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Re: daily digest

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Bev, maybe take a break from the overload for a while and come back once a week or so. I have a really bad habit if letting things pile up. One of the things I read was to only touch 'mail' once. When you pick it up read it, act on it and toss it. I started by going from the bottom of the list to the top, thinking I would get background perspective but as I read up I did get the same over and over. After two weeks, I now start at the top and read through everything on that posting (a new word for me) and respond to all at once. As I read down, I recognize what I have already read, delete it and keep going down until I come to something new. I have never been to a site like this before so I am still learning as well. It is kind of one thing (day) at the time. It

was hard to go back and find something I wanted to respond to when I didn't think I had time to at that moment.

I think I have read that you are moving to Washington state? I lived in Port Angeles and found it to be a nice quiet place about 33 years ago. I loved walking on the spit and hearing the ferry horns. Roses grew like weeds. It was nice going into the rain forest and on the beach. I understand there is quite a retirement community along the way, in Squem, I think was the little place. I moved to Bellingham after that and lived near WWU. It has grown but is still a nice little place. I liked to shop in BC and spent some time on Island one fall. It was wonderful riding horses and picking apples, everyone waved and nodded. They told me about the people I might like to meet and where to get services. The house I stayed in had all of the modern conveniences and also an old wood stove I just had to cook on. I went to the UofW medical center and found it a wonderful place to see the doctors on the cutting edge. There are many quaint little

places I could enjoy living that are not far from the hospitals. Best of luck when you find your new home and lots of people live on boats! Margaret

To: Breathe-Support Sent: Monday, February 2, 2009 12:18:47 PMSubject: daily digest

I have just switched back to individual e-mail. I can't handle thedigests. I get too many and much of the same over and over. I click totry to answer a post and nothing happens. None of the links work. ThenI go to the site and I can't always find the post that I want toanswer. I can't get high speed internet here except for satellite andI can't afford that. Anyhow, I wanted to answer the post from . Ilived in Port Orchard for 40 years. I still feel like that is home. Mybreathing problems have always been worse here where it is dry. Mynose is so dry here that it scabs up and bleeds. I have been toAberdeen several times but it was always pouring rain when I wasthere. Port Orchard doesn't seem to have as much as they do closer tothe ocean. I had a son who passed away in 2004. He lived in Olympia.My grandson still lives there. I have a daughter in Gig Harbor andsons in Port Orchard and Lynnwood. I

need to get back there where theycan help me some. Maybe after living here for over 4 years I mighthave trouble getting acclimatized again but I doubt it. I hate ithere. In the winter it is too cold to go outside and in the summer itis too hot. I have never had problems going out in the rain. I havebeen to Phoenix a few times and I can't breathe there because it isjust too hot. I have never done well with hot weather. I have gottenso many questions answered in the short time that I have been withthis group. It is great. I think that I made a mistake last night. Ivented to my fibro group. There are only about 8 of us who post and Ihave been with them for so many years that they are my friends. Theydon't understand what I am going through though. Fibro. isn'tterminal. Just very painful and tiring. Bev

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