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Re: swollen spots/tender spots

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I have several tender spots and each time my pain really flares up I

have a new one. I have a hard time wearing socks because of the

tenderness in my feet. As far as the swollen spot, I would have that

checked out just to be on the safe side. If it isn't anything ok,

but I would have it checked. I haven't had any swelling, just

extreme tenderness. I have a hard time taking showers sometimes

because it feels like the water is burning my skin off, no matter

what the temperature of the water is. Don't feel you are wasting the

doc's time, that is what they are there for, to check us out when we

think something is wrong.

Take care,


> Ok so my question of the day.

> I have had for as long as I remember, tender spots, just all the


> in specific places on my body. However, the last few weeks, my


> armpit has felt.. Not swollen precisely but.. Hard and enlarged


> extremely tender. Not quite like a swollen lymph node (spelling?


> late and a long day) but similar. At any rate, was wondering if


> has had anything like this. I am not sick, although i have been

> flaring. and doing my best to ignore it, and keep on with life,


> just keep it to a minimum. (baths, stretching, and taking motrin


> keep the pain minimal)..

> I considered seeing my PCM and asking about it, but if its just a

> swollen lymph node i dont want to bother him with it, since it is


> going to go away, or even if its just something that happens with

> fibro. So I thought I would check here to see if anyone has had

> anything similar before.

> Thanks everyone!


> -Nina





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> I considered seeing my PCM and asking about it, but if its just a

> swollen lymph node i dont want to bother him with it, since it is just

> going to go away, or even if its just something that happens with

> fibro. So I thought I would check here to see if anyone has had

> anything similar before.

You should take this to your doctor. He'll certainly be able to

judge better whether it will clear on its own or needs attending to.

It can certainly be nothing or it could be serious. We're not

doctors, and even if we were, well, hold your armpit up to the screen

so I can see it, willya? ;D ;D

" Bothering him with it " is not a good way to look at it. It's a

service for which he gets paid. If he's treating you like you're

bothering him, perhaps you need to go shopping for someone who treats

you with respect and takes you seriously.

Get thee to thy doctor! :)


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Hi Nina,

Is it a lump under your arm that is sore? Or is it lumps on your

arm that are sore? I'm way over weight and have lumps all over. Some

are hard and there are a lot of them. They hurt to touch. They are

mostly in my upper arms and thighs.

When i first started going to the doc with chest pain. I

laughingly told him my fat was rebelling and trying to get out. He

didn't laugh and said that I was sort of right. That the inflamation I

was having was possibly a combo of harded fat and tensed up muscles.

I'd have it checked just in case.



> Ok so my question of the day.

> I have had for as long as I remember, tender spots, just all the


> in specific places on my body. However, the last few weeks, my left

> armpit has felt.. Not swollen precisely but.. Hard and enlarged and

> extremely tender. Not quite like a swollen lymph node (spelling?

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I believe that people with fibro tend to get enlarged lymph nodes.  I believe

that this may play into the " virus theory " of fibro.  Who knows, maybe it is an

unidentified virus???  Of course that is thrown in with the theory of

" autoimmune " , " central nervous system " and " toxins " . 

Anyway, definately have that checked by a doctor.  Don't let it go.  It could be

something else going on rather than fibro.  I believe that most of us tend to

lay even new symptoms off to fibro and this can be dangerous to do.   However,

it is probably something simple.  So don't worry but get it checked.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Subject: Re: swollen spots/tender spots

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 12:22 PM

Hi Nina,

Is it a lump under your arm that is sore? Or is it lumps on your

arm that are sore? I'm way over weight and have lumps all over. Some

are hard and there are a lot of them. They hurt to touch. They are

mostly in my upper arms and thighs.

When i first started going to the doc with chest pain. I

laughingly told him my fat was rebelling and trying to get out. He

didn't laugh and said that I was sort of right. That the inflamation I

was having was possibly a combo of harded fat and tensed up muscles.

I'd have it checked just in case.



> Ok so my question of the day.

> I have had for as long as I remember, tender spots, just all the


> in specific places on my body. However, the last few weeks, my left

> armpit has felt.. Not swollen precisely but.. Hard and enlarged and

> extremely tender. Not quite like a swollen lymph node (spelling?



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Lol sure here hang on let me get my webcam. lol ;)

Nah my PCM is a good guy, after years of searching. Ive had years of

migraines prior to my fibro diagnosis, and years of doctors not

treating me seriously, or acting like i was " bothering them " . my

current doctor is actually one who has worked in the clinic I have

been seen in(military clinic, lots of doctors get rotated through),

but hes a civilian. He has seen me before i became his patient as a

same day patient for migraines and othe random things, and is a real

nice guy and a good doctor and after six years of migraines and

doctors hemming and hawing, is the one who said " I think theres

something more " and found the fibro, that feeling comes more from too

many years of ahving to go to doctors and hating having to schedule

appointments unless im in so much pain i cant stand it.

I am literaly the type that I will sit here throwing up from a

migraine, or unable to move from fibro pain, and my husband will have

to brow beat me to go to the ER if i dont have any pain meds. Which

thankfully rarely happens now cause i have a good team, but at the

beginning happened alot.

And if I do have to go in same-day for something, these days its much

easier because I can usually get in to see him and he knows my case,e

ven before i was considered one of his patients he knew who I was, and

never has any problem prescribing what i need. Its just a left over

dread from the days when I didnt have good doctors.

Im also not used to seeing them for anything thats not headache

related haha. Usually when i go in its " doc my head hurts. Yea, its

left sided today " . or " No,right sided today " .. this only hurts when

its contacted, its not agnozing so my mind is going " meh, you dont

need to spend hours at the doctor for it " (between drive time, check in

time, etc)

In the end I will cause its something weird , and weird lumps are

bad.. even if its just a swollen lymph node thats irritable and sore..

blah now i ahve to find a time where i can. Hubbys office is sending

him back to guam again. Hes navy, so the schedule is. " maybe this day,

no wait its that day, no wait you were supposed to go YESTERDAY! why

arent you there! "

so scheduling appnts should be fun..


thanx for your input all.




> > I considered seeing my PCM and asking about it, but if its just a

> > swollen lymph node i dont want to bother him with it, since it is

> just

> > going to go away, or even if its just something that happens with

> > fibro. So I thought I would check here to see if anyone has had

> > anything similar before.


> You should take this to your doctor. He'll certainly be able to

> judge better whether it will clear on its own or needs attending to.

> It can certainly be nothing or it could be serious. We're not

> doctors, and even if we were, well, hold your armpit up to the screen

> so I can see it, willya? ;D ;D


> " Bothering him with it " is not a good way to look at it. It's a

> service for which he gets paid. If he's treating you like you're

> bothering him, perhaps you need to go shopping for someone who treats

> you with respect and takes you seriously.


> Get thee to thy doctor! :)


> Z



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I'm late in replying, but I would certainly check with my pcp about that swollen

lymph node.

swollen spots/tender spots

Ok so my question of the day.

I have had for as long as I remember, tender spots, just all the time,

in specific places on my body. However, the last few weeks, my left

armpit has felt.. Not swollen precisely but.. Hard and enlarged and

extremely tender. Not quite like a swollen lymph node (spelling? its

late and a long day) but similar. At any rate, was wondering if anyone

has had anything like this. I am not sick, although i have been

flaring. and doing my best to ignore it, and keep on with life, and

just keep it to a minimum. (baths, stretching, and taking motrin to

keep the pain minimal)..

I considered seeing my PCM and asking about it, but if its just a

swollen lymph node i dont want to bother him with it, since it is just

going to go away, or even if its just something that happens with

fibro. So I thought I would check here to see if anyone has had

anything similar before.

Thanks everyone!


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