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Newbie back on Intro

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I just wanted to introduce myself - I'm reading every single post on this list

since the last six weeks and I'm very grateful to get all the informations.

Sorry for my english - I'm trying my best.

My history with CD: Problems since nearly 15 years, heavy D in 2007, then

finally a diagnosis and start with Prednisone. It didn't help much, after some

months I first tried Azathioprine and had to go to the hospital with heavy pain.

They were afraid it could be an inflammation of the pancreas, so I was no longer

allowed to take azathioprine.

In the spring of 2008, I had lost 44 pounds (originally 140) and felt really

bad. I could no longer work and had pain all day. Then I looked for another GI,

she put me back on Prednisone and I gained weight and power again . Then she

tried Azathioprine again which this time didn't cause me trouble. By April 2009,

I was finally off of Prednisone which meanwhile caused osteoporosis, hair loss

and all the other nice little side effects.

My problems are still there – D up to 15 times a day and I had two operations

since april to get rid of a fistula. Most of the Time, I make it through my day

at work, but as you all know, it isn't very easy.

So I re-read BTVC two months ago. The diet didn't seem to be a possibility to me

two years ago, but now, after all the pain and the operations, it just seemed

like a great idea.

I'm on SCD for nearly seven weeks now, and had some quick improvements after a

couple of days: I had (probably from Crohn's) wounds in my mouth which didn't

heal during the last half year (even when I was on Prednisone) which are gone

now. Also the inflammation in my esophagus is gone – and I am really happy about


The number and severeness of the D's has not improved at all, it seemes even to

have increased a bit. I wasn't able to get to know which Items I wasn't able to

digest – I ate (after four days strict intro) the yoghurt, fish, chicken, beef

patties, carrots, zucchini, some honey, peppermint tea and small amounts of

gouda at last.

So today, I went back to intro, going to have only soup this first day and hope

that I can change things by trying again. I know it takes time to heal, and I'm

willing to stick to this diet for a long time. But if there doesn't come a

little improvement in the numbers of D's soon, I'm afraid that my GI will put me

on Prednisone again.

Thank you all for reading this long letter of whining, moaning and complaining

- I'm looking forward to be a much healthier and also happier member of the



CD 2007, SCD June 2009, Azathioprine

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