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Congratulations, Amber! That is awesome! You had your reversal a couple weeks

before my son was born. December 21st will be here before you know it!



Hello, everyone it is me Amber Melton. I havent been on in a very

long time but thought you all would like to know what has been going

on. Well as you all know I had my TR on Feb. 13 2003. And we found

out that I was pg in April. So here is the news. We are 7 months pg

now and everything is going great. We found out last month that it

is a boy. We are going to name him iel . He is due to

arrive 12-21-03. We are very excited of course. Well I hope that

everyone that i had been chatting to before still comes in once in

awhile would like to chat and see what is up with you all.



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Congrats Amber! That's WONDERFUL news!


TL: 08/88 - Rings

TR: 05/03 - Dr. Levin

Lengths: 6.5cm and 7cm

cd 16 (on Clomid 100mg)

Weight Lost since 5/1/03 - 35 lbs!!

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  • 4 months later...

What kind of tumor did you have? I am confused because fibroids are

made of muscle fiber and I don't understand how a fibroid

could " burst " .

> I am now home and going well...better every day...things were


> at 1st but as of right now the tumor they found is cancer


> tumor had grown from about 12 pounds on feb 9th to over 28 pounds


> 56 cm on the 18th...A very rare thing...My tumor had ruptured b4


> even opened me up..

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It was actually 3 tumors and the way we are understanding things now

is it was a 1 in a million thing... A freak fibroid that takes on a

blood supply of its own **karen**

> > I am now home and going well...better every day...things were

> rough

> > at 1st but as of right now the tumor they found is cancer

> free...The

> > tumor had grown from about 12 pounds on feb 9th to over 28 pounds

> and

> > 56 cm on the 18th...A very rare thing...My tumor had ruptured b4

> they

> > even opened me up..

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  • 1 month later...
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I used to favor female gyns until after I ended up in an emergency room

because my doctor told me that my heavy bleedings for years are normal,

and she found nothing wrong with my pap smear test. Then once learned

from the emergency room doctor (male) that I had fibroid, she

recommended that I should have a hyst. I switched to another female

doctor. This one is older, about 50s. She also recommended a hyst

because that ALL SHE DOES. All these while, I continued to bleed.

I've found a male doctor who is an excellent surgeon. He treated me with

total respect and patience. He was upset and felt sorry for me about my

condition and my story. He immediately changed his schedule so that I

could have the myo the day after seeing him.

So LOLs, the knowledge and compassion of a doctor, or lack of, have

nothing to do with their sex.



But I have the new referral and if need be I'll continue to look

until I have an opinion both my fiance and I are happy with.

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I totally agree with you. My first gyn was a female,

she immediately suggested a hyst. She scared me so

much with everything that could go wrong with myo. I

think what bothered me most was her total lack of

sensitivity. To cut a long story short, I found a male

gyn who was compassionate, and after just one visit

with him I felt better than I had felt in months. One

would think that a gyn of our gender would be more



--- Jackie Sladky jackie@...> wrote:

> I used to favor female gyns until after I ended up

> in an emergency room because my doctor told me that my heavy bleedings

> for years are normal, and she found nothing wrong with my pap smear test.

> I've found a male doctor who is an excellent

> surgeon. He treated me with

> total respect and patience

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I had a very similar experience. My female Gyn told me

I had to have a hysterectomy and removal of both

ovaries, one had an endometrial cyst. This was after

she had spent a total of about 10 minutes with me, at

two different appts. The male doc I saw next was

wonferful and caring and wanted to see me save my

organs, because that is what I wanted.


--- Dorothy Wigwe dorothywigwe@...> wrote:

> Jackie,


> I totally agree with you. My first gyn was a female,

> she immediately suggested a hyst. She scared me so

> much with everything that could go wrong with myo. I

> think what bothered me most was her total lack of

> sensitivity. To cut a long story short, I found a

> male

> gyn who was compassionate, and after just one visit

> with him I felt better than I had felt in months.

> One

> would think that a gyn of our gender would be more

> understanding.


> Dorothy

> --- Jackie Sladky jackie@...> wrote:

> > I used to favor female gyns until after I ended up

> > in an emergency room because my doctor told me

> that my heavy bleedings

> > for years are normal, and she found nothing wrong

> with my pap smear test.

> > I've found a male doctor who is an excellent

> > surgeon. He treated me with

> > total respect and patience

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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I hope your IVP results come back good (dont know what IVP is though,


and good luck with your laparoscopy.


On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 03:29:35 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) " Lyn

Becker " trueyankeefan@...> writes:

Hello all,

I have really been enjoying reading all of your posts. So many of your

stories have been so inspiring to me and have given me hope. I had my IVP


Friday. Monday I'll call my RE and get the preliminary results. I will be

having a Laparoscopy on March 24th, it'll be here soon! As the date gets

closer, I am finding myself getting more and more nervous. I will be


to have it over with though. I'll continue to post updates.

Best Wishes to all,




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hi rebeccaLyn

my name's gabi and i'll have my lap/hyst this coming wednesday to

find out (hopefully) if i'm BU SU or what kind of other crazy

combination :) i completely relate to you with the nervousness and

the wish for getting this over with at last ....

you said you just had an IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram - an x-ray

examination of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder) -

i wonder if you can tell me what was the procedure like ....

my RE suggested that i need to have one sometime down the road ....

thanks so much! and good luck with your lap/hyst!


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I had an IVP in 2002 to check my kidneys, bladder and ureters. I had to fast for

a day or so to be sure there was nothing else in my system. The test took about

30 minutes. You drink chalk water and then they take a series of x-rays

following the chalk through the system. It wasn't painful, just anoying.

Good luck and be sure to bring some fruit or something to eat when it's done. I

have low blood sugar and the fasting was a little hard on me.




Gabi gabi151@...> wrote:

hi rebeccaLyn

my name's gabi and i'll have my lap/hyst this coming wednesday to

find out (hopefully) if i'm BU SU or what kind of other crazy

combination :) i completely relate to you with the nervousness and

the wish for getting this over with at last ....

you said you just had an IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram - an x-ray

examination of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder) -

i wonder if you can tell me what was the procedure like ....

my RE suggested that i need to have one sometime down the road ....

thanks so much! and good luck with your lap/hyst!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Wow...what a whirlwind, ! I'm glad that this cycle looks like

a good one. Sending a whole storm of babydust your way!! Keep us


UU, 30

DS 8-31-03

2 m/cs

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  • 2 months later...
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I'm so glad everything is ok. Already 13 weeks waoooo. Time goes fast

doesn't it?? I'm 11 weeks 2 days. We got to hear the baby's heart at

10 weeks and it felt great. I'm due for another ultrasound this coming

Monday. I thought doctors could not determined the sex of the baby

until 16 weeks of pregnancy. Well, again I'm very happy you and the

baby are doing great..

Take Care,


SU Resected 2x

PG #1 11w2d

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks so much for you response. I am new at this though--what exactly is an


No, my OB was not at the HSG. He called today and said that after talking to

the radioligist, they agreed it was SU--he said there was some angle of the

fundus that they measure from the hsg???who knows!! Anyway, he wants to do the

surgery to remove the septum, and said he will try to do it with only the

hysteroscope--only will use the laproscope if he feels it is necessary. I do

trust my md--he actually went to med school with my uncle--but is this normal?

It seems like there is a lot of confusion with making these diagnoses.... What

could happen if he attempts to remove the septum if what I reallly have is BU?

And, after the surgery, he said he would put a balloon in the uterus to prevent

scar tissue from forming--how long is this recovery? How long before I can ttc?

And, I know this might sound crazy, but can the septum grow back?

Thanks to all of you for your help and support--

fellan12 anna_hackett@...> wrote:


I'm so sorry that it was so painful! Was your OB not there for the

HSG? Are you seeing an RE yet? I wanted to tell you my quick story,

so that you know that too many of us have gone through these hoops. I

m/c at 11 1/2 weeks, found on u/s in July. At that time they first saw

my MA (I had never had an u/s before). I was supposed to have a saline

u/s (like hsg) in October, but when they did the vag. u/s before the

procedure, they saw there was tissue still in the uterus. So 3 months

after finding out about my m/c, I finally had a d&c. My idiot OB then

said after the d&c that I no longer needed to have the saline u/s b/c

he was sure it was BU, and I should just try again. At that point I

left his group and found a new OB. He was definitely better, but this

stuff wasn't his specialty. He did send me for a MRI, which the

radiologist called BU. We tried for 6 cycles with no luck. On cycle 7

I finally switched to an RE in the same group as my OB. She is

wonderful! She read the MRI results, and said that she calls that

Septated, even though the radiologist said BU. From a lot of women on

this board, I have learned that unless you go to a specialist, they

don't know enough btwn BU and SU. I then had the HSG 2 weeks ago,

which luckily was very obvious that I was SU. So I am having the

resection surgery in about 2 weeks (still waiting for final date).

If you aren't seeing a RE, can you switch to one? Find a doctor that

you really trust! My RE did my HSG, which I believe made it less

painful b/c she knew what she was doing. And then she saw firsthand

what the results were. Depending if you are in a bigger city, women on

here are from all over the country (and abroad!) and could give you

recommendations. I would recommend my RE to anyone!

If you are BU, then there is no surgery that they would recommend. BU

is a lower risk of m/c then SU, but there are risks with the baby

running out of room later on, so you would need to be monitored

closely. But there are a lot of women on here that are BU who have had

healthy babies!!

Sorry that was so long and rambling! Getting the correct diagnosis is

so difficult. And I am not a patient person, so it was very hard to

wait 11 months to find out! I wish I had gone to an RE much sooner but

I can't change that. but I am so glad that I didn't put it off any


Good luck! I hope they get you a diagnosis soon!

> Ok--


> Had the HSG today--EXTREMELY painful due to the fact that my cervix

> refused to open for the catheter. My md originally said he was 99%

> sure I had SU, but the radiologist said that it looked more like BU.

> He said that I would need an MRI to confirm--I wish I had that in the

> first place!

> Good news is tubes are open.

> I know if it is a SU, I can have surgery to remove the septum, and

> tremendously decrease the likleyhood of a miscarriage, but what

> happens if it is BU? What are my options?

> My mom had several miscarriages before I was born, I would like to

> avoid that if possible.

> Please help and advise if you can.

> Thanks-


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I had my SU resected on March 24/05. Looking back it wasn't that bad. I'm on my

feet at work alot and took ten days off after the surgery, but I was only

uncomfortable for 4-5 days. I had the laproscopy whith the hystroscope my RE

said it was the best way to make sure I wasn't BU. I was fine with that. I also

took estrogen for 30 days( no problem) and had the foley catheter in my uterus

for 5 long days, this really bothered me, It didn't hurt or anything but I bled

through the foley ( I assume AF came the monday after the procedure, so I had

more bleeding than average) and I didn't really know how to manage this thing

hanging out (sorry so much info) Ask how long they plan to keep the catherter in

place, I think theat it is usually onty a couple of days.

I was told to wait three months so thats what we have been doing and it has

been a very long time. I am having my repeat HSG and IVP( checks for kidney

anomolies) on june 27. I think it depends greatly on the RE how long they make

you wait. I am planning to take clomid with my next cycle we will see if my OB

has changed her mind on that. I live 3 hours from my RE so I have my followups

with my OB and she fowards the info to him, If I'm not PG by the fall I'll go

back to him.

As far as the question about it growing back, yes it can and some women have

had it resected more than once but I dont think it is the norm. If mine grows

back or there is too much left overI'll have the surgery again.

Good luck


resected septum 03/05

m/c 04/04

m/c 09/04


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hi amanda

a RE is a Reproductive Endocrinologist - sometimes they are called

infertility specialists - they are much more knowledgeable about MAs

than OB/GYns at least that has been my [painful] experience ...

before i had my resection last march the RE told me he needed to do

a laparoscopy to see first hand the OUTSIDE of my uterus and rule

out i was BU - so he did lap first, once he confirmed my uterus was

normal on the outside he did the hysteroscopy, saw the kind of

septum i had (fibrous, non vascular) and the proceeded with the

resection (he used micro scissors). all was done the same day in a

couple of hours unde general anesthesia.

i hope this helps - i don't know why your dr would only do the

hyst. - maybe you can talk to him about it ....

after surgery i didn't get a catheter but i did take estrogen for 30

days and progesterone for the last 10 days of those 30 - i think

these drugs were supposed to help prevent adhesions/scarring and

help regenerate the endometrium where the septum was. apparently

some drs do the catheter and some the drugs and some nothing at all

after surgery ... i guess it's just their preference because i don;t

know if there's enough literature supporting either of those post-op

treatments .....

i had to wait 2 cycles to ttc again

and yes, it is possible that the septum grows back but i think

that's unusual

good luck and let us know how it goes!


(i have a detailed account of my surgery if you're interested - not

sure i sent it to you before :)).

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Hi Gabi-

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your pregnancy/your chemical

pregnancy---you must be so disappointed and frustrated. I hope the

doctors are able to be helpful and that you are able to become

pregnant again soon. Good news that you can try again right away.

This is a tough road.

Take good care--


> hello it's me again


> thanks so much - Jo, Lindsey, , , others to whom i


> replied, those i may forget - for thinking of me and replying to my

> previous email :(


> saw the RE today, he explained this was actually a chemical pg

> (painful and disapointing anyway) and i'm waiting for my period any

> time .... will have more tests, some a repeat some new and we'll go

> from there - at least i can try this same cycle


> the MTHFR mutation seems not to be important since my homocysteine

> levels are normal ... it would be an issue with elevated ones ....


> had an u/s and at least the septum didn't re-grow, what's left is

> really minimal and a thick endometrium was everywhere so i guess

> that's a plus


> i'll keep you posted

> thanks again for your support


> gabi - SU

> ds 7.7.01

> mc 6 wks 6.21.04

> mc 10 wks 1.10.05

> resected 3.9.05

> chem. pg. 6.05

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  • 2 months later...

Congrats, ! It is great to hear that things are going well

for you.

>at my last ultrasound is head down. The peri said that chances are

>if he is head down at 24 weeks he will stay that way. Any thoughts

>to this?

That was the case for me...my DS was head down early on and stayed

that way. They told me that with the UU, there wasn't any room for

him to turn back around. So, I was able to have the vag delivery

that they told me was such a long shot. Kind of funny b/c I had

totally come to terms with the c-section idea and was actually

hoping that this would be the case! In retrospect, though, I was

really lucky to have the vag birth...I felt great within a few days.

No real UU complications with delivery, other than the need for

vacuum assistance and also needing pitocin to keep my contractions

regular (my uterus sort of spazzed out mid way through labor, the

pitocin helped that, though!) I was told that both of these things

were due to the UU.

Sorry to bore you with my old " war stories! " Again, great to hear

that your moving right along. Keep us posted and hang in there with

the whole bedrest thing. I've been there, done that and understand


Best wishes,

UU, 30

DS 8-31-03

2 m/cs

ttc for #2

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Congratulations on making 24 weeks that is awesome! It is also wonderful

that he is in the head-down position! So sorry to hear that you were hit by

the flu-bug, that stinks. Way to go, keep up the great work!


27, UD

Preg w/ #1 19w5d

-- Update

We have made it to 24 weeks. I haven't posted much lately, but have been

keeping up on the reading. Continuously worry that if I say how well things

have been going I may jinx myself. My first goal was to make it past the

first trimester, then 24 weeks, when the docs say the baby is viable. Next

28 weeks. My cervix has thinned quite a bit and apparently feels soft, but

is holding at 2.5 cm for the last 2 weeks. Up until I got a flu bug a

couple weeks ago and vomitted non stop my cervix was measuring above 5 cm

the entire pregnancy. I still say the unrelentless vomitting for 3 days did

it, even though the docs say no. But I have been put on a modfied bedrest

schedule, and absolute pelvic rest. I go to the peri every 2 weeks and

ultrasounds the alternate 2 weeks. Caleb is moving up a storm and as of

Monday at my last ultrasound is head down. The peri said that chances are

if he is head down at 24 weeks he will stay that way. Any thoughts to this?

I have posted some ultrasound pics out there if anyone is interested.

UU, 24w 1d #1 Caleb

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god bless you and your baby- im praying hard that that

your cervix holds tight. really take your bedrest

seriously. re: baby head down stuff- i dont know if

my pregnancy is any example- but my baby (im now 26.5

wk) is all over the place- he is head down for a week

or so, then something that im sure is breech or

transverse based on kick patterns, then back to vertex

(head down). somehow he always manages to be vertex

at my every 2 week ultrasounds- so maybe im wrong

about him switching positions

lots of hugs and prayers to you


--- Springstead rprobst@...> wrote:

> We have made it to 24 weeks. I haven't posted much

> lately, but have been keeping up on the reading.

> Continuously worry that if I say how well things

> have been going I may jinx myself. My first goal

> was to make it past the first trimester, then 24

> weeks, when the docs say the baby is viable. Next

> 28 weeks. My cervix has thinned quite a bit and

> apparently feels soft, but is holding at 2.5 cm for

> the last 2 weeks. Up until I got a flu bug a couple

> weeks ago and vomitted non stop my cervix was

> measuring above 5 cm the entire pregnancy. I still

> say the unrelentless vomitting for 3 days did it,

> even though the docs say no. But I have been put on

> a modfied bedrest schedule, and absolute pelvic

> rest. I go to the peri every 2 weeks and

> ultrasounds the alternate 2 weeks. Caleb is moving

> up a storm and as of Monday at my last ultrasound is

> head down. The peri said that chances are if he is

> head down at 24 weeks he will stay that way. Any

> thoughts to this? I have posted some ultrasound

> pics out there if anyone is interested.



> UU, 24w 1d #1 Caleb


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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A BIG Congrats !

I know how it is to be counting down to the major milestones... and

I'm so happy to hear that you are at 24 weeks. Sorry to hear about

the flu bug (I also did not show signs of shortening until pretty

late - around 21-22 weeks). The baby probably still has quite a bit

of room to move around. (My baby went transverse around 28 weeks,

but then went back head down the next week). Hang in there and keep

up the great job! May the next 4 weeks fly by with a nice long

cervix!!! (And then then the next 4 weeks, and then the next....)


DS, born at 31 weeks


> We have made it to 24 weeks. I haven't posted much lately, but

have been keeping up on the reading. Continuously worry that if I

say how well things have been going I may jinx myself. My first

goal was to make it past the first trimester, then 24 weeks, when

the docs say the baby is viable. Next 28 weeks. My cervix has

thinned quite a bit and apparently feels soft, but is holding at 2.5

cm for the last 2 weeks. Up until I got a flu bug a couple weeks

ago and vomitted non stop my cervix was measuring above 5 cm the

entire pregnancy. I still say the unrelentless vomitting for 3 days

did it, even though the docs say no. But I have been put on a

modfied bedrest schedule, and absolute pelvic rest. I go to the

peri every 2 weeks and ultrasounds the alternate 2 weeks. Caleb is

moving up a storm and as of Monday at my last ultrasound is head

down. The peri said that chances are if he is head down at 24 weeks

he will stay that way. Any thoughts to this? I have posted some

ultrasound pics out there if anyone is interested.



> UU, 24w 1d #1 Caleb



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  • 2 months later...


> Hello ladies,

> I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I went to see my

peri on

> Friday, we had a GREAT appointment! The baby's weight is now

estimated to be

> 3lbs 9oz!!! DH and I were really thrilled by the weight gain! Also,

the baby

> is doing a lot of practice breathing, and all of the measurements


> exactly to my due date! The peri said that he is really comfortable

with the

> baby's progress at this point and feels that we are very safe now.

He is

> keeping me on the bed-rest and he is still hopeful that I will make

it to at

> least 35 weeks. It is hard to believe that we are so close now!

That morning

> that we were in the hospital with pre-term labor, we sure didn't

think I'd

> make it to 30 weeks!

> Well, I just thought I'd share my good news with everyone,

thanks for

> reading!

> Lyn

> 27, UD

> Preg w/#1 30w2d - on strict bed rest until this baby is born!



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You are doing fantastic! Thanks for sharing your great update. How

long have you been " resting " now? Over 6 weeks? (For some reason, I

keep thinking you were 23-24 weeks when your complications presented

themselves. Do you find yourself making " little " goals? For

instance, " I'll be thrilled to make it to 28 weeks " , but when you make

it to that point, feeling as if it isn't good enough? (My dh thought I

was a total nut, I'm sure :)).

Hope the rest of your " sentence " passes by quickly, but consists of

many more weeks.


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Congratulations!! I'm really glad to hear that your pregnancy is progressing

well especially after that frightening incident. I just eat up happy news.

Has anyone had trouble finding a RE? I am anxious to get an appt. so that I can

start figuring out my options for ttc again. Since you live fairly nearby

Lyn, would you mind sharing your RE's name (if so, please send me a pm)?

The RE in Albany hasn't sent me an application packet. I have to send that back

before I can make an appt! (I'll call and pester them today). Maybe I am too

impatient--it's only been 7 wks now since I lost my baby. I am a little nervous

about ttc again but I also really want to! I should probably squash wild

impulses until I gather more info.

I would love to hear stories from those with MA (I'm UD) and IC who suffered a

loss followed by success. Guess I feel a little desperate. I was told for

years that I would never have a child. I thought I was ok with that but

obviously that's NOT true! I absolutely ache over this.


Lyn Becker trueyankeefan@...> wrote:

Hello ladies,

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I went to see my peri on

Friday, we had a GREAT appointment! The baby's weight is now estimated to be

3lbs 9oz!!! DH and I were really thrilled by the weight gain! Also, the baby

is doing a lot of practice breathing, and all of the measurements calculate

exactly to my due date! The peri said that he is really comfortable with the

baby's progress at this point and feels that we are very safe now. He is

keeping me on the bed-rest and he is still hopeful that I will make it to at

least 35 weeks. It is hard to believe that we are so close now! That morning

that we were in the hospital with pre-term labor, we sure didn't think I'd

make it to 30 weeks!

Well, I just thought I'd share my good news with everyone, thanks for



27, UD

Preg w/#1 30w2d - on strict bed rest until this baby is born!

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