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Thank you all so much for your responses. It never ceases to amaze me....I am, admittedly, a slow learner. After 4 years my wife still has to tell me to slow down, breathing.....in thru the nose , out through pursed lips....I still forget to do it like I should. Likewise, when my mood goes south and I get sick and frustrated and I get to be a bugger to be around..........I still forget that all I have to do is reach out.....here. What a blessing you all are. There are days when I'd just as soon give it up, days when I curse and swear at everything. I am also prone to climbing up on the pity pot........the view from up there sometimes has an attraction. You know, it's true, we all are different, the course of our illnesses differ, and yet, there is so much we share. Virtually any day I read here there is something I can identify with. THERE IS

JUST NO ONE ELSE I CAN SAY THESE THINGS TO. Last night we went to our daughter's basketball game, small town, we know everyone. People saying, "hey jim, you look good". Well, there are a couple issues here. One is that "we don't look sick" so people that don't know IPF don't have a clue. Likewise, I find myself wanting to explain to them how long it took me to get dressed, how long to get my freaking socks on, get to the car, get in the gym, etc. Which brings up another issue......handicap parking. Even in this little podunk town there are designated parking places at most businesses. On those days when I don't feel good, but have to get to the store anyway, only to find somebody in "my" parking space. Ohhhh my.....there have been times when I've allowed my frustrations to focus on these perpetrators and bring a full fledged shit storm down uponst their head. Strangely, as time goes by I find fewer and fewer people willing to chance it. It is,

after all, against the law. It is a $175.00 fine and at least one fine citizen has learned that one the hard way. I asked the Chief of Police one day if it wouldn't be simpler to just give me a badge (I have my own gun) so I wouldn't have to bother his officers (I've known this guy 25 years). He didn't even find it necessary to respond to my question, looked at me like.........."you really are crazy, aren't you?" The answer is, of course, absolutely!!.

Well, this may qualify as a tirade........so be it, but it has wound down. Thank you all for being there.


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