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Re: I can't take this pain anymore.... , booze Doesn't Help

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Please Dear, DO NOT Drink. It doesn't help anyone long term- short term it

could soften

up the muscles a little bit. But over time alcohol will only complicate your

condition. Also

you identify yourself as a recovering alcoholic. From that perspective, running

back to your

'old best friend' could put your life and family life at terible risk. A good

muscle relaxant

could help you a lot. Many docs are reluctant to give pain meds for pain they

cannot see.

Go to your doc and ask for a muscle relaxant for the muscle spasms and tight

muscles you

are having- that is why it hurts to hit the brake when you are driving. A good


relaxant to start with is Flexoril (Cyclobenzeprine), you can ask the doc

specificaly for that

if you feel comfortable- 1 tab 2x a day. There are stronger muscle relaxants

and your doc

may suggest one of those.






> From: jant6886

> Subject: I can't take this pain anymore....

> To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

> Date: Sunday, May 4, 2008, 9:21 PM







> I have been in horrible pain for the past 2 days and my family is not

> supportive at all. I guess I shouldn't say my whole family, mainly

> my husband. I have had to pick my son up from work the past 2 days

> when my husband knows I am in severe pain and he also knew what time

> my son got off of work. I can't even push the break pedal in my car

> without it sending pain all the way up my leg. I also have a new

> pain that just started today. It starts at the top of my spine in

> the base of my head and shoots all the way down my spine to my tail

> bone, this about sends me through the roof. I have been crying for

> the past 2 days. I laid in bed all day yesterday, Saturday, and

> today I sat on the couch on a heating pad and nothing seems to help.

> No matter what I take whether it be all natural or OTC. I don't have

> insurance anymore so seeing a doc about this is totally out of the

> question. I just can't take this pain anymore.


> My husband and kids were outside today playing catch with a football

> and baseball and I sat in the house on the couch wanting to be out

> there but I couldn't. I hate that, I feel like a horrible mother

> because I can't do things with my kids anymore. I just want to be

> normal again, I don't want this pain anymore. I pray over and over

> again for the pain to stop but it seems like the more I pray the

> worse the pain gets.


> It seems like the only thing that takes the pain away is drinking

> alcohol and I am a recovering alcoholic and I don't want to become

> and alcoholic again.


> It hurts all over, I can't even turn my head without it hurting, I

> can't walk through my house without being in severe pain, I just

> can't do anything anymore and I HATE it.


> I love you all so much and I'm glad that I finally found some people

> that understand and will help.


> Thank you for reading my vent,





















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