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Re: DOes any one ever get enough sleep?

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Hello, Rise. The quick answer is " no " .

I never wake up feeling refreshed. I get 6 to 14 hours a night and try not to

nap and I still feel groggy and " hungover " in the morning. I had a sleep study

done last year and it found that I slept okay except that sometimes my oxygen

level would drop really low and I would wake up. So, I used an oxygen machine

for several months and it didn't helped. I actually think it made things worse

because I kept getting upper respiratory infections from it. So, no luck there.

I have gotten some of the pain under control now, so next item to tackle is the

fatigue. Mine is exactly like yours, from what you write.

As for how to ask your doctor how to help you, just say exactly what you said

here. It's a good description. Just tell him how bad your life has become with

your sleepiness. There are meds he can presribe and ways to modify your sleep

habbits. He may have you do a sleep study. There are lots of ways to deal with

sleep issues from what I've researched.

Actually, I'm seeing a Nurse practioner on Wednesday to discuss the fatigue

issue myself. So, I wish us both luck.

Take care.

J in East Northcentral Minnesota


'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.'

DOes any one ever get enough sleep?

Good morning my new buddies,

I just got nearly 12 hours of sleep and am still so sleepy. Is there

ever enough sleep? I think that one of the things that I hate the most

of this disease monster is the total fatigue. IT isn't just a regular

tired it is the most intent exhaustion. I know that I am still in the

more beginning stages of this but have any of you found anything to help

with the tired or the need to sleep? I know that last night I fell in

the bed so exhausted because I haven't slept in 4 days and my body was

making up for lost sleep,

How do you talk to the Dr about this so that he will understand and

actually do something to help?


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I don't wake up refreshed in the morning either. Have been on a high

dose of a diuretic so have to get up often to use the bathroom. During

the week I can doze off in my recliner while my husband is getting

ready for work. My alram is set for 7am. On weekends though have to get

up by 8am like my husband. He won't let me sleep in so I don't get more

than 8hrs of sleep. Usually much less than that.

Debbie L


> Hello, Rise. The quick answer is " no " .


> I never wake up feeling refreshed. I get 6 to 14 hours a night and

try not to nap and I still feel groggy and " hungover " in the morning.

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why won't he let you sleep in?

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner



Re: DOes any one ever get enough sleep?

I don't wake up refreshed in the morning either. Have been on a


dose of a diuretic so have to get up often to use the bathroom. During

the week I can doze off in my recliner while my husband is getting

ready for work. My alram is set for 7am. On weekends though have to get

up by 8am like my husband. He won't let me sleep in so I don't get more

than 8hrs of sleep. Usually much less than that.

Debbie L


> Hello, Rise. The quick answer is " no " .


> I never wake up feeling refreshed. I get 6 to 14 hours a night and

try not to nap and I still feel groggy and " hungover " in the morning.



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WHY doesn't your DH let you sleep on the weekends?

I know last weekend was our annual local garden sale. While I'm NOT a

gardener (I write the checks...hehehehe), I love going and he and I

have gone every year since we got the house ('05). Anyhow, I felt

kind of crummy Friday and was very honest with him regarding Saturday

and going (if it's raining, etc. I'm not going) because of my asthma.

He understood. Well, he woke me up, I was still froggy and it was

cold, damp and drizzly, so even though I didn't really want to, I

didn't go. Instead I went back to sleep and " naturally " woke up

around 9 am. By the time they got home, I was showered and somewhat


As for your diuretic, do you take multiple doses throughout the day?

Or just in the morning? Because I was on 80 mgs of lasix at one point

and didn't get up all night, although the daytime was lots of fun.

It's possible, if you are waking multiple times at night that you

could have a sleep disorder; have you ever been checked for sleep

apnea? I was getting up lots during the night and ended up having

obstructive sleep apnea. Now, I have a machine (think darth vader,

only cuter) and I seldom get up in the middle of the night.

I wake up somewhat refreshed, but depending on the day before, of

course, my pain level varies. Today it's kind of bad, even though I

don't recall doing much yesterday that would have caused it.


> >

> > Hello, Rise. The quick answer is " no " .

> >

> > I never wake up feeling refreshed. I get 6 to 14 hours a night


> try not to nap and I still feel groggy and " hungover " in the



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That makes sense; I have to split some of my pills up as well because

this can't be taken with that, but I noticed both times I was in the

hospital, they gave them all to me at once (my a.m. pills). Go


I didn't think I had sleep apnea either until I had the test done.

And I know I am getting " rested " sleep even on my fatigue days

because I am dreaming - in color no less!

I am looking for something for the inflammation.....I think that's

what is bugging me the most.


> >

> > Debbie,

> > WHY doesn't your DH let you sleep on the weekends?


> >> As for your diuretic, do you take multiple doses throughout the

> day?

> > Or just in the morning? Because I was on 80 mgs of lasix at one

> point

> > and didn't get up all night, although the daytime was lots of


> > It's possible, if you are waking multiple times at night that you

> > could have a sleep disorder; have you ever been checked for sleep

> > apnea? I was getting up lots during the night and ended up having

> > obstructive sleep apnea. Now, I have a machine (think darth


> > only cuter) and I seldom get up in the middle of the night.

> >

> > I wake up somewhat refreshed, but depending on the day before, of

> > course, my pain level varies. Today it's kind of bad, even though


> > don't recall doing much yesterday that would have caused it.

> >

> > Darlene

> >

> >


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I don't remember if it's just you and DH or if there are kiddos too,

but we start our laundry on Fridays....lol.....and DH has started

running a lot of the errands that I used to take care of; partially

because of my asthma/COPD and partially because of the blood clot. He

also knows I don't feel well most days and his goal is to get me

healthy again. I have to pace my stuff out these days....



> Hi Angie and Darlene,


> On Saturdays my husband usually gets up after I shower and get the

> laundery started. If I am not up when my husband gets up the laundry

> and our errands get delayed.


> On Sundays often I let me DH sleep till 9am and I doze. We go to


> on Sunday mornings so can't sleep in much anyway. My DH will let me

> sleep longer when I am not feeling good.


> Debbie L


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My hubby lets me sleep as long as I need to on week-ends....even brings me

breakfast in bed. :) But sometimes he gets so sick and tired of me being so

sick and tired. The house is never company ready, meals are rarely on the

table when he gets home (he cooks a lot of the time), and the laundry is

often a mount washmore. But the worse thing is having to borrow money from

his mom just to keep the lights on, because I don't bring in my share of the

income anymore. It's all very stressful and there are times he loses it,

throwing stuff (magazines, clothes...nothing hard or heavy though) across

the room and arguing about everything I don't (read can't) do anymore. Of

course afterwards he always apologizes. But hey, I'm frustrated and angry

too! Not to mention in a heck of a lot of pain. But my psych. therapist

said that because I grew up in an abusive home (physical, emotional,

sexual), I tend to be a peacemaker and when he goes off on his frustrated

rants, I always end up trying to do more and end up being in even more pain,

and she that I have to stop doing that. But what I did was stop going to the


Man, did I ever switch gears just now or what?! LOL

BTW, I had a sleep study done a few months ago, and my new doc (a wonderful

fibro doc! My reg doc of 13+ years is old school when it comes to fibro,

CFS, etc) looked at the results and said, " Holy S...T! " No sleep apnea, but

less than 3 minutes total REM, among other sleep phase deficits. And here I

though it was a relatively " normal " night's sleep that night when compared

to a lot of nights I've had.


-----Original Message-----

On Saturdays my husband usually gets up after I shower and get the laundery

started. If I am not up when my husband gets up the laundry and our errands

get delayed.

On Sundays often I let me DH sleep till 9am and I doze. We go to movies on

Sunday mornings so can't sleep in much anyway. My DH will let me sleep

longer when I am not feeling good.

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