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Re: I need strength today!

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You need to see a psychiatrist and a cardiologist. Not because you

are crazy but

because they can get you on the right drugs together and you will feel like

living. Not great

but like living. Kick the son out!!!!! I disassociated myself with my

family because my brother

is an addict and I will not allow him near my house because of the arsenal

of meds I have.

You can have a heart attack if you are not on the right meds. Start taking

an aspirin TODAY.

I had a heart attack at 42 and didn't know that all of this pain and stress

could cause one.

Your inflammation levels and stress can trigger a break in your fat in your

blood vessels

and cause a heart attack. Also, If you could take Vemma and the Silver

Solution or even Xango they would help. I will send it to you free if you

will take it. I won't and can't do that for everyone but I will send it to


Much love Jackie

> First let me apologize for not postion very much. I do read the posts

> but can't even help myself let alone anyone else.


> I don't know how much more I can take! This pain is unreal. My pain meds

> do little if anything ( but now my step son 24y/o is living with us and

> found he is stealing what pain meds I do have). My house is so simple, there

> is nothing I have with a lock and key. My husband has tried to kick him out

> but he (s/s) breaks out in big puppy dog tears, and his dad gives in.


> I have been in so much pain I can NOT take much more. I had to quit my

> job, now NO ins. and dh is working 12 hour days just to try to get cought up

> on bills and everyday living. I am in the process of SSD, been turned down

> 1st try, will be getting a call from a lawyer tomorrow (Monday) he is a

> retired SSD Judge.


> Anyway back to my RIGHT NOW problems. My entire insides feel like they are

> going to explode at any time, my chest hurts so bad for the first few hours

> after getting up, about 3 to 4 hours, I have to strugle with every breath.

> If I have to cough the torture is just to much. I have a doctor but as all

> those quack jobs go, he is really doing nothing for me. Just giving me about

> 10 min of his precious time, prescriptions I can't afford (Lyrica, cymbulta,

> celebrex, etc.) can't spell this morning either. and a pat on the shoulder,

> have a good day Jack A@@. Like I said before my dh is working all the time

> so I sit here alone trying to strugle to do the most simple things like get

> a cup of coffee. Somedays like today I just want to give up, is it all worth

> the pain of not even being able to take a breath without crying out in pain?


> Sorry to rant, but I am having a really bad time today! To be honest I

> can't remember a day in the last 2 years that have been pain free.


> Thanks for reading.


> aka: marieinaz



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Your letter touches my heart. I really understand. Thankfully, so far, I have

not gotten that bad yet. I do understand and I know it could happen honey.

As for the guy stealing your medication, WHAT A RAT. JEEEZZZZ. How can

someone do something that awful. I don't care if he is your stepson, that is


I take hydrocodone for pain. I am lucky I don't have anybody around to steal

it. I would be tempted to shoot them. (not really, but would feel like doing

it). My pain medication is like gold to me and I would not give it away or sell

it for any price. I am just saying, it is priceless to me and I could not

function without it because fibro has taken my life over.

I did start Lyrica. It seems to help some. I wish you could afford it. I

will have a rough time affording it but I am going to try to stay on it if I



Debra V. (east TX)

L Marie marieinaz MarieinAZ@...> wrote:

First let me apologize for not postion very much. I do read the posts

but can't even help myself let alone anyone else.

I don't know how much more I can take! This pain is unreal. My pain meds do

little if anything ( but now my step son 24y/o is living with us and found he is

stealing what pain meds I do have). My house is so simple, there is nothing I

have with a lock and key. My husband has tried to kick him out but he (s/s)

breaks out in big puppy dog tears, and his dad gives in.

I have been in so much pain I can NOT take much more. I had to quit my job, now

NO ins. and dh is working 12 hour days just to try to get cought up on bills and

everyday living. I am in the process of SSD, been turned down 1st try, will be

getting a call from a lawyer tomorrow (Monday) he is a retired SSD Judge.

Anyway back to my RIGHT NOW problems. My entire insides feel like they are going

to explode at any time, my chest hurts so bad for the first few hours after

getting up, about 3 to 4 hours, I have to strugle with every breath. If I have

to cough the torture is just to much. I have a doctor but as all those quack

jobs go, he is really doing nothing for me. Just giving me about 10 min of his

precious time, prescriptions I can't afford (Lyrica, cymbulta, celebrex, etc.)

can't spell this morning either. and a pat on the shoulder, have a good day Jack

A@@. Like I said before my dh is working all the time so I sit here alone trying

to strugle to do the most simple things like get a cup of coffee. Somedays like

today I just want to give up, is it all worth the pain of not even being able to

take a breath without crying out in pain?

Sorry to rant, but I am having a really bad time today! To be honest I can't

remember a day in the last 2 years that have been pain free.

Thanks for reading.

aka: marieinaz

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I can totally relate to you. I have a stepson from Hell, too. He stole our

credit card and charged several thousand dollars on it. I have to say I'm glad

it was money rather then my pain pills. After years of ditching school, drugs,

sneaking out at night, lieing, etc. I finally got my husband to finally throw

him out for good! Between my fibro and my young twins, he needed to go. So does

your stepson....

I hope you do you find another dr. to find out about your chest pain.....it may

have nothing to do with fibro and be very serious.

As far as the pain, I can't take it anymore either. I always thought that if I

searched long enough, tried enough things, spent enough money I could find away

to make life better with fibro. I have tried so many things, including moving

out of state to get away from bad memories. When that didn't work I spent $$$$$

at the Fibro & Fatigue Centers. I was convinced that it was going to change my

life. I was really excited. When I wasn't responding to treatment, the dr. said

I would if I had my breast implants removed and I would be great. So, more

$$$$$$$ and I still feel absolutely miserable. Plus, my pain specialist

convinced to have all these back procedure the last 6 months and they just did

more damage. Last week it hit me....this is it. This is my life. It's not

going to get better. I'm not going to be able to go back to work (we are in the

process of losing everything), I'm not going to be the kind of mom or wife I

want to be, I'm not going to be able to enjoy my hobbies anymore, I'm not going

to be able to go to graduate school, I'm not going to be able to travel, I'm not

going to enjoy anything. Every day, day after day, will be the same

unrelenting pain and fatigue. I'm already dead, my body just hasn't quite

gotten there yet. I'm a burden to my husband and children and the point to

continue this is really beyond me. I know I'm supposed to remain positive, and

I have for years, but it's just pointless. I still suffer. My family still



Re: I need strength today!

You need to see a psychiatrist and a cardiologist. Not because you

are crazy but

because they can get you on the right drugs together and you will feel like

living. Not great

but like living. Kick the son out!!!!! I disassociated myself with my

family because my brother

is an addict and I will not allow him near my house because of the arsenal

of meds I have.

You can have a heart attack if you are not on the right meds. Start taking

an aspirin TODAY.

I had a heart attack at 42 and didn't know that all of this pain and stress

could cause one.

Your inflammation levels and stress can trigger a break in your fat in your

blood vessels

and cause a heart attack. Also, If you could take Vemma and the Silver

Solution or even Xango they would help. I will send it to you free if you

will take it. I won't and can't do that for everyone but I will send it to


Much love Jackie

> First let me apologize for not postion very much. I do read the posts

> but can't even help myself let alone anyone else.


> I don't know how much more I can take! This pain is unreal. My pain meds

> do little if anything ( but now my step son 24y/o is living with us and

> found he is stealing what pain meds I do have). My house is so simple, there

> is nothing I have with a lock and key. My husband has tried to kick him out

> but he (s/s) breaks out in big puppy dog tears, and his dad gives in.


> I have been in so much pain I can NOT take much more. I had to quit my

> job, now NO ins. and dh is working 12 hour days just to try to get cought up

> on bills and everyday living. I am in the process of SSD, been turned down

> 1st try, will be getting a call from a lawyer tomorrow (Monday) he is a

> retired SSD Judge.


> Anyway back to my RIGHT NOW problems. My entire insides feel like they are

> going to explode at any time, my chest hurts so bad for the first few hours

> after getting up, about 3 to 4 hours, I have to strugle with every breath.

> If I have to cough the torture is just to much. I have a doctor but as all

> those quack jobs go, he is really doing nothing for me. Just giving me about

> 10 min of his precious time, prescriptions I can't afford (Lyrica, cymbulta,

> celebrex, etc.) can't spell this morning either. and a pat on the shoulder,

> have a good day Jack A@@. Like I said before my dh is working all the time

> so I sit here alone trying to strugle to do the most simple things like get

> a cup of coffee. Somedays like today I just want to give up, is it all worth

> the pain of not even being able to take a breath without crying out in pain?


> Sorry to rant, but I am having a really bad time today! To be honest I

> can't remember a day in the last 2 years that have been pain free.


> Thanks for reading.


> aka: marieinaz



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Hi, my name is and I am new here and I have been reading your

posts and I can say that I know exactly how you feel, pain and the

doctor's. I have pain that has surfaced in the last 3 months that

makes it feel like my skin is being ripped off of my body. I can't

wear socks without being is severe pain which with summer getting

here that helps with that problem. I also have RLS, Restless Leg

Syndrome, on top of the fibro so if it isn't the pain keeping me

awake it is the RLS. I have 5 kids with 4 still living at home, all

boys. My daughter is married now and has my grandson which I take

care of for her while her and her husband work during the day and

there are days that I can't hold him because of the pain. Thankfully

he is now 2 years old and doesn't expect me to hold him all the

time. I have a 16 year old son that is constantly getting into

trouble, he is going to court the 22nd of this month for violating

his probation twice in 2 weeks. My husband and I are going farther

and farther into the hole everyday. He is working 12 hour days also

and still isn't bringing in enough to cover all the bills because his

boss, who is an idiot, decided to cut back their hours so he doesn't

get as much overtime as he used to. We have been boring money from

family and friends just to have food on the table for our kids. I

can't get my doctor's to fill out the disability papers because they

don't " feel " I am disabled but yet they won't send me back to work

either. I have been off of work for over a year now so I no longer

have insurance either because where my husband works they don't offer

good insurance but they expect you to pay 3/4 of your paycheck for


The only thing I can say is DON'T GIVE UP!! Your family needs you

and what would they do without you? You may be thinking that they

will be happier because they won't be listening to you complain about

the pain anymore, right?! Well let me tell you something, I said

that once and my family flipped out on me. Last summer I was in so

much pain that I felt just like you do and that is when I said it.

My husband busted into tears and told me that he didn't care what I

was going through, his life would never be better without me and I'm

sure your husband feels the same way.

I would like to tell you, and hopefully I don't get into trouble for

this, I have found some all natural products that help me keep my

fibro at least tolerable. I can still feel pain but nothing like

what it normally is if I don't take them everyday. The meds the

doctor's gave me were not working and all they did was make me

tired. The all natural products that I take don't make me tired at

all, actually, they give me energy rather than putting me to sleep.

Please, DON'T GIVE UP!! Your family needs you whether you think so

or not.

Take care,


> > First let me apologize for not postion very much. I do read the


> > but can't even help myself let alone anyone else.

> >

> > I don't know how much more I can take! This pain is unreal. My

pain meds

> > do little if anything ( but now my step son 24y/o is living

with us and

> > found he is stealing what pain meds I do have). My house is so

simple, there

> > is nothing I have with a lock and key. My husband has tried to

kick him out

> > but he (s/s) breaks out in big puppy dog tears, and his dad

gives in.

> >

> > I have been in so much pain I can NOT take much more. I had to

quit my

> > job, now NO ins. and dh is working 12 hour days just to try to

get cought up

> > on bills and everyday living. I am in the process of SSD, been

turned down

> > 1st try, will be getting a call from a lawyer tomorrow (Monday)

he is a

> > retired SSD Judge.

> >

> > Anyway back to my RIGHT NOW problems. My entire insides feel

like they are

> > going to explode at any time, my chest hurts so bad for the

first few hours

> > after getting up, about 3 to 4 hours, I have to strugle with

every breath.

> > If I have to cough the torture is just to much. I have a doctor

but as all

> > those quack jobs go, he is really doing nothing for me. Just

giving me about

> > 10 min of his precious time, prescriptions I can't afford

(Lyrica, cymbulta,

> > celebrex, etc.) can't spell this morning either. and a pat on

the shoulder,

> > have a good day Jack A@@. Like I said before my dh is working

all the time

> > so I sit here alone trying to strugle to do the most simple

things like get

> > a cup of coffee. Somedays like today I just want to give up, is

it all worth

> > the pain of not even being able to take a breath without crying

out in pain?

> >

> > Sorry to rant, but I am having a really bad time today! To be

honest I

> > can't remember a day in the last 2 years that have been pain


> >

> > Thanks for reading.

> >

> > aka: marieinaz

> >

> >

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> Jill - Please know that you will have better days. No, they won't be

> like you want


You will have to learn to live differently, but you will enjoy life again.

You will have better

days. I promise. I have been in this for almost 10 years now and I know

you will have

better days. You need an anxiety medication and an antidepressant

medication. You

need meds to help you sleep because that is the best medication. Don't let

the doctor's

practice on you. Demand something that works. Until I got down right ugly

with my doctor's

I didn't get anywhere. I also take 3 homeopathic remedies that I believe

are making my life

better. Please don't give up. I have been where you are right now and it

breaks my heart because

I know how sad you are. If you ever need to talk or cry to someone that


I am here for you. I promise you will have better days! Soft hugs -



> >

> > I can totally relate to you. I have a stepson from Hell, too. He

> stole our credit card and charged several thousand dollars on it. I

> have to say I'm glad it was money rather then my pain pills. After

> years of ditching school, drugs, sneaking out at night, lieing, etc.

> I finally got my husband to finally throw him out for good! Between

> my fibro and my young twins, he needed to go. So does your

> stepson....

> >

> > I hope you do you find another dr. to find out about your chest

> pain.....it may have nothing to do with fibro and be very serious.

> >

> > As far as the pain, I can't take it anymore either. I always

> thought that if I searched long enough, tried enough things, spent

> enough money I could find away to make life better with fibro. I

> have tried so many things, including moving out of state to get away

> from bad memories. When that didn't work I spent $$$$$ at the Fibro

> & Fatigue Centers. I was convinced that it was going to change my

> life. I was really excited. When I wasn't responding to treatment,

> the dr. said I would if I had my breast implants removed and I would

> be great. So, more $$$$$$$ and I still feel absolutely miserable.

> Plus, my pain specialist convinced to have all these back procedure

> the last 6 months and they just did more damage. Last week it hit

> me....this is it. This is my life. It's not going to get better.

> I'm not going to be able to go back to work (we are in the process of

> losing everything), I'm not going to be the kind of mom or wife I

> want to be, I'm not going to be able to enjoy my hobbies anymore, I'm

> not going to be able to go to graduate school, I'm not going to be

> able to travel, I'm not going to enjoy anything. Every day, day

> after day, will be the same unrelenting pain and fatigue. I'm

> already dead, my body just hasn't quite gotten there yet. I'm a

> burden to my husband and children and the point to continue this is

> really beyond me. I know I'm supposed to remain positive, and I have

> for years, but it's just pointless. I still suffer. My family still

> suffers.

> >

> > J


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I know this sounds stupid but I have a breast plate.

I fence for a hobby when I am well and when my breathing

first became affected I thought I had mastitis and I knew

that lettuce leaves helped with pain so I went and put

my plastic breast plate on, it worked great I can't move

my chest around and my arms are forced to be by

my side so my lungs are at full capacity, it is invisible

under my clothes and damn it it works.

It reduces my pain just a enough to be worth

the inconvenience and it is comfy too, oddly enough,

Re: I need strength today!

Your letter touches my heart. I really understand. Thankfully, so far, I have

not gotten that bad yet. I do understand and I know it could happen honey.

As for the guy stealing your medication, WHAT A RAT. JEEEZZZZ. How can

someone do something that awful. I don't care if he is your stepson, that is


I take hydrocodone for pain. I am lucky I don't have anybody around to steal

it. I would be tempted to shoot them. (not really, but would feel like doing

it). My pain medication is like gold to me and I would not give it away or sell

it for any price. I am just saying, it is priceless to me and I could not

function without it because fibro has taken my life over.

I did start Lyrica. It seems to help some. I wish you could afford it. I

will have a rough time affording it but I am going to try to stay on it if I



Debra V. (east TX)

L Marie marieinaz MarieinAZ@...> wrote:

First let me apologize for not postion very much. I do read the posts

but can't even help myself let alone anyone else.

I don't know how much more I can take! This pain is unreal. My pain meds do

little if anything ( but now my step son 24y/o is living with us and found he is

stealing what pain meds I do have). My house is so simple, there is nothing I

have with a lock and key. My husband has tried to kick him out but he (s/s)

breaks out in big puppy dog tears, and his dad gives in.

I have been in so much pain I can NOT take much more. I had to quit my job, now

NO ins. and dh is working 12 hour days just to try to get cought up on bills and

everyday living. I am in the process of SSD, been turned down 1st try, will be

getting a call from a lawyer tomorrow (Monday) he is a retired SSD Judge.

Anyway back to my RIGHT NOW problems. My entire insides feel like they are going

to explode at any time, my chest hurts so bad for the first few hours after

getting up, about 3 to 4 hours, I have to strugle with every breath. If I have

to cough the torture is just to much. I have a doctor but as all those quack

jobs go, he is really doing nothing for me. Just giving me about 10 min of his

precious time, prescriptions I can't afford (Lyrica, cymbulta, celebrex, etc.)

can't spell this morning either. and a pat on the shoulder, have a good day Jack

A@@. Like I said before my dh is working all the time so I sit here alone trying

to strugle to do the most simple things like get a cup of coffee. Somedays like

today I just want to give up, is it all worth the pain of not even being able to

take a breath without crying out in pain?

Sorry to rant, but I am having a really bad time today! To be honest I can't

remember a day in the last 2 years that have been pain free.

Thanks for reading.

aka: marieinaz

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