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Re: a new job-- To

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Well we don't have unions here for nursing. So I guess it might be pretty

stable for the benefits. I hope so. I am going to take that job because I

cannot afford to NOT take it. I only hope I LIKE the job.

I think I need the job because if I take out long and short term disability, it

might save me someday. And since I can draw some kind of retirement in 10 years

if I want to, I will have something at least. I just don't see how I can work

like this for another 20 something years. I am barely making it to work most

days now.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Subject: Re: a new job-- for state with benefits

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 1:37 PM

Debra, that is wonderful! I know that the insurance that we have with

the Blues has been great -- strange, though since my husband is a

state employee, our benefits can change from year to year depending

on what the union he is a member of! Seems that presently we do not

have a CO-PAY for any dental work (not that that is going to get me

go back! --- I got tried of listening to them tell me how to brush!

and the 4 times a year for a cleaning!)


> I have had a job offer. I am considering taking it. It would be

for what they call the State School. It is a large campus home for

the mentally challenged. Some other nurses I know wanted me to apply

for an open postion. It comes with full benefits with Blue

Cross/Blue Shield -- no premiums out of pocket to cover me. Tons of

paid time off. Retirement that is vested after 10 years. And a

raise to boot from what I make now. I told them NO " on call " . The

supervisor told me the position I apply for does not require me to

take " call " . So good. I hate to leave where I am but there is no

future in it.

> Just thought I would share my thoughts.

> love and hugs,

> Debra V.




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I don't know why I didn't think about you not being in a union

(although I seem to remember nurses going on strike over various

issues in the past). But the ability to have long and short term

disability is very good and also that you can/could retire in 10

years is really a great benefit!

Which reminds me, DH is going to his meeting with Social Security to

start the process for getting his paper work completed for his

approaching retirement! He was so happy last night -- said as of

tomorrow I WILL BE RETIRED! Funny guy, but he is so happy! And, in

case I have posted here what a ratpack he has been, I must say that I

was so surprised when I walked out to the garage last night to see

what he was doing!! The man who has been building this large

collection of things he might not ever use is GIVING some away, one

or two things are being donated to the historic site where he is the

chief curator!! So! our new garage WILL NOT be filled with his

strange collection that people have given him over the past 9 years.

And, on another subject, I think I may have mentioned sometime in the

past month that my youngest nephew was in a very bad manic crisis!

Well, he called and left a message yesterday thanking me for the

Sears gift cards I had sent him awhile back! I called him back not

longer after the message (we were using both cell phones and I was on

the land line off and on all evening!) He had seen the new

psychiatrist on Monday and as his father told me later, when the doc

asked if he was taking the meds, he said " No! " So the doctor turned

to his father and said " I am not going to treat him, you need to take

him to the hospital RIGHT NOW! " J changed his mind (what little was

functioning) immediately and by yesterday he had been on the meds for

4 days. His dad said he could tell the next morning that he was

talking and making sense!! His dad also said one of his sisters has

been calling J frequently, and he is calling him and asked me if I

would make a few calls during the week to give him more support and

see that he gets up each morning.

So that was some really good, positive news!!!

> >

> > I have had a job offer. I am considering taking it. It would be

> for what they call the State School. It is a large campus home for

> the mentally challenged. Some other nurses I know wanted me to


> for an open postion. It comes with full benefits with Blue

> Cross/Blue Shield -- no premiums out of pocket to cover me. Tons of

> paid time off. Retirement that is vested after 10 years. And a

> raise to boot from what I make now. I told them NO " on call " . The

> supervisor told me the position I apply for does not require me to

> take " call " . So good. I hate to leave where I am but there is no

> future in it.

> > Just thought I would share my thoughts.

> > love and hugs,

> > Debra V.

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ __

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> >




















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