney friends say it's fine!! Ho Hum!

Better news are the liver tests, alk phos 175, GGT 232, ALT 55, and AST 34 with Bilirubin 11 (INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM, NORMAL IS <25, ABOUT 17 x US SYSTEM) and still decreasing. A jump in Bili is indicative of rejection, so this is checked daily. These are getting better daily, and the last two nearly hitting the normal range. As my kidney friends panic if one or other of their liver results dips out of range, I assure them in the same voice as they assured me 'that is nothing! Look at mine!!'

I never know how much to tell medical wise, or who wants to know what. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. My email is working again (private, I haven't got back into the psc group mail yet), but I will reply.

I was brave, and outright asked the dr about the young lad who was re-transplanted last week. He is doing well, a long road to go after several major operations, but hanging in there.On the non-medical front, Ali and her family arrived last night, after a 16 hour drive to surprise mum a day earlier than expected. This morning they popped in for a coffee, before hitting the Ekka. They have a long shopping list from the girls, but are under strict instructions not to bring us germs! Oh for a dagwood dog or Chiko roll!!!

Hope all is well for everyone, where ever in the world you are. Hope your country is having fun in Beijing, Australia is about to come into it's own in the track and field (not!!!).Prayers for Lizzies friend, and everyone sick or unhappy,

Love Penny T

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