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First let me say that everyone cares here! Yeah, sometimes we all get wrapped up

in our own little problems and our own little worlds and one thing is mentioned

about another member and everyone pipes in. It's not that they don't miss you

any more or any less!

Second, I am so sorry for your lose!! I know how it feels to lose someone that

is such a good and dear friend to you. On February 12, 2007, my best friend in

the whole world, since 3rd grade...yeah, that's 32 years, committed suicide!!! I

loved him with all my heart and soul. I understand the lose you are feeling

right now. I really don't have any uplifting words to say. Does it get better?

You survive!! You survive the days without talking to him, without seeing him

and what I miss the most is without hugging him. Losing your best friend is

really hard. I still ask myself to this day why he made the decision to do that.

I was suppose to drive to Houston to spend the weekend with him but couldn't

because I had my gallbladder removed. On Tuesday he was dead and I had called

his apartment complex to have them go check on him since the school where he

worked had called me looking for him. I was told my his loft manager he was

dead. I don't remember much

after that. My husband picked the phone up off the floor and finished the

comverstion for me. It was a horrible day for me. I often wonder if I had gone

to Houston that weekend, would he still be alive? I will carry that for the rest

of my life. You will have days that you literaly hate your friend for the choice

he made, but HE was the one that made it. You will have days where you really

miss your friend and you will cry. There will be things that remind you of your

friend and the times that you shared, but you will survive! There will a day

that you understand, just a little, as to how he made that decision. I will tell

you, I haven't been the same since my friend died. I have a void in my life that

will never be filled by anyone else. No one else can ever take the place of your

friend or of mine. I would like to offer this suggestion. Please start some type

of counseling!!! Where it be with your pastor, another friend, or someone

professionally. I

didn't do that and my June of last year I was so depressed that my husband

called and made me and appointment and took me. I was too the point that he

wanted to admit me into a hospital!! Please consider getting some professional

help to get you through the first year. It will make a difference. I am so sorry

for your lose! Please feel free to email me individually at dirkfan2@....

If you want to just talk about it. I understand the pain you have in your heart

and soul right now! I will pray for you and your friend, but I know your friend

is looking down at you and he will be with you for the rest of your life. I AM


Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

NOT that anyone has asked.....

where I've been, but

I've been under the weather AGAIN and to the doctor; AND I had my SSD shrink

eval today.

I have a severe sinus infection AGAIN.

I've added Topomax to everything I take; plus Leviquin and some codeine/vicodin

cough syrup.

I'm feeling unloved cuz no one ever wonders where I've been. Guess I'm one of

those expendable persons.

OK, truth is; a very, very close friend of mine from high school passed away. He

was a year younger than me and he had diabetes really bad. They wanted to

amputate his feet and he refused to let them. So he died. So basically, he

committed suicide. I guess I'm having problems dealing with it. I'm both very

distraught and angry. I'll be going to L.A. next week for his memorial.

I'm basically at a loss for words. I've even been struggling with my blog

postings. But I figured it was time to at least throw a whine out there and see

if anyone cared.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner

http://angienv. multiply. com

http://www.FamilyLi fePharmacy. com

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. yahoo.com/

;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ

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Hi Angie

Angie even though we have not chatted in person before I wanted to send you this

message to say I totally understand about friends dropping you and not caring

guess it happens to most of us as they cannot understand what we go through.

Living with the conditions we have can be extremely lonely and many of us find

it hard getting families to understand never mind friends. Here though is a

different matter you do have people that care about how you are and how you are


I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. It must be so hard when a

close friend passes and made the choice he did. A similar situation happened to

me ( i wont go into details) and I struggled for awhile coming to terms with why

they decided to do what they did. Eventually I realized that it was her choice

and I had to respect that. I am not telling you that you must do that just

explaining how I managed to come to terms with it. Keep posting here as I am

100% sure that people will support you as much as they can. Also rant on your

blog... it might help and to hell with what other people think about your rant

on your blog. After all it is your blog!

Sending a big hug


From: debra bunt

Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 12:27 PM

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Subject: Re: ANGIE--I CARE!!!


First let me say that everyone cares here! Yeah, sometimes we all get wrapped up

in our own little problems and our own little worlds and one thing is mentioned

about another member and everyone pipes in. It's not that they don't miss you

any more or any less!

Second, I am so sorry for your lose!! I know how it feels to lose someone that

is such a good and dear friend to you. On February 12, 2007, my best friend in

the whole world, since 3rd grade...yeah, that's 32 years, committed suicide!!! I

loved him with all my heart and soul. I understand the lose you are feeling

right now. I really don't have any uplifting words to say. Does it get better?

You survive!! You survive the days without talking to him, without seeing him

and what I miss the most is without hugging him. Losing your best friend is

really hard. I still ask myself to this day why he made the decision to do that.

I was suppose to drive to Houston to spend the weekend with him but couldn't

because I had my gallbladder removed. On Tuesday he was dead and I had called

his apartment complex to have them go check on him since the school where he

worked had called me looking for him. I was told my his loft manager he was

dead. I don't remember much

after that. My husband picked the phone up off the floor and finished the

comverstion for me. It was a horrible day for me. I often wonder if I had gone

to Houston that weekend, would he still be alive? I will carry that for the rest

of my life. You will have days that you literaly hate your friend for the choice

he made, but HE was the one that made it. You will have days where you really

miss your friend and you will cry. There will be things that remind you of your

friend and the times that you shared, but you will survive! There will a day

that you understand, just a little, as to how he made that decision. I will tell

you, I haven't been the same since my friend died. I have a void in my life that

will never be filled by anyone else. No one else can ever take the place of your

friend or of mine. I would like to offer this suggestion. Please start some type

of counseling!!! Where it be with your pastor, another friend, or someone

professionally. I

didn't do that and my June of last year I was so depressed that my husband

called and made me and appointment and took me. I was too the point that he

wanted to admit me into a hospital!! Please consider getting some professional

help to get you through the first year. It will make a difference. I am so sorry

for your lose! Please feel free to email me individually at dirkfan2@....

If you want to just talk about it. I understand the pain you have in your heart

and soul right now! I will pray for you and your friend, but I know your friend

is looking down at you and he will be with you for the rest of your life. I AM


Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

NOT that anyone has asked.....

where I've been, but

I've been under the weather AGAIN and to the doctor; AND I had my SSD shrink

eval today.

I have a severe sinus infection AGAIN.

I've added Topomax to everything I take; plus Leviquin and some codeine/vicodin

cough syrup.

I'm feeling unloved cuz no one ever wonders where I've been. Guess I'm one of

those expendable persons.

OK, truth is; a very, very close friend of mine from high school passed away. He

was a year younger than me and he had diabetes really bad. They wanted to

amputate his feet and he refused to let them. So he died. So basically, he

committed suicide. I guess I'm having problems dealing with it. I'm both very

distraught and angry. I'll be going to L.A. next week for his memorial.

I'm basically at a loss for words. I've even been struggling with my blog

postings. But I figured it was time to at least throw a whine out there and see

if anyone cared.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner

http://angienv. multiply. com

http://www.FamilyLi fePharmacy. com

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. yahoo.com/

;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ

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Hang in there Angie. We all care about you so much. To lose someone

you love dearly is so hard. I lost my oldest daughter to a car accident

and she was only 25. I still to this day have some really sad times but

I know that she and her daughter are at peace. Over th last 6 years I

have lost so many people I love but life goes on. Just try and remember

the good times. It will take time to heal, don't think it won't be

easy. go to a support group, that's what I did. You will go thru a lot

of emotions and that is normal. If you need to talkjust e-mail me

privately. God bless. Lil


> Angie,

> First let me say that everyone cares here! Yeah, sometimes we all get

wrapped up in our own little problems and our own little worlds and one

thing is mentioned about another member and everyone pipes in. It's not

that they don't miss you any more or any less!


> Second, I am so sorry for your lose!! I know how it feels to lose

someone that is such a good and dear friend to you. On February 12,

2007, my best friend in the whole world, since 3rd grade...yeah, that's

32 years, committed suicide!!! I loved him with all my heart and soul. I

understand the lose you are feeling right now. I really don't have any

uplifting words to say. Does it get better? You survive!! You survive

the days without talking to him, without seeing him and what I miss the

most is without hugging him. Losing your best friend is really hard. I

still ask myself to this day why he made the decision to do that. I was

suppose to drive to Houston to spend the weekend with him but couldn't

because I had my gallbladder removed. On Tuesday he was dead and I had

called his apartment complex to have them go check on him since the

school where he worked had called me looking for him. I was told my his

loft manager he was dead. I don't remember much

> after that. My husband picked the phone up off the floor and finished

the comverstion for me. It was a horrible day for me. I often wonder if

I had gone to Houston that weekend, would he still be alive? I will

carry that for the rest of my life. You will have days that you literaly

hate your friend for the choice he made, but HE was the one that made

it. You will have days where you really miss your friend and you will

cry. There will be things that remind you of your friend and the times

that you shared, but you will survive! There will a day that you

understand, just a little, as to how he made that decision. I will tell

you, I haven't been the same since my friend died. I have a void in my

life that will never be filled by anyone else. No one else can ever take

the place of your friend or of mine. I would like to offer this

suggestion. Please start some type of counseling!!! Where it be with

your pastor, another friend, or someone professionally. I

> didn't do that and my June of last year I was so depressed that my

husband called and made me and appointment and took me. I was too the

point that he wanted to admit me into a hospital!! Please consider

getting some professional help to get you through the first year. It

will make a difference. I am so sorry for your lose! Please feel free to

email me individually at dirkfan2@... If you want to just talk about it.

I understand the pain you have in your heart and soul right now! I will

pray for you and your friend, but I know your friend is looking down at

you and he will be with you for the rest of your life. I AM SO SORRY!


> Debra B

> Gladewater, Texas



> NOT that anyone has asked.....


> where I've been, but

> I've been under the weather AGAIN and to the doctor; AND I had my SSD

shrink eval today.

> I have a severe sinus infection AGAIN.

> I've added Topomax to everything I take; plus Leviquin and some

codeine/vicodin cough syrup.


> I'm feeling unloved cuz no one ever wonders where I've been. Guess I'm

one of those expendable persons.

> OK, truth is; a very, very close friend of mine from high school

passed away. He was a year younger than me and he had diabetes really

bad. They wanted to amputate his feet and he refused to let them. So he

died. So basically, he committed suicide. I guess I'm having problems

dealing with it. I'm both very distraught and angry. I'll be going to

L.A. next week for his memorial.


> I'm basically at a loss for words. I've even been struggling with my

blog postings. But I figured it was time to at least throw a whine out

there and see if anyone cared.



> Angie Harley Mama Double-D

> Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats,

snow skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High

Sierra Thong Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated,

outspoken, and open minded.


> " It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> " While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to

allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or

our glorious uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner


> http://angienv. multiply. com

> http://www.FamilyLi fePharmacy. com


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. yahoo.com/

;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ



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> >

> > Angie,

> > First let me say that everyone cares here! Yeah, sometimes we all get

> wrapped up in our own little problems and our own little worlds and one

> thing is mentioned about another member and everyone pipes in. It's not

> that they don't miss you any more or any less!

> >

> > Second, I am so sorry for your lose!! I know how it feels to lose

> someone that is such a good and dear friend to you. On February 12,

> 2007, my best friend in the whole world, since 3rd grade...yeah, that's

> 32 years, committed suicide!!! I loved him with all my heart and soul. I

> understand the lose you are feeling right now. I really don't have any

> uplifting words to say. Does it get better? You survive!! You survive

> the days without talking to him, without seeing him and what I miss the

> most is without hugging him. Losing your best friend is really hard. I

> still ask myself to this day why he made the decision to do that. I was

> suppose to drive to Houston to spend the weekend with him but couldn't

> because I had my gallbladder removed. On Tuesday he was dead and I had

> called his apartment complex to have them go check on him since the

> school where he worked had called me looking for him. I was told my his

> loft manager he was dead. I don't remember much

> > after that. My husband picked the phone up off the floor and finished

> the comverstion for me. It was a horrible day for me. I often wonder if

> I had gone to Houston that weekend, would he still be alive? I will

> carry that for the rest of my life. You will have days that you literaly

> hate your friend for the choice he made, but HE was the one that made

> it. You will have days where you really miss your friend and you will

> cry. There will be things that remind you of your friend and the times

> that you shared, but you will survive! There will a day that you

> understand, just a little, as to how he made that decision. I will tell

> you, I haven't been the same since my friend died. I have a void in my

> life that will never be filled by anyone else. No one else can ever take

> the place of your friend or of mine. I would like to offer this

> suggestion. Please start some type of counseling!!! Where it be with

> your pastor, another friend, or someone professionally. I

> > didn't do that and my June of last year I was so depressed that my

> husband called and made me and appointment and took me. I was too the

> point that he wanted to admit me into a hospital!! Please consider

> getting some professional help to get you through the first year. It

> will make a difference. I am so sorry for your lose! Please feel free to

> email me individually at dirkfan2@ If you want to just talk about it.

> I understand the pain you have in your heart and soul right now! I will

> pray for you and your friend, but I know your friend is looking down at

> you and he will be with you for the rest of your life. I AM SO SORRY!

> >

> > Debra B

> > Gladewater, Texas

> >

> >

> > NOT that anyone has asked.....

> >

> > where I've been, but

> > I've been under the weather AGAIN and to the doctor; AND I had my SSD

> shrink eval today.

> > I have a severe sinus infection AGAIN.

> > I've added Topomax to everything I take; plus Leviquin and some

> codeine/vicodin cough syrup.

> >

> > I'm feeling unloved cuz no one ever wonders where I've been. Guess I'm

> one of those expendable persons.

> > OK, truth is; a very, very close friend of mine from high school

> passed away. He was a year younger than me and he had diabetes really

> bad. They wanted to amputate his feet and he refused to let them. So he

> died. So basically, he committed suicide. I guess I'm having problems

> dealing with it. I'm both very distraught and angry. I'll be going to

> L.A. next week for his memorial.

> >

> > I'm basically at a loss for words. I've even been struggling with my

> blog postings. But I figured it was time to at least throw a whine out

> there and see if anyone cared.

> >

> >

> > Angie Harley Mama Double-D

> > Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats,

> snow skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High

> Sierra Thong Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated,

> outspoken, and open minded.

> >

> > " It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

> >

> > " While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to

> allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or

> our glorious uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner

> >

> > http://angienv. multiply. com

> > http://www.FamilyLi fePharmacy. com

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. yahoo.com/

> ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ

> >

> >

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