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PFT & Doctor visit

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Just got home from Duke and a visit with Dr. on along with a pulmonary function torture.....oops sorry I mean pulmonary function test. That flippin thing just wears me out, hate it hate it hate it. My results are very similar to the results I got in June. The spirometry portion is slightly lower but not enough to get excited about. My volumes were slightly improved over last time and my DLCO is about the same. All in all it puts my right where I like to spend my time...in the stables!

So now the not so fun part. I have to have biopsy of the "mechanic hand" rash I have on both my hands to confirm the dermatomyositis. It was in full bloom today and Dr. on finally got a chance to see it at it's worst. I had explained to him how my hands blister when they are in water for any length of time. So today I sat with my hands in a basin of water for 10 minutes so he could see what I was talking about. He whistled in amazement when I took my hands out and had about 2 dozen tiny blisters on the palms of my hands. I also had yet more bloodwork done today. Dracula lives!

So now all the pointy headed doctors will put their pointy little heads together and decide what to do with weird old me. I let Dr. on know that whatever they want me to do, I'm not starting till after Christmas.

So that's my story and I'm stickin to it. I'm glad it's over and I refuse to worry about it for a single second.

Beth in North Carolina


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 Dermatomyositis 11/08

"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more."

Dr. Seuss

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