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Re: VH

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What about tramadol? I know that they gave it to me in my IV when I

was in the hospital, but it did WONDERS for my pain! I know that they

have it in pill form too.

I need a good anti-inflammatory med for break-thru pain caused by my

swelling. I can't take naproxen, it messes with my kidneys too much.

But I don't know what else to take!


-- In Fibromyalgia_Support_Group , " vh "



> I am hoping the specialist will give me what I deserve tomorrow. I

am just

> grinnin' and bearin' it right now. Ty for your help and support.

means alot

> to me.

> Hugs,



> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 8:22 PM, debra van ness

> wrote:


> > I looked it up and Pamelor is NOT the same thing as norco. Norco


> > hydrocodone with Tylenol. Pamelor is a SYNTHETIC codeine med

with caffeine

> > that is not nearly as effective as hydrocodone. It is suppose to

be " less

> > addictive " . Come on. I am so sick of these damn doctors who

don't want to

> > treat severe pain because they think we are drug addicts.

> > love and hugs,

> > Debra V.

> >

> > vh wrote:

> > They will not call in anyhting else other that Panlor

ss, which

> > is not

> > working. Do I have to go to the hospital for a pain shot. I mean

come on,

> > this is ridiculous. I feel I am being nade to suffer. If it don't


> > then

> > change the meds, please. Dr says it is the same as Norco. NOT.

Now what do

> > i

> > do. I am in tears, vomiting from pain. Do I call back and

complain? Help

> > me

> > Lord.

> >

> > --

> > **I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever

writing a word

> > or

> > painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that

too is a

> > deed.

> > -Etty Hillesum

> >

> > **The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids

in making

> > the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is


> > that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values


> > subordinate.

> > -Albert Einstein

> >

> > **Keep on beginning and failing.

> > Each time you

> > fail, start all over again,

> > and you will grow stronger

> > until you have accomplished

> > a purpose--not the one

> > you began with perhaps,

> > but one you'll be glad

> > to remember.

> > ~Anne Sullivan

> >

> > **

> >

> > https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click

> >

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Good Morning to all! Well, my injection has come and gone and I am no better

today than I was yesterday. The procedure was very painful!! They gave me only

mild sedation so I could still feel all the pressure of the needle and I

screamed one time when I think what he hit was the nerve itself. He then told

the lady giving the sedation, " It her again " I actually laid there and cried!!

Upon leaving the clinic I had 50% of my pain relieved and by 7pm I was back to

100% of pure pain. I don't know what the next step will be, but I can tell you

this, it will not be another injection. I am done!!! I am finished!!! These

doctors don't understand that each time I have one of these injections after the

insurance pays I am stuck with paying, each time, about $450. I am up to my ears

in medical bills and I have payment plans set up for most, but the ones that

don't allow me to set anything up, well...they call me everyday. I guess they

think If I don't have any money

today, then I will be able to SH** it out over night and have it tomorrow, so

they call again!!! I hope that your procedure goes well for you. I will pray

that it does.

Gentle Hugs to all,

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Re: Another Injection/Debra B

I am so sorry you are hurting and worried about this infection. I have that

coming up also on the 21st. For all 9 discs. they are putting me to sleepfor

it. are they for yours? I hope so. I will keep good thoughts and pray all

will turn out well for you. Keep us posted, K?


> Good Morning to Everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I go in

> this morning for yet another injection into my back. I am not looking

> forward to this at all and I am just pissed about having another one. I had

> promised myself no more injections and had even expressed my concerns with

> my pain doctor about this. This is the last one for me!!! NO MORE!!! And to

> top it all off, I am having a fibro flare. This is going to be

> painful---UGH! I hate who I am become. I feel like an old crippled lady

> that is 95 years old this morning. It's so hard to get around, yet I have to

> get going and get this thing over with. I'm really becoming depressed again

> because of my health conditions. I fight with depression everyday and the

> past few days since this flare hit me and the upcoming injection has really

> been hard on me. I just ask that you all say a pray for me this morning that

> this injection will work.

> I love you all and will post again when I get back....after my nap

> ofcourse! ha!!!

> Love to all,

> Debra B

> Gladewater, Texas




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