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New to Group - need some direction on Diet and encouragement

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Good Morning. My name is . Two years ago I developed C-Diff. IT went undiagnosed so long (despite two

trips to the ER and a call to my internal medicine doctor) that I was about 5

hours from perforating and dying (as per my GI in the hospital. I believe I developed the C-diff from a round

of Cipro I was prescribed "in case" I had something from a doc in the


I have since fully

recovered from the C-diff. Overly the

last 6-8 months I noticed I was repeatedly having bouts of enormous bloating (I

look like I am 5 months pregnant by the end of the day on bad days) and putrid

gas. After a few rounds of this the frequency

began to increase in January. I sought

help from the GI I have had since the C-Diff experience. He diagnosed Small Intestinal Bacterial Over

overgrowth and IBS (bouts of constipation and diarrhea). I was put on Xifaxan for 10 days. This seemed to work for the first round. Within 5 days of stopping the medicine I was

back to my original state. I went back

to the same doctor off and on for the next 3 months. I have gone through rounds of Xifaxan, Align

and some other motility medication. None

of them work. I have undergone testing

for Celiac (not the biopsy) and other various "illnesses" all with

negative conclusions.

I asked my GI if

this could be diet related and was essentially told no. He said "anything" can trigger

this. I tired Gas-X (even bought the

JUMBO size from Costco, antacids etc. to get relief - of course to no avail)

After becoming increasing uncomfortable and depressed my mother (who is a

nurse) did some research and found the BTVC book. What a relief. I started what I thought was the diet

immediately (before getting the book) and saw improvement very quickly. I forget what I ate but something in the

first 10 days did make me flare up.

Anyhow, now that I

have red the book and done more research I am encouraged but a bit overwhelmed. Even with the book I am a bit confused as to

"How to start" - I literally just started eating the allowed

foods. I did not cook my fruits,

veggies, ate nuts right away etc. I

would love to do this the right way if someone can give me some more precise

direction that would be great.

Side note - I am

Bi-polar and have had bouts of SEVERE anxiety this year. I also have Hypothyroidism. I take 4 psychotropic meds and Synthroid for

the thyroid condition.

Please give me

some encouragement and direction. I have

a husband and two small children - husband is supportive. It still is hard cooking separately for

myself, him and then the children.

Regards -

in GA

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