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Hi I am new to this group. a friend told me there were groups

on line to give support and answers question you might have.

I have a question Has anyone every had a mass found in their somach

while getting a sonogram of the gall bladder?? My Doctor told me last

week that he would not do the surgery untill after I had a CT scan and

maybe more test to find out what it is. I am so dissapointed. I thought

I was done taking test. my biggest problem is I don't have insurance to

pay for it. I am on workers comp. I was hurt July 1999 and the

insurance has given me so much run around that I went from 250lbs to

368 lbs.The longer I am on pain meds the more weight I gain..I am

trying not to give up hope but it is getting harder every day. Please

if anyone has had a mass found please let me know any thing you can

tell me. or if you know of any insurance that is lost cost worker comp

in california dosen't give raises not even cost of living so I have

been living off of $1,306.00 a month for all these years. THANK YOU ALL



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Welcome to the group , I hope everything turns out for you. I

don't want to scare you but that happened to me Nov. 2003. I was Dx

w/cancer. I went through alot. I did chemo and other forms of

treatments. I went into remisssion by the grace of God. I now have

what's called Barrett's Syndrome, it's pre-cancer cells in your

esophagus/stomach. Barrett's formed because of acid reflux not being

treated for so many years. Acid Reflux can do alot of damage. I have

to take meds for this the rest of my life. Another thing it could be

a hiatal hernia, I got one of them too. Try not to stress over it to

much until you get checked out, easier said than done, I know.

Whatever it may be, you'll be able to overcome it. Sherry


> Hi I am new to this group. a friend told me there were groups

> on line to give support and answers question you might have.


> I have a question Has anyone every had a mass found in their somach

> while getting a sonogram of the gall bladder?? My Doctor told me


> week that he would not do the surgery untill after I had a CT scan


> maybe more test to find out what it is. I am so dissapointed. I


> I was done taking test. my biggest problem is I don't have

insurance to

> pay for it. I am on workers comp. I was hurt July 1999 and the

> insurance has given me so much run around that I went from 250lbs


> 368 lbs.The longer I am on pain meds the more weight I gain..I am

> trying not to give up hope but it is getting harder every day.


> if anyone has had a mass found please let me know any thing you can

> tell me. or if you know of any insurance that is lost cost worker


> in california dosen't give raises not even cost of living so I have

> been living off of $1,306.00 a month for all these years. THANK YOU




> supergrand27



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