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Re: Good Morning

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Good mornin to u all, son just left for school at 6 and hubby left for work

(woohoo ) Home Alone lol , Hope evryones day gose good and that all is safe and

well .


Good Morning

Good morning everyone.Just got the boys up for school.As soon as they get on

the bus I am going to bed.DH works 2:30pm-1:00AM so I wait up for him and then

stay up to make sure I get boys off.Hope everyone has a great day and congrats

to all new TR's and newly pregnant.Good luck to those TTC.Babydust to all of you

will catch up on mail when I get up. Tina H.

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Nah, the last thing I have is patience, ! I just matched people up as they

responded to me.

Hope your day is great, me I am fighting to figure out why Yahoo is messing with



TR 6-4-01 ~ 8cm R ~ 9cm L

~ Mom to 4 Great Children ~

Arianne (16) ~ a (8)

(5) ~ Bean (1)

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!


Life's riches are not measured in dollars.

good morning

Good Morning everyone. I am not feeling the best today so I probably

won't be on much today. My cold has hit with full force and I feel

like I can't breathe. Donna, I say it must be the colds that raise

the blood sugar levels. Because my fasting this morning was sooooo

high. I hate to even see what my post-prandial sugars are today. I

sure hope the insulin adjustment helps otherwise I'm going to

miserable. Great to hear that your little is still very active.

Anessa doesn't hardly move anymore. She gets the hiccups alot but

doesn't kick or move alot at all. I don't mind that she gets the

hiccups alot then I know she is ok. Take care everyone.

PS. just wanted to say it must have taking you a long time

to get that buddy ornament list all worked out. What patience you

must have. :0)

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Good morning Tina!

Hugs, Tracie

> Hi all, good morning to everyone.I hope you all had a great


> for +++ for all you testing.Good lengths for any one having

TRs.Sorry is I

> missed any newbies, welcome if I did.

> , How are you, I hope your ok, Ive been worried about

you.Have a great

> day everyone.

> Hugs~Tina





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Diane = 38yrs

Tony Brent = 39yrs

= 18yrs

Kathleen = 16yrs

-- Good Morning

Good Morning ladies,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I am getting redy to go

to the doctor this morning. I have been in so much pain this weekend

that I thought maybe I was having false labor. But when I called the

Dr. this morning they said maybe I better come in and get check

since I have been like this since Sat. I will post later and let you

all know what is going on. Or if I can't I will try to get DH to

post to let you all know. Hope everyone has a beautiful day.

Hugs to everyone ~

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angela, i do not know when you had your tr but i had mine in august

and i just went through the exact same thing. i swear, my hormones

just do not know what end was up. i am hoping this cycle straightens

out!! hang in there.


> AF just won't come see me this month. I am bout to call her and


> her a piece of my mind (what's left of it that is). I took a hpt

> yesterday...negative of course. My boobs are HUGE and sore...my dh

> is loving it, lol. It is weird being so obsessed with my female

> stuff after all these years. For almost 10 years I didn't even keep

> up with when AF came and went. It is an awesome feeling to know

> there is always a chance of getting pregnant now! Well, congrats

> Amy, I am praying that there will be many, many more ++++ coming

> from a lot of you soon! Gotta go take Romeo out for his potty

> training!!

> Hugs,


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  • 4 years later...
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Hope all goes well at your appointment. I had the same feeling when I got my

handicap sticker...never thought I'd see the day. I sure am grateful for it



Good Morning

Well, I am up and ready to go see the eye specialist. I am anxious and scared

as to what he will find but I know I need to face this thing head on. I woke up

this morning and after my shower I was sitting putting on my face and I noticed

that my left eye has a blood spot on the white part of it. I have never had this

and really am not sure why it's there or what has caused it.

I am also going by my Neurologist office to pick up a form that he has filled

out for me to get a handicap parking sticker. That just makes me cry!!! I am 43

years old, I should not be in this kind of shape at this point in my life. I

know that for everything there is a reason and I know that God is carrying me

through this. I do not walk alone. I am so thankful that I also have my Fibro

Family for additional support and don't know what I would do without each of

you. My life has changed in so many ways since last February when my best friend

died. I miss him so much but I know he is watching over me with my Mom and Dad.

My Family! My family has been so supportive of me through all of this ordeal.

My husband, what a blessing. He is working 12-16 hour days, yet he helps me

where I can not do. He holds me when I can be held and wipes my tears when I

really get down. He continues to tell me that everything will be okay despite

the many hours he is working and the exhaustion he is feeling. My sister, who

lives in Houston has not missed one week of sending me a card, telling me she

loves me, she's praying for me and she is always there for me. My other sister

who lives close to me calls me everyday to see if there is anything she can come

help me do. My brother does the same. He is paralyzed from the waist down but

makes a point to stop by about once a month to check on me and just to sit and

visit. He calls and has even sent me cards that he picks out and he signs

himself. My other Mom and Dad (in-laws) how awesome are they. They call me

everyday just to say hello. My Mom

has come over and has helped with housework and has taken me to many

appointments. Their Church Family has even sent me cards of encouragement and

prayers. My friends call me and come over since I don't really feel like getting

out much. Some have even brought over meals for me and my husband. I am so

blessed with many things in my life right now and that helps me to not look at

the negatives in my life but try to focus on the positives. (which there are

days that I don't see many positives)

I also have the loving and most beautiful smile of my precious granddaughter.

She is 5 months old now and my daughter brings her over as much as she can. I

love to just watch her play and it's most precious to see her when she sleeps.

It's such a calming moment for me and it shows me that there is still so much

hope for the future.

My soon to be daughter-in-law is precious as well. She calls and comes over

and has allowed me to be a part of the planning of this wedding as much as I can

possibly be. That is just awesome for me.

Well, I guess I have rambled on enough. I just had all this laying on my heart

this morning and felt I needed to share this. I pray for each of you and I thank

you for everyone that prays for me. I know there are many of you that are in

worse shape than me and I hope that your pain is eased knowing that God is with

all of us. He will not let us down. There are times that we want things NOW, but

patience is all we need along with the love of our Lord.

I pray that each of you have a beautiful day and may your pain be eased.

With all my love,

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas


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I've been fighting tooth and nail to get a handicapped parking permit,

and had to tell the doctor point blank that I was not requesting,

asking for, or pleading for it,...I was demanding it.

I haven't been to the mall in 2 years, the walk from the parking lot

to the front doors by itself just kills me.

Those permit slots close by the front doors sure look inviting.

I would really love to be able to get one of those electric scooters

to zoom around in.

I still have a lot of living to do, and will take advantage of

anything that helps out.

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Yep, that handicapped permit is wonderful. I have yet to use the little gocarts

once inside the store, but will be soon.

My doctor gladly filled out the form for me but put down temporary..so it's only

good for 6 months. So, either I'm going to be cured in 6 months or she lost her

mind hopefully temporarily.

Re: Good Morning

I've been fighting tooth and nail to get a handicapped parking permit,

and had to tell the doctor point blank that I was not requesting,

asking for, or pleading for it,...I was demanding it.

I haven't been to the mall in 2 years, the walk from the parking lot

to the front doors by itself just kills me.

Those permit slots close by the front doors sure look inviting.

I would really love to be able to get one of those electric scooters

to zoom around in.

I still have a lot of living to do, and will take advantage of

anything that helps out.

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That might be a need to re-new every 6 months temp permit.

Generally if you've had one in the past it's not difficult to get a


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