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Re: Home from the Biopsy

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My thoughts and prayers are with you to get through this rough time. Keep us updated when you get the pathology results.


U/C 2002, PSC 2007

Subject: Home from the BiopsyTo: Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 1:03 PM

Biopsy was pretty uneventful. I was awake for it, but had enough fentynal (sp?) to be nice and relaxed and chat with the docs. The took several biopies -- one central one of the lesion and then lots of surrounding tissue. The main tool that they put in me looked like it belonged in a kitchen gadget drawer! Before my biopsy, Jens and I met with my hep -- Dr. Pratt. He was very sorry that this all happened while he was away on vacation, but was glad that Dr. Tiim got the ball rolling in his absence. He is of the opinion that no matter what, I am looking at liver resection surgery, and was very emphatic about it being MAJOR surgery and that I would be in the hospital a relatively long stay. He doesn't think I will be looking at a transplant. He also told me that he is going to set up a meeting between me and one of the transplant surgeons who he wants to do the resection. He told me that speed is the key

and he doesn't want any time to lag between getting the pathology back and meeting with the surgeon. He is also going to push to have the pathology report back by Friday. That is the day in a nutshell. Now, I am going to take a little nap and let some of the drugs wear off.Regards,Colleen

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Good evening,

Sending special prayers to Colleen and Ken tonight.

We live in the Boston area,

Colleen so please let us know if we can help you in any way. If you are comfortable, please email me

your address privately.

Barb, sending strength to you and

your family along with prayers.

We keep all of you in our daily prayers. Kath

PS- unable to get on the PSC site due to turning 50 and can’t

remember user name or password. I

tried the search option and failed.

Any tech assistance much appreciated. Tx and good


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