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Tassie Tidings

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HI Air Family,

It's been a HECTIC fun time so far in this most southern of Aussies States. The Cygnet Folk Festival has been & gone.. Bonnie May, we had Dougie McLean here as well as Ronan , a fabulous fiddler from Skye accompanied by Sandie Brechin on accordian from Edinburgh....I was in ish Folk Music HEAVEN!

There ws Medieval Music Bands....Circus Performers, Spanish Tango Music, the usual round of Australian Folk Tradition, Appalachian Mountain Music & loads more.....WOW my ears are RINGING!

Now the village has returned to it's usual quiet mode & we're settling in for some family time. My elder daughter turned up with Zoe as a surprise for Ahli's 11th birthday... we're having a 'girly' time of it! My other grandchild, Max, is home in Lismore with his Dad doing 'Secret Men's Business' stuff!

It's mid-summer & I'm sitting in my little studio building with long-johns under my trousers, spencer under my shirt, warm thermal jacket & fingerless gloves to keep stop my fingers turning blue! Tassie doesn't always GET what summer means to the rest of Oz.... by contrast, Lismore already had 34C by 9.30am .....I LOVE having a mid season break from the mainland heat haze!

The Slippa Sistas have been having a BALL... Ahli's friends all come to visit & enjoy playing & pampering the romping little pair! I listen to the fun & hear them figuring our how to tell them apart... pick their fave Slippa & vie for cuddling rights! The Slippas think it's a great playpen! There's even CHOOKS right next to their area. When the kids have gone they sit watching CHOOKY business! How they'd LOVE to get in amongst THAT action! So far so good, the fences have held up!

Now I'm going up to the main house for coffee... still have to catch up on the back log of posts.....talk again soon-ish!


in Oz

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