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RE: Animals in the Ambulance? Treating animals?

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Most dogs are cleaner than a few humans we transport...........



From: texasems-l [texasems-l ] On Behalf Of Louis

N. Molino, Sr. [lnmolino@...]

Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:19 PM

To: texasems-l

Subject: Re: Animals in the Ambulance? Treating animals?

Service animals have federally protected rights (I guess the owners do

but that's semantics). As far as non service animals that's likely a

muddy water but one lesson from Katrina was that some folks would

rather die than leave an animal behind. As far as police dogs if one

is killed in the Line of Duty they are given an Officers funeral and

in many states if you harm or kill one it is the same as if you harmed

or killed an Officer. I persoanlly would have no issue with treating

or transporting a Service animal of any type if I had he ability.

Louis N. Molino, Sr. CET


Typed by my fingers on my iPhone.

Please excuse any typos



On Sep 17, 2009, at 11:59, " spenair "

spenair@...> wrote:

> Are there any laws/rules about animals in the ambulance? A quick

> search did not reveal anything but perhaps I missed it. Can a

> patients animal go with them say from a wreck, or a service animal,

> or a police dog?


> Can you legally treat an animal? I have heard of some places keeping

> pet O2 masks even.


> Just wondering.


> Renny Spencer




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