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Update from penny

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MONDAY, AUGUST 04, 2008 11:30 AM, EST

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Day 13 MondayStacey and I managed to make the 7am blood testing time on time this morning, but still had to wait for the crowds to disperse. I suspect everyone is told to be there by 7am, I reckon tomorrow we'll try for 6:45am!

Results came back pretty well unchanged, so we just will keep on keeping on, like the energizer bunny.We walked down from the ward to the unit in 13 minutes today, and without a rest stop, so I must be getting better. I had to do it fast, to beat Chippy who had rung just as we were finished, but she was driving from Kenmore! The race was on, but I won (Thank goodness).

I enjoyed my first cup of coffee with her this morning, so the taste buds must be improving.Stacey is taking a few 'mental health days' to look after me, which has been wonderful this morning. I have a slave to carry my bag for me, and someone to play cards with whilst we wait interminably for drs! Steffi is keeping the ball rolling at school, whilst is running around shopping, going home to collect everything we forgot (making schoollunches without a single bag, or piece of glad wrap was difficult), and was going to duck into work for the first time in 2 weeks. I think he's missing it!

Helen, the house is there for cleaning if you desire a quick trip to Brisbane.To all my neices and nephews, thank you for your messages, they mean so much to me. Britty....where are yours?? Elliot, you just get onto the computer and say hi to your Godmother!!! You too Gabby!!!!

I have lots of caringbridge websites that I follow, but I never realised what the signing of the guestbook actually meant to the list owner! Thank you everyone.Lots of love Penny T

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