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Re: Lurker about ready to have a major temper tantrum

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Welcome to the group . I think you will like it here. It's perfectly

fine to have your first post be a rant. We all do it.

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I assume that you had to come off

of the Lyrica, or rather the Neurontin, cold turkey and that must be driving you

crazy. What a ridiculous thing for your doctor to do by not giving you a 30 day

supply, but giving you extended refills of 5 days each. It just seems like

common sense.

When you are in such bad shape just don't have his meals on time. Let him

fend for himself and the kids and fix you something too. So what if he doesn't

like it. You nursed him when he was feeling bad. I don't have any patience for

husbands who won't take care of themselves and their families.

The other thing is your kids. I don't know how old they are, but it sounds

like they are old enough to help out. So what if you have to tell them what to

do. It should just be expected of them and if you start telling them to help,

it will eventually become just their job. They're not helping because they can

get away with it. Golly gee kids will do nothing if they can get away with it.

It's the same as if they were getting into trouble. Then it would be worth

" nagging " them to stop. Well this is just making them be helpful. They live

there. Obviously I also have no patience with kids who don't have jobs

appropriate to their age that they are responsible for. I was kind of a hard

a-- while my kids were growing up. They had jobs - now if they had an especially

hard night with homework, I was flexible. I had one rule in particular. If I

was responsible for doing a job - such as laundry, or taking care of the cat box

or cleaning their bathroom (real examples)

and any of them complained about the way it was done or when it was done and

anything else about it - it automatically became whomever's job that was doing

the complaining. One of my daughters ended up with the cat box and doing her

own laundry at around 10 - an especially ornery year. My son started to

complain about his bathroom one day and my daughter Andi slapped her hand across

his mouth and yelled " No " before he got it out so I couldn't be sure what he was

complaining about. He was 3 1/2 years younger and it was nice of her to protect

him because she usually teased him unmercifully even though I kept telling her

he would be bigger than her soon. I did give him the job of cleaning the sink

daily because he always left toothpaste globs in it. (BTW when got bigger

than her, he picked her up and threw her on the couch and told her to lay off

the picking on or else. We never found out what the or else was because the

whole family just started laughing


Sorry I got off the subject, but basically the diversion was to say that the

kids, even though they had jobs that I did have to remind them about, were

happy, well at least relatively normal, kids most of the time. So I think its

worth it to make them help out. It will be a hastle in the beginning but will

pay off in the end.

I hope your back and your fibro are better very soon. That's terrible that

you can't stand up all the way. It must hurt very badly. I'm really sorry and

will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Good luck with it all and check back on how things are going soon,


Calderon mcalderon777@...> wrote:

It's awkward to have your first big post be a rant, but I'm having a

really bad day.

I have fibro, and I was taking Cymbalta, and some Vicodin, plus my

various supplements. My doc decides that she wants me to try Lyrica-just

for 5 days, and if I like it call in, and she'll extend the

prescription. Okay, no problem. Five days, I decide it's okay I call in,

she authorizes the refill, then it proceeds to go to hell.

First, she refills 3x for the original 5 day prescription. Then, my

insurance decides it wants to pay for generic nuerontin. Pharmacist says

no problem, we'll fax a preauthorization form to the doctor, then

they'll pay. That was two weeks ago. Then my three refills, of 5 days

run out. The pharmacy contacts them, I contact them, and no Lyrica yet.

Meanwhile, in the intervening time, my husband gets a horrible case of

the flu. I'm nursing him, taking care of him, doing everything. He just

gets better, and my back goes out. My back has been out for 6 days now.

I can't walk upright, can't get my meds, and he expects me to have his

meals on time.

My kids should be helping me more, but I refuse to nag them. The older

ones should know better.

Oh, did I mention a big filling fell out yesterday?

This is just crazy. I want to run away, but the best I think I could

manage is a slow shuffle.

Thanks for letting me rant.


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, I can empathize with you, because I am going through the same

sort of problem trying to get a refill on my Pancrease, which I can't live

without because of having chronic pancreatitis. I can feel your pain and

frustration and I'm sorry. My prayers are with you.

Love and hugs,


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Hi ,

I would be on the phone to the doctors office every day till they called in the

right script!!! Five with refills? That's just nuts. Hope things are getting

better for you and welcome to the group.



Lurker about ready to have a major temper tantrum

It's awkward to have your first big post be a rant, but I'm having a

really bad day.

I have fibro, and I was taking Cymbalta, and some Vicodin, plus my

various supplements. My doc decides that she wants me to try Lyrica-just

for 5 days, and if I like it call in, and she'll extend the

prescription. Okay, no problem. Five days, I decide it's okay I call in,

she authorizes the refill, then it proceeds to go to hell.

First, she refills 3x for the original 5 day prescription. Then, my

insurance decides it wants to pay for generic nuerontin. Pharmacist says

no problem, we'll fax a preauthorization form to the doctor, then

they'll pay. That was two weeks ago. Then my three refills, of 5 days

run out. The pharmacy contacts them, I contact them, and no Lyrica yet.

Meanwhile, in the intervening time, my husband gets a horrible case of

the flu. I'm nursing him, taking care of him, doing everything. He just

gets better, and my back goes out. My back has been out for 6 days now.

I can't walk upright, can't get my meds, and he expects me to have his

meals on time.

My kids should be helping me more, but I refuse to nag them. The older

ones should know better.

Oh, did I mention a big filling fell out yesterday?

This is just crazy. I want to run away, but the best I think I could

manage is a slow shuffle.

Thanks for letting me rant.

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> , I can empathize with you, because I am going through

the same

> sort of problem trying to get a refill on my Pancrease, which I

can't live

> without because of having chronic pancreatitis. I can feel your

pain and

> frustration and I'm sorry. My prayers are with you.


> Love and hugs,

> Debi-55/CA




> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S.

used car

> listings at AOL Autos.

> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)




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