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Help for sore shoulder from massage

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OK, yesterday I had a massage. I have a chronic pain area around my right

shoulder blade up into the trapezius muscle on that side. So, the therapist

really worked on that area. It seemed like she loosened it up some. I had no

pain afterwards.

The problem is I lay on my right side in bed when I'm reading, so during the

night last night, the pain started and it's worse than I've had in years. I put

on Salonpas and took some tramadol and flexeril. That finally allowed me to get

some more sleep.

So, when you have a sore area like this from a massage, is heat or ice better

for it?

I'm doing some gentle stretches for it, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Suggestions please?

Jeanne in WI

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Jeanne, what you are saying reminds me of myself to a tee. My right shoulder

has been in pain for months. I have the exact same problem you describe with my

right shoulder blade and on my back... knots. My whole shoulder hurts and goes

into the collar bone and down my arm a ways. I have wondered " Is this fibro "

doing this? I suppose it is. It even seems swollen a bit at times. And when I

lay on that shoulder at night (in my sleep) ... I wake up with awful pain.

I might need a massage therapist or chiro for that too. I am sorry you have

this pain, but I am glad to know that maybe it is fibro and not something else.

love and hugs to you,

Debra V.

Subject: Help for sore shoulder from massage

To: " FM-WLS " FM-WLS >,

Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ,


Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 9:26 AM

OK, yesterday I had a massage. I have a chronic pain area around my right

shoulder blade up into the trapezius muscle on that side. So, the therapist

really worked on that area. It seemed like she loosened it up some. I had no

pain afterwards.

The problem is I lay on my right side in bed when I'm reading, so during the

night last night, the pain started and it's worse than I've had in years. I put

on Salonpas and took some tramadol and flexeril. That finally allowed me to get

some more sleep.

So, when you have a sore area like this from a massage, is heat or ice better

for it?

I'm doing some gentle stretches for it, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Suggestions please?

Jeanne in WI

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Hi Debra and Jeanne , I have the excact pain and symptoms, they finally just

diagnosed bilateral nerve impengment in both shoulders.

 It makes the fibro worse in that area.


 Diane http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/47.gif " >

Help for sore shoulder from massage

To: " FM-WLS " FM-WLS >,

Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ,


Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 9:26 AM

OK, yesterday I had a massage. I have a chronic pain area around my right

shoulder blade up into the trapezius muscle on that side. So, the therapist

really worked on that area. It seemed like she loosened it up some. I had no

pain afterwards.

The problem is I lay on my right side in bed when I'm reading, so during the

night last night, the pain started and it's worse than I've had in years. I put

on Salonpas and took some tramadol and flexeril. That finally allowed me to get

some more sleep.

So, when you have a sore area like this from a massage, is heat or ice better

for it?

I'm doing some gentle stretches for it, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Suggestions please?

Jeanne in WI

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Usually ice...I use family size bags of frozen peas and put one under

my head and one under my shoulder for awhile. Usually for heat, it

feels great while you're doing it but as soon as you take it off, at

least for me it tightens right back up. I do use those Thermal Wraps

for your neck/shoulder while I'm sleeping if it's super bad. I'll do

the ice at lunch and after work and then slap on one of those neck,

shoulder ones over the sore part on my shoulder and lay on it. I

still recommend ice - I've been thru a bunch of physical therapy on

my shoulder and the therapist said ice...



> OK, yesterday I had a massage. I have a chronic pain area around

my right shoulder blade up into the trapezius muscle on that side.

So, the therapist really worked on that area. It seemed like she

loosened it up some. I had no pain afterwards.


> The problem is I lay on my right side in bed when I'm reading, so

during the night last night, the pain started and it's worse than

I've had in years. I put on Salonpas and took some tramadol and

flexeril. That finally allowed me to get some more sleep.

> So, when you have a sore area like this from a massage, is heat or

ice better for it?

> I'm doing some gentle stretches for it, but it doesn't seem to be



> Suggestions please?

> Jeanne in WI



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How long ago was this massage? Some pain is normal in the healing process but


sounds excessive. Have you talked to the person who massaged you?

General rule I've been taught for muscle pain is ice promptly and plentifuly

for first 24

-48 hrs, then heat for however long it takes you to either have the pain reduce


comfortable or get yourself to a professional for healing.

Hope you feel better soon.


> >

> > OK, yesterday I had a massage. I have a chronic pain area around

> my right shoulder blade up into the trapezius muscle on that side.

> So, the therapist really worked on that area. It seemed like she

> loosened it up some. I had no pain afterwards.

> >

> > The problem is I lay on my right side in bed when I'm reading, so

> during the night last night, the pain started and it's worse than

> I've had in years. I put on Salonpas and took some tramadol and

> flexeril. That finally allowed me to get some more sleep.

> > So, when you have a sore area like this from a massage, is heat or

> ice better for it?

> > I'm doing some gentle stretches for it, but it doesn't seem to be

> helping.

> >

> > Suggestions please?

> > Jeanne in WI

> >

> >

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I never could get a massage. I ended up hurting worse than just being

left alone. But heat is recommended. Moist heat if you are able to do

this. It loosens up the muscles and joints. That is why most physical

therapy for fibro and joint problems are done in a heated pool.


> OK, yesterday I had a massage. I have a chronic pain area around my

right shoulder blade up into the trapezius muscle on that side. So,

the therapist really worked on that area. It seemed like she loosened

it up some. I had no pain afterwards.


> Suggestions please?

> Jeanne in WI



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