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I came across a recent posting on the other autoimmune board I

connect to. The post below came from an Australian that was

directing to posts concerning Prednisone use. This individual has

and is being treated for her AOSD. It immediately raised red flags

in my mind so I sent a response indicating that she should really

follow up with a pulmonary doc. Her " chest thing " has been goining

on for 6 weeks, 2 different antibiotics, no chest xray (let alone a

CT Scan) and the GP indicated that he hears crackles in one lung.

From her return post she is " afraid " what they might find and is not

going to follow up. She is on MTX and a smoker.

Not much more I can do, but it just sounds too similar to what I

experienced before being diagnosed with ILD/PF. Should I have been


Tom from PA

Her 2 postings:

Thanks . I am on MTX and now have a chest problem which I have

had for about 6 weeks now, and after two lots of antibiotics, it is

still not better. It is slightly better, but I have a feeling it is

from the drugs or the disease-a heavy feeling in my chest and a

constant cough. Also I constantly have thrush in my mouth (plus I got

it down below) and I have NEVER had thrush anywhere prior to this

disease! But apparently prendisone can cause that. Thanks for your

reply. Hope you are well.

Hi Tom, Thanks for your concern. I haven't as yet had a chest X-ray,

don't know if I really want one-bit scared of what they might find!

Whatever it is that you have doesn't sound too good. I will look it

up when I get a chance. I was on antibiotics for one & half weeks

which did nothing, so went back to the GP and she gave me other

antibiotics which were 1 a day for 3 days (called ZEDD, I think, and

on reading the leaflet they are for pneumonia as well) and they have

helped, but not cleared it totally. My GP said my right lung had

crackles in it. One problem I have, I smoke so I feel as though until

I give up I can't really complain too much! But I just know I have

never had this type of problem before, even when I have had chest

complaints, which has never been that often. I have bought the

patches (to quit smoking) and have cut down to 2mg cigarettes plus

cutting down a lot, and I am suppose to stop after tonight! Pray I

can do it! I just have to. Thanks again Tom and I will keep you

updated....hope you are doing ok.

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