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Dear Joan,

Thanks for caring and CALLING. I am just starting to feel like

I will LIVE...

Went to my primary care doctor on 3/24 and he changed the Prilosec

for the Barrette's esophagus) to Prevacid. I stayed on it for a few

days and realized that I was MUCH worse. Had nausea, and burping.

So.. I changed back to Prilosec and called the doctor and told him

what I did.

THEN 4/14, I saw the gastro doc. He didn't like that I have been on

Prilosec for 5 years 2x/day and INSISTED that Prevacid was BETTER..

and that I had problems while on it because the dose wasn't high enough.

OK, I switched back to Prevacid on 4/15 which was a Sat. By Sunday,

I thought I had the stomach flu. Burping, sleepy.. in the middle

of the night I got REAL SICK.. (husband cleaned it up...).. and

my glucose went down to 44. I tried the glucose tabs and discovered

that I am allergic to them.. Immediately my stomach rejected them..

Tried pear juice.. nope, finally I took plain water and took my

prednisone early.. I knew IT would raise my glucose. I sat in the

bathroom for what seemed like hours trying to stay awake, until I

knew my glucose was going to start UP.. Anyway, I really thought

that it was the stomach flu. I couldn't keep food down.. didn't even

take any insulin or Avandia on Monday and my glucose was LOW.

Finally discovered that I could keep noodles down, but they raise

havoc with glucose. Wednesday, I woke with chest pain and unbearable

pain down BOTH arms.. THEN, I realized that it was the GERD or heartburn

that was acting up, NOT the stomach flu. I called the pharmacist who

promptly told me that Prevacid " COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE CAUSING IT " ..

ok... took some Xantac with it.. pain decreased!!!!! Thurs. am, I

stopped the Prevacid, and resumed the Prilosec. It took until today

for my stomach to get back to " normal " . Been a week of H*ll.. plus

I had to have the Disability papers back by last Friday. ( and


TO EVEN DICTATE!) I still DO appreciate both of your offers to help!!)

DID IT, THOUGH!!! Figured stomach was upset anyway, couldn't lay down,

might as well just suffer through and complete the dumb thing and have

my husband bring it to SSI. Friday I called the gastro doctor and he

said he " guessed I was the first person that could take Prilosec but

not Prevacid " . Gee.. feels so good to be THE WEIRD ONE.. I guess I

should be used to it by now.

Watched what I ate really carefully Sat and Sun and slept just about

all of Sat, Sun and yesterday.. TODAY, blood pressure is down, and

glucose is perfect!... I SURVIVED!

Went today for my blood pressure check and the RN said, " Good job

handling last week because they wouldn't have known where to start

to solve it either! " ..

We are leaving on Friday for Mobile, Al. to see my daughter,

her husband, , and our PRECIOUS grandchildren.. 5 1/2

Brittany 3 1/2 and 1 1/2.. who just got their first computer

last week!!! Brittany already went through and learned all the stuff

in the POOH TODDLER program!.. hmmmm.. We will stay with them from

Sat - the following Friday, when we travel to Atlanta to see my parents

and my sister.

Somehow, I have to find the energy to pack.. but I'm sure it will " get

done " . My fibro is doing fair. My pain level is fair.. until the rain

or a barometric pressure change occurs, but you all know about THAT!

So.. that updates me. I have been " thinking of writing and update " ..

ok, now I did it! I have been reading the posts.. I've " forwarded a

few things I thought you all would enjoy " .. just didn't have the time

or energy to write about ME..

I will be here until Fri.. and then will try to " catch up " when I get

back May 8.

God Bless you all. I DO WANT you all to know that I have been praying

for and thinking about all of you even though you couldn't tell by my




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Dear Elaine,

You have certainly been through a lot lately! Prilosec is the only med

of that nature that helps me. Prevacid did not do anything for me at

all. Don't know why these doctors want to change meds if they are

working -- " If it ain't broke, don't fix it!! " . I wish that some of

these doctors would learn to listen to us. It's so frustrating when they

don't and think that they have all the answers.

Enjoy your trip to see your daughter and her family, as well as your

sister. I have an aunt that lives in ville, which is just outside

of Atlanta I believe. It's wonderful that you are able to go. We miss

our grandchildren a great deal -- they all live out west (Texas and

Arizona), and we live in New York State. Just don't have the money to go

right now, and talking on the phone is not the same thing as being able

to give them hugs. :)

We are know that you care about us, Elaine. Please don't feel bad about

not being able to post. We are all in that position one time or another.

Just wanted you to know that you were being thought of and were missed,

that's all. When you are not able to post, we all understand, believe


Have a wonderful time with your family, and remember to take care of

yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers.



Elaine wrote:


> Dear Joan,


> Thanks for caring and CALLING. I am just starting to feel like

> I will LIVE...


> Went to my primary care doctor on 3/24 and he changed the Prilosec

> for the Barrette's esophagus) to Prevacid. I stayed on it for a few

> days and realized that I was MUCH worse. Had nausea, and burping.

> So.. I changed back to Prilosec and called the doctor and told him

> what I did.


> THEN 4/14, I saw the gastro doc. He didn't like that I have been on

> Prilosec for 5 years 2x/day and INSISTED that Prevacid was BETTER..

> and that I had problems while on it because the dose wasn't high enough.

> OK, I switched back to Prevacid on 4/15 which was a Sat. By Sunday,

> I thought I had the stomach flu. Burping, sleepy.. in the middle

> of the night I got REAL SICK.. (husband cleaned it up...).. and

> my glucose went down to 44. I tried the glucose tabs and discovered

> that I am allergic to them.. Immediately my stomach rejected them..

> Tried pear juice.. nope, finally I took plain water and took my

> prednisone early.. I knew IT would raise my glucose. I sat in the

> bathroom for what seemed like hours trying to stay awake, until I

> knew my glucose was going to start UP.. Anyway, I really thought

> that it was the stomach flu. I couldn't keep food down.. didn't even

> take any insulin or Avandia on Monday and my glucose was LOW.

> Finally discovered that I could keep noodles down, but they raise

> havoc with glucose. Wednesday, I woke with chest pain and unbearable

> pain down BOTH arms.. THEN, I realized that it was the GERD or heartburn

> that was acting up, NOT the stomach flu. I called the pharmacist who

> promptly told me that Prevacid " COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE CAUSING IT " ..

> ok... took some Xantac with it.. pain decreased!!!!! Thurs. am, I

> stopped the Prevacid, and resumed the Prilosec. It took until today

> for my stomach to get back to " normal " . Been a week of H*ll.. plus

> I had to have the Disability papers back by last Friday. ( and


> TO EVEN DICTATE!) I still DO appreciate both of your offers to help!!)


> DID IT, THOUGH!!! Figured stomach was upset anyway, couldn't lay down,

> might as well just suffer through and complete the dumb thing and have

> my husband bring it to SSI. Friday I called the gastro doctor and he

> said he " guessed I was the first person that could take Prilosec but

> not Prevacid " . Gee.. feels so good to be THE WEIRD ONE.. I guess I

> should be used to it by now.


> Watched what I ate really carefully Sat and Sun and slept just about

> all of Sat, Sun and yesterday.. TODAY, blood pressure is down, and

> glucose is perfect!... I SURVIVED!


> Went today for my blood pressure check and the RN said, " Good job

> handling last week because they wouldn't have known where to start

> to solve it either! " ..


> We are leaving on Friday for Mobile, Al. to see my daughter,

> her husband, , and our PRECIOUS grandchildren.. 5 1/2

> Brittany 3 1/2 and 1 1/2.. who just got their first computer

> last week!!! Brittany already went through and learned all the stuff

> in the POOH TODDLER program!.. hmmmm.. We will stay with them from

> Sat - the following Friday, when we travel to Atlanta to see my parents

> and my sister.


> Somehow, I have to find the energy to pack.. but I'm sure it will " get

> done " . My fibro is doing fair. My pain level is fair.. until the rain

> or a barometric pressure change occurs, but you all know about THAT!


> So.. that updates me. I have been " thinking of writing and update " ..

> ok, now I did it! I have been reading the posts.. I've " forwarded a

> few things I thought you all would enjoy " .. just didn't have the time

> or energy to write about ME..


> I will be here until Fri.. and then will try to " catch up " when I get

> back May 8.


> God Bless you all. I DO WANT you all to know that I have been praying

> for and thinking about all of you even though you couldn't tell by my

> actions.


> elaine

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Hi Elaine, Boy, I am so glad you figured out about the

Prevacid....wouldn't it be great to have a doctor listen to us the

first time, for a change? I am glad that you are better now, and I

hope you will have enough energy for the packing you need to get done.

Have a great time on your trip, we'll want to hear all about it when

you get back. Oh, and you are not allowed to have any pain while on

vacation.....that's an order!

Fondly, Anne

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Elaine! What a long, terrible story. Good thing you had your wits about you

and could solve your problems yourself. Wish the doctors were more of a help

to you. I am so sorry you had to go through all of that.

I would have been happy to help you. Please do call anytime.

I have a GERD question for you. I have a friend whose doc say's he has GERD

and prescribed on the new proton pump inhibitors (AcipHex). He is a migraine

sufferer and the very expensive ($120) for a small bottle AcipHex gave him a

horrible headache. I've read that headache is a common side effect with all

of the PPIs. What do you think he could try next? He knows about lifestyle

modifications (and I doubt that he will do them all).

Please have a safe, wonderful trip to see your daughter and her family. You

deserve some much better days!

I'll be thinking of you. Can't wait to meet you and Anne!

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