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Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP) What is it? Do I have it too?

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I just bought a book from the used book store entitled, " Fibromyalgia &

Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome " subtitled, " A Survival Manual " .

Written by Devin Starlanyl, M.D.

And Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A.

I would recommend this book to everyone, to arm yourself with

knowledge and take control of your health.

Find out the facts on Fibromyalgia from doctors that are actively

conducting research, and treating patients. (Not the typical " weenies " ).

Educating yourself has an additional benefit in helping not only to

cope with FM but also in shedding light on the medical professions

lack of sensible knowledge, and when doctors and the insurance are

B.S.ing you to the point where you are no better off health wise.

Several FM suffers that I have come in contact with have conducted

research to obtain information through several resources.

The internet, publications, support groups, or through doctors that

have 2 brain cells to rub together.

It's a slow process, but the message is getting out.

Fibromyalgia is a real disease/disorder, all everyone can make a

difference in spreading the word around. Not only for our sakes, but

for those that will also have the displeasure of being " touched " by it.

This Yahoo! group is top notch, and at times is the sole source of

" real " support. Keep up the good work everyone.

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, thanks. This is a great group.

I have heard of Chronic Myofascial Pain and it seems it goes hand in hand with

fibro. I guess I have been too lazy to read much about it. I need to though.

You are right, there are alot of docs out there that don't give a $hit enough

to read anything or try to learn anything about this condition because they all

dismiss it. (not all, but many of them). I almost think that if some new proof

hit the news today, they would still not listen. Very disheartening. Do they

honestly believe that millions of people would complain of the very same things

from every walk of life and are making it all up?

I tend to state my case in the fact that I did not even know what fibro was

until I was diagnosed. Sometimes I think they believe we sit around and look

stuff up on the net and then decide to " get fibromyalgia " .

And I am a registered nurse and have been for 16 years. When I got fibro, I

had absolutely no idea what it was because of the lack of education over the

years to the medical community. Sad but true. The only nurses I have found

that know anything about it are those who have it, or have someone close to them

with it. (by the way, I still don't think they are teaching it in nursing



Debra V.

Loest boltzero@...> wrote:

I just bought a book from the used book store entitled, " Fibromyalgia &

Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome " subtitled, " A Survival Manual " .

Written by Devin Starlanyl, M.D.

And Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A.

I would recommend this book to everyone, to arm yourself with

knowledge and take control of your health.

Find out the facts on Fibromyalgia from doctors that are actively

conducting research, and treating patients. (Not the typical " weenies " ).

Educating yourself has an additional benefit in helping not only to

cope with FM but also in shedding light on the medical professions

lack of sensible knowledge, and when doctors and the insurance are

B.S.ing you to the point where you are no better off health wise.

Several FM suffers that I have come in contact with have conducted

research to obtain information through several resources.

The internet, publications, support groups, or through doctors that

have 2 brain cells to rub together.

It's a slow process, but the message is getting out.

Fibromyalgia is a real disease/disorder, all everyone can make a

difference in spreading the word around. Not only for our sakes, but

for those that will also have the displeasure of being " touched " by it.

This Yahoo! group is top notch, and at times is the sole source of

" real " support. Keep up the good work everyone.

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I have this book it IS great....I'm working my way through it.

Re: Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP) What is it? Do I have it too?

I just bought a book from the used book store entitled, " Fibromyalgia &

Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome " subtitled, " A Survival Manual " .

Written by Devin Starlanyl, M.D.

And Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A.

I would recommend this book to everyone, to arm yourself with

knowledge and take control of your health.

Find out the facts on Fibromyalgia from doctors that are actively

conducting research, and treating patients. (Not the typical " weenies " ).

Educating yourself has an additional benefit in helping not only to

cope with FM but also in shedding light on the medical professions

lack of sensible knowledge, and when doctors and the insurance are

B.S.ing you to the point where you are no better off health wise.

Several FM suffers that I have come in contact with have conducted

research to obtain information through several resources.

The internet, publications, support groups, or through doctors that

have 2 brain cells to rub together.

It's a slow process, but the message is getting out.

Fibromyalgia is a real disease/disorder, all everyone can make a

difference in spreading the word around. Not only for our sakes, but

for those that will also have the displeasure of being " touched " by it.

This Yahoo! group is top notch, and at times is the sole source of

" real " support. Keep up the good work everyone.

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Hi ,

I have been researching this illness for years, well since 1989 when it was

first suggested that I might have it, before my dx in 1991. At that time it was

through newsletters, conferences and books. The Fibromyalgia Network has a good

newsletter. Fibromyalgia Advocate is a good bood too. It tells a lot about how

to advocate (duh) for yourself. I have several other good books, but now that

we have the Internet I do most of my research on there.

I would like to get the book you named though. I will try to find it used on

Amazon. It's great how cheap (50 cents and up) the used, and sometimes new,

older books are. I'm one who loves to hold and read a real book. I read in one

of your posts that you have 5 full size book shelves. I have floor to ceiling

bookshelves too. They even have a ladder that rolls around them. (The grand

children are real fans of the ladder.) I also have trouble focussing since the

fibro monster attacked me. (also have AADD) But I can still do research and

slowiy make it through books. I love them so.

I really enjoy your posts and your humor. I watched the Painting video and

cracked up! My son sends me links to hysterical videos he comes across. One

was with Sara Silverman trying to get at her boyfriend Jerry and then another

one with Jerry getting back at her. I'll see if I still have the links. They

are really funny. On second thought they have bad language and might offend.

Sorry, I've insulted myself. Oh well, I live alone so at least no one else is


Anyway keep the great posts coming,


Loest boltzero@...> wrote:

I just bought a book from the used book store entitled, " Fibromyalgia &

Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome " subtitled, " A Survival Manual " .

Written by Devin Starlanyl, M.D.

And Ellen Copeland, M.S., M.A.

I would recommend this book to everyone, to arm yourself with

knowledge and take control of your health.

Find out the facts on Fibromyalgia from doctors that are actively

conducting research, and treating patients. (Not the typical " weenies " ).

Educating yourself has an additional benefit in helping not only to

cope with FM but also in shedding light on the medical professions

lack of sensible knowledge, and when doctors and the insurance are

B.S.ing you to the point where you are no better off health wise.

Several FM suffers that I have come in contact with have conducted

research to obtain information through several resources.

The internet, publications, support groups, or through doctors that

have 2 brain cells to rub together.

It's a slow process, but the message is getting out.

Fibromyalgia is a real disease/disorder, all everyone can make a

difference in spreading the word around. Not only for our sakes, but

for those that will also have the displeasure of being " touched " by it.

This Yahoo! group is top notch, and at times is the sole source of

" real " support. Keep up the good work everyone.

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