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Articles in Pub Med about genital tract reactions to gut peptides (I think)

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I know this is important for us. Now if only somebody

would translate it.


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & DbFrom=PubMed & Cmd=Link & LinkNa\

me=pubmed_pubmed & LinkReadableName=Related%20Articles & IdsFromResult=2077809 & ordin\

alpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstract\




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I don't know how to send that google page???

However if you google " Vasoactive intestinal

polypeptide occurs in nerves of the female " you can

reach a google page on the subject of how peptides

(small proteins) can be reacted to in the genital and

reproductive tract and urinary tract of women (and it

also has some experiments on rats but I'm not a snob)

I will share the world with some more rats (joke).

So, here is a clear connection to what we eat making

the reproductive and urinary tract react (badly) and

cause pain I would surmise?




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I don't know how to send that google page???

However if you google " Vasoactive intestinal

polypeptide occurs in nerves of the female " you can

reach a google page on the subject of how peptides

(small proteins) can be reacted to in the genital and

reproductive tract and urinary tract of women (and it

also has some experiments on rats but I'm not a snob)

I will share the world with some more rats (joke).

So, here is a clear connection to what we eat making

the reproductive and urinary tract react (badly) and

cause pain I would surmise?




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I don't know how to send that google page???

However if you google " Vasoactive intestinal

polypeptide occurs in nerves of the female " you can

reach a google page on the subject of how peptides

(small proteins) can be reacted to in the genital and

reproductive tract and urinary tract of women (and it

also has some experiments on rats but I'm not a snob)

I will share the world with some more rats (joke).

So, here is a clear connection to what we eat making

the reproductive and urinary tract react (badly) and

cause pain I would surmise?




Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news,

photos & more.


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