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To and /overdoing

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First of all, I am glad you got out of the house and enjoyed your

adventure in spite of falling. Sorry you fell. That would be no fun. But it

sounds like if not for that, you would have had a pretty good day. I know what

you mean about being in the house for too many days. I have done that before

and start to get a little depressed if I don't get out even if it is just to a

store or something. It must be so difficult for you. This illness just takes

us to the limits. , do you have another diagnosis also? I mean besides

the fibro? Just curious. It seems this illness acts alot like MS sometimes. I

even question weather or not I have MS.

, what a full day! I will bet you are still exhausted. Sounds like you

accomplished alot. I know what you mean about the dreaded job of cleaning out

the fridge. My hubby cleaned ours out yesterday. I had offered to but he did

it himself. (there is some good in that man though I want to strangle him at

times. LOL). , we don't have COSTCO here. Is it like a walmart???? Just

wondered because I have heard several people here mention Costco.

I would have had a good day if not for ending the day by choking on popcorn. It

scared the $hit out of me and my husband.

Hope the both of you are recovering from your adventures yesterday.

love and hugs (because we share this beast)...

Debra V.



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I have an L5 herniation for about 10 years now.

Even before the FM hit me really hard I typically could not walk more

than 30min without my toes dragging on the ground.

What I wouldn't give for a scooter.

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