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Re: Sick and feeling sorry for myself- Please send CHOCOLATE!

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> Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a

fever for a # of hours and

> it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

> Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick

person groceries " for us.

> Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it

seems to be making the

> vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she

is out at a meeting.

> Gotta go get ack in bed.

> Peace

> Cassandra


> PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was

delerious with fever. they

> did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.


Hope you are feeling better soon!!!! Leanne

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> PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was

> delerious with fever. they

> did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.


Is that an opinion or a type of spaceship? ;D ;D

I understand about the chocolate. I tried going on generic Voltaren

for over a month, and the past couple of weeks, have noticed that

I've been eating every bit of chocolate I could get my grubby little

paws on. This is an old trick of mine - a form of self-medicating

for the pain, because chocolate contains a seretonin-like substance.

The arthritis pain finally got so bad by Wed. of this week that I was

in constant pain and nearly in tears, so I contacted my doc and ins.

co, started the process of getting a " tiering exception " so I don't

have to pay as much out of pocket, and went back on the Celebrex.

After 3 doses of Celebrex, I was out yesterday gardening.

It's odd - the arthritis pain is completely different from the

fibromyalgia pain. The arthritis pain involves swelling and

stiffness in my joints. While there's stiffness with the fibro pain,

it seems to be more from inactivity than anything else, because it's

so hard to move when I have the severe fibro pain. Plus there

doesn't seem to be the joint swelling like there is with the

arthritis pain.

I've tried explaining that to my docs; I'm not sure how much they

understand it. ;D

Z, hoping you feel better and that the mothership brought you

some good chocolate. ;D

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You are in a crisis girl. It is perfectly ok to feel sorry for yourself. I

wrote something about that about a week ago. I hope you get to feeling better.

Sounds like a very nasty bug you caught. I know that here in this part of Texas

we have had some strain of a respiratory infection that spreads like wildfire.

It is a tough bug to kill. It seems to come back when you think you are getting

better. I hate running fever like that. Of course, I hardly ever run a fever

when I am sick. I don't know why?

Oh and the Mothership must be lost somewhere. I think it is full anyway with

the people that drank the grape kool aid a few years ago and were going to catch

a ride on the hale-bop comet. LOL.


Debra V.

P.S.-- go back to bed before you get caught. LOL.

Subject: Sick and feeling sorry for myself- Please send CHOCOLATE!

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Friday, April 25, 2008, 11:51 AM

Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a fever for a #

of hours and

it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick person

groceries " for us.

Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it seems to be

making the

vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she is out at a


Gotta go get ack in bed.



PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was delerious with

fever. they

did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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> Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a fever for a

# of hours


> it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

> Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick person

groceries " for


> PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was delerious

with fever. they

> did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.


Debra, thanks for sympathy and kicking my ass back in bed.

I think you may beright about the mothership being full up of all tose folk

that drank the

grape koolaid and now hitch-hicking a ride back to more hhospitable planet.

I still think the Mothership should have given me a GPS when they dropped me off


Anyone else really GET the Clinton 'Funk not only moves, it can remove'




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Oh. Debra, I had such a good laugh about the Mothership having all of

those people who drank the Kool Aid, does that also include the

kookie group in California that did whatever they did when they

prepared for the end of time? I remember both groups but I can't

remember what the ones in California did prior to the authorities

finding them all lying on their cots, dressed in similar clothes; --

you are going to send me on a search for info on that group on the

internet also!

I jst want to share with all of you that I have been staring at the

envelop my dear friend sent me back in 2002 -- it is, I know, the

birthday card she sent me that year. So, today, I thought, I should

pick up the phone and call her only surviving sibling and let her

know that I am thinking of her and know that this was a difficult

week for her also as Kasey's birthday would have been one day this

week. She said Kasey husband had been to see her on Wednesday and

that they had driven to the cemetery, had lunch and then went back to

the cemetery. He had also taken Lola a photo album from the 1950's

that in many ways sounded much like what Kasey had asked me if I

wanted! I am still wondering if he has followed her wishes and

delivered any of the packages she had prepared over the past few

years for various friends and relatives. (another bad mark against

him in my eyes! as I know she spent a lot of time preparing packages

for a number of people and that she did it in a very thoughtful way!)


> From: wenzdai

> Subject: Sick and feeling sorry for myself- Please send


> To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

> Date: Friday, April 25, 2008, 11:51 AM







> Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a

fever for a # of hours and

> it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

> Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick

person groceries " for us.

> Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it

seems to be making the

> vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she

is out at a meeting.

> Gotta go get ack in bed.

> Peace

> Cassandra


> PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was

delerious with fever. they

> did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.




















> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.



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I hope you feel better soon, Cassandra. Rest as much as you can. Glad the

mothership didn't beam you up yet.

Jeanne in WI

Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a fever for a

# of hours and

it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick person

groceries " for us.

Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it seems to be

making the

vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she is out at

a meeting.

Gotta go get ack in bed.



PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was delerious

with fever. they

did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.

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I'm glad too, Cassandra. Happy we get to keep you here. I agree that you

should be in bed though. Get good rest and " drink plenty of fluids. "

Feel better,


Jeanne and Dave djgraves9497@...> wrote:

I hope you feel better soon, Cassandra. Rest as much as you can. Glad

the mothership didn't beam you up yet.

Jeanne in WI

Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a fever for a #

of hours and

it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick person

groceries " for us.

Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it seems to be

making the

vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she is out at a


Gotta go get ack in bed.



PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was delerious with

fever. they

did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.

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Hey everyone,

I'm still coughing and feel pretty bad. But I was good and stayed in bed

(almost) all day

although I didn't sleep. I ate a lot of " sickie " foods- yogart,jello, sherbert,

that kinda stuff,

then a pasta dinner.

I drank four liters of water. So I don't understand why my pee smells funny.

I must go to bed soon as it is almost tomorow. One cup ofcammomile tea then it's

bedtime for me. I am very sore all over- and dizzy/headachey.

Tommorrow our church is calling a new minister. She will be with us a whole

week, give

two sermons- then next week we vote on should we ask her to stay. Sick or not I

must be

in church tomorow.

It would be kinda cool if a reaaallly Funky representative of the Mothership

showed up too.



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It took us --- dh and I --- awhile to remember the name of the one

group that gathered somewhere in California a number of years ago,

but I don't think I want ANY Mothership coming for me! And since I

am not as ill as my aunt was before she died, I am not crying for

Mommy to help me, in my case though, I think I would be calling for

Grandma!! Nothing against my mother, just that Grandma was still

sorry she could no longer hold me when I was in my early 20's.

> I hope you feel better soon, Cassandra. Rest as much as

you can. Glad the mothership didn't beam you up yet.

> Jeanne in WI


> Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a

fever for a # of hours and

> it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

> Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick

person groceries " for us.

> Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it

seems to be making the

> vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she

is out at a meeting.

> Gotta go get ack in bed.

> Peace

> Cassandra


> PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was

delerious with fever. they

> did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.



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Wasn't it Jim that led that whole suicide thing?????

Re: Sick and feeling sorry for myself- Please send CHOCOLATE!

It took us --- dh and I --- awhile to remember the name of the one

group that gathered somewhere in California a number of years ago,

but I don't think I want ANY Mothership coming for me! And since I

am not as ill as my aunt was before she died, I am not crying for

Mommy to help me, in my case though, I think I would be calling for

Grandma!! Nothing against my mother, just that Grandma was still

sorry she could no longer hold me when I was in my early 20's.

> I hope you feel better soon, Cassandra. Rest as much as

you can. Glad the mothership didn't beam you up yet.

> Jeanne in WI


> Last few days been very sick with sinusitis and bronchitis. ran a

fever for a # of hours and

> it finally broke sometime after hitting 102.

> Today I finally called a friend an asked her to pick up some " sick

person groceries " for us.

> Cathy doesn't like me being out of bed and on the computer as it

seems to be making the

> vertigo worse. so i am being naughty and sneaking on line while she

is out at a meeting.

> Gotta go get ack in bed.

> Peace

> Cassandra


> PS: I did send out a distress call to the mothership when i was

delerious with fever. they

> did not respond. Maybe they lost my phone number.



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Jim and The People's Temple originated in Indiana, moved to

Redwood Valley California, then to the horror show in Guyana South


I still remember the evening news coverage of the Guyana encampment,

no need to go into details here.

Also remember the Wayne Cacy evening news report and the week

long rise in body count as well as every other fruitcake since.

I try not to spend too much time looking into the abyss.

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oh yeah, town, how could I forget......

Re: Sick and feeling sorry for myself- Please send CHOCOLATE!

The one she's talking aboout in California is probably the Heaven's

Gate suicide's. Jim and town was in the 70's.


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