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just to remember--we are still available to you when you need us.


Re: Re: pam

That really stinks. I hope you find someplace good for . Then let

me know. I might want to check it out, too!


> I would be more than thrilled to have a satelite school here in New

> Jersey!!! RYan would be first in line waiting to start in

> September...especially since he is a child-without-a-school right

> now! His current school, Lake Drive, officially kicked him out!! On

> a positive note, he had his first day at camp and it was amazing.

> He is happy, celebrated and pretty much the love of the camp...what

> a nice change to these past few months.

> Barbara (mom to 6 1/2 CHARGE & Zach 3 1/2)



> >

> > pam couldn't you just move perkins to nj? it would save alot of

> us problems with school placement?

> >

> > maria

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks Michele, & Pam,

Michele: I think we are figuring that all out. We are not looking for

the most experienced group, but the most open to learning about

and learning in general. As complicated as he he, he is actually

quite an easy kid! I'll update when we figure out our next step. For

now, I'll just rejoice in hearing about 's Pilo Polo, T-Ball &

Soccer games, and how he had a blast in computers and photography.

: Tim is in a very different place than . Attention and

needing help with that is very different than 's issues at school

(although he too was a different child at home...reverse of Tim).

Good luck & hope he enjoys his time at camp as well. I think some

time " off " is good for everyone.

Pam: Not only did they kick him out, but I found out from a very

reliable source that they had their decision made weeks prior...they

never even gave him a chance after our meeting in May. It didn't

matter what medication changes we made or plans we tried to put in

place, administration had decided. Very closed-minded. We are

working with a lawyer to do some private case-management and are

looking into several options...none of which are schools for the deaf,

unfortunately. I had been in touch with Martha prior to her

vacation...I'll keep in touch. Thanks:)



> Barbara-


> Oh, I hear you. As in any relationship, there are 2 sides. You can

only do

> your part and then the other side must do theirs as well. It's more


> just a shame-I can't think of words strong enough to describe it. I


> you are able to find a quality team. In our experience, it isn't

always the

> ones with the most expertise or experience - attitude is truly


> Someone with the right attitude can find out what they need to know.

> Someone who knows " everything " but has a bad attitude can do loads

of damage

> without even realizing it.




> Michele W

> Aubrie's mom





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  • 9 months later...
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I too have DDD , pinched nerves and have 9 discs involved. 2 of them the

same as you. the leg pain is killer. I do not get much relief from it.


> Hello group,


> I have used a white cream before that worked pretty good on my

> muscles, it's in a green & white tube and it just says " Sportscream "

> on the box, I used to buy it at Walmart or K-mart, and used to be only

> $5 or $6 a tube, and had no menthol either. One other one that worked

> even better was a thing called " Nature's Partner " , it did not have any

> menthol in it and virtually had no smell, and used to work great....I

> haven't ordered it in quite some time, but I found it in one of those,

> " as seen on tv " stores...it's about $50 for 2 containers, I

> think...just haven't had the extra money....the #1-, if

> they're still in business....I always have trouble with the mentol

> burning my skin..


> Also, I have severe disc degeneration in L4 & L5 in the discs in my

> back, along with sciatica and a pinched nerve due to the discs. I have

> the same thing as Darlene. In the side of my leg sometimes R and

> sometimesL, my leg goes numb and it burns terribly, and sometimes it

> feels like someone is taking a knife and jabbing it into my leg! It

> usually takes a while for it to go away, and the only thing that seems

> to help is to rub it, if you can stand it, and to change the position

> of the leg. Thank goodness it doesn't happen everyday...Hope this

> helps Darlene or anyone else.....


> Wishing you All Gentle Hugs and Painless Days,

> Take Care,

> Pam




> ------------------------------------


> 1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the

> list as to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with

> your dr. Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as

> well as to certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.


> 2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls

> don't be afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make

> that situation better.


> 3. To unsubscribe the e-mail is:

> Fibromyalgia_Support_Group-unsubscribe


> 4. Also, it is not uncommon for more than one member to be feeling bad at

> the same time when it comes to flares and b/c of that potentially take

> something another member says the wrong way. And that includes the things

> that one member may find funny (even if it's laughing at fibro itself) even

> though we who deal with illness whether one such as fibro or multiple

> illnesses try to keep a sense of humor.


> 5. Pls let's be gentle with each other, and if you are having a bad day

> pls let us know so that we can do our best to offer our support.


> Have a nice day everyone.


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